Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spreading too thin

On this rare post, I will actually show you my mug!
I want to apologize to my regulars.  As it seems I have spread myself too thin lately.  Preparing for the class wore me out, then the actually class came and that just exhausted me (as one participant shared in an anon survey, it was suggested I actually BREATHE while talking, lol)!

So here I am once again asking for your forgiveness!  It seems I am juggling too many balls, have to many cooks in the kitchen, have to many cylinders firing, have too many variables for the equation to have an answer: any way you want to define it, I just have not devoted my due diligence to my blog or shopping for that matter!
So, bear with me and I will post deals.  I am getting back into the groove of things and will post my usual crazy finds and deals as I slip back into my comfortable existence of that crazy lady that uses far too many coupons.
(and don't get used to seeing pics of me, I prefer to fade into the background :)


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