Sunday, September 11, 2011

Heb Run - A few decent deals!

I stopped into my HEB today to pick up some bananas and went ahead and walked the store for deals. Well, while there, I found the following:

Kens dressing is still 5 for $5 so free with 8-14 SS insert for $1 off any 8 or 9 oz

Meow mix cups are 3/$1 so just .33 for 4 with $1/4 insert 8-28 RP
*These coupons beep so if you use them, cashier needs to override and select taxable grocery to get the register to take them(they beep because the way they are coded, but clearly state good for $1 off 4 cups)

Nivea Woman's bodywash is $3.48 each
-$1 yellow B coupon
-$2 insert 7-31 RP
=.48 each
*Be sure to carry your HEB policy with you in case your store is unaware you can combine B yellow coupons with manufacturer coupons.

A few other B coupons I noticed:
If you were reading me back in July, you might recall signing up for this freebie I posted here.  You should have received this coupon by now for a free product.  Combine this coupon with the Heb yellow coupon and you can get a free Kyla and Carlos book by purchasing a Suave Professionals product.  Use your free homemailer and get BOTH FREE!

This Covergirl coupon for $1.25 any Covergirl Cosmetic is a B coupon.  Combine with $1/1 or $2.50/2 inserts from 9-11 SS or 8-28 P&G to get cheap or free items*

Notice how at my store, they have the mascara marked at $2 clearance so with the $1 coupon you could get free or small profit

Everyday price of single eye shadow is $2.24 so again free when you combine with manuf. coupons
*Keep in mind most Cover Girl coupons are coded 992 which ALWAYS beep at HEB so I suggest handing manufacturer coupons over first to show the yellow coupon is not causing the beep.  YMMV as to whether your store will understand and allow both coupons to be used.

There is also a $1 off any Maybelline New York Cosmetic B coupon.  There are several tearpads for cheap items or inserts for the more expensive stuff.

My store had a few lipsticks marked on clearance.
And finally I noticed a B coupon for $3 off Aleve or Bayer Advanced. The Aleve was priced at $6.78 with a $3 yellow coupon.  There is a $2 printable here to make them just $1.78 after both coupons.  Not bad if you use this product. (Aleve is hard to get free)

Don't understand my lingo? Go here.  
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.


erika said...

What HEB do you show at? At my HEB they none of these yellow coupons expect the suave :( thankz

Anonymous said...

Once again, the HEB stores here in north Austin do not have the same everyday low prices that you have in Houston! The CG eye shadows are $3.14 instead of your $2.24. When you got Revlon eye shadow for free, it didn't work for me...I would have had to pay something like .75, although I forgot the details since I couldn't do it. And I did check several stores for these. I wonder if the prices are any lower in south Austin or another part of Austin?! Jennifer

katycouponers said...

erika, I shop at multiple stores depending on my errands. This particular picture was taken at the Mission Bend store

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