Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Trading Forum - We Use Coupons

One of the questions I get asked a lot is how to get a hold of more coupons without actually having to purchase more papers. Trading is a GREAT way to achieve this. What I love about trading coupons is the potential to get a hold of some HOT coupons my region might not get. You should know by now some coupons are regionally, or that the values have regional differences. Well, there are some stores in other regions that have $1 doubles so those couponers are more than happy to trade their .50 coupons for your .75 coupons! WIN WIN!

We Use Coupons is now offering a trading forum(you do have to register but it is free). They claim they have a trader rating system similar to ebay so you can be assured the person you are trading with is a good trader.

I also noticed they have a raok(random act of kindness) forum and an actuals trading forum. You might want to check it out.


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