WOW! Tangled is still in theatres and Amazon is already taking preorders!
I went ahead and jumped on this deal because I know I am going to be buying this movie, hopefully the price will go lower, but I am still happy with getting the 4 disc combo for $21.99 shipped AND earned a $5 Amazon Video on demand credit.
Right now, Amazon has the Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy on preorder for $29.99. When you go to the product page, there is an $8 coupon in the center of the screen you need to "activate". Once you do this, you can do 1 click ordering and it will apply the $8 coupon to your order. If you join Amazon Mom or have Super Saver shipping, it will ship for free! Final cost will be $21.99 (or cheaper if price goes down between now and release date) AND since you ordered through 1 click ordering, you have the pre-order price guarantee (Amazon will charge you the cheapest price this set is offered up for from the time you place your order until the release date of the product! - YOU MUST go through 1 click ordering to get this guarantee per their terms and conditions)

I have received my confirmation of pre-order price guarantee and my $5 Amazon Video on Demand credit already. Yay!
*I just checked my DisneyMovieRewards account to enter my daily points, and they are offering pre-orders of the BluRay combo pack(3 disc, not 4) for $24.95 so I am really excited about this prebuy now!
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