As you can see, you will get 8 items free(a $17.85 value) just for purchasing a Spiral Sliced ham (I recommend the one with brown sugar glaze, yummy!) or for the non-ham fans, purchase Fully Cooked beef brisket or Boneless Beef Prime Rib Roast. Looks like a complete meal to me and you don't even have to remember to make Sun Tea since they throw tea in too! You have until April 6th to take advantage of this meal deal offer.
Now for the contest. One lucky reader will have a chance to win a $20 gift card! That should just about cover your Easter dinner. So what do you have to do to win? Well, first, you have to live in US(sorry International readers)
Then, do one or all of the following(leave a separate comment for each item you do as each comment is considered an entry):
1. Tell me your favorite memory or tradition of Easter/Passover.
2. Become a fan on my facebook page
3. Become a fan on twitter: catladyfour4_ZM and tweet this giveaway(must provide proof of tweet, limit 3 tweets per day)
Contest comments will close at midnight on March 31st and winner will be chosen after that time and if no contact information is provided upon entry, winner will have 24 hours to contact me or an alternate winner will be chosen.
Disclaimer: Winner will be selected via Random.org. $20 gift card is being supplied by HEB directly to the winner. I was not compensated in any way for this giveaway. Heb did not write any portion of this post nor were they given editing rights in any way. HEB was not given advanced viewing of this post prior to it being posted.
Good luck everyone!
My favorite memory of Easter is going to an Easter egg hunt at my church when I was about 5. I came home and hid the eggs in my room. They stayed in my room for days and started to rot. My dad had to take off work to figure out where the smell was coming from and found a stash of eggs in my room! :-)
I just became a fan on your Facebook page! Thanks for all your posts, I find out about great deals from your blog! BTW...I love HEB's ham too :)
Attending sunrise Mass with my dad!
One of my favorite Easter memories is hiding and hunting eggs. Mom would hide the eggs before church, then we would "hunt" after church. As the oldest learned about who the Easter Bunny was, it became a special secret we did not share with the "babies."
We all hunted eggs, through high school and after finding all the eggs, we would take turns hiding them for the others to find. It was just such a fun time spent with my siblings.
My fav memory is getting all dressed up & hunting for eggs in our backyard.
http://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/11051811547 @tcarolinep follower
FB fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie S.
My favorite memory of Easter is hunting eggs with DD1 when she was 3 at grandma's.
My favorite Easter memory was when I was younger all my family (both my Mom and Dad's side) got together and camped out the weekend of Easter. Then Easter morning our parents would put on a huge Easter egg hunt for all the kids. After wards, we'd all hang out, eat, and play games. It was awesome!! :)
I'm follow you on Twitter and tweeted! @jsalazar04
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Just became a fan on facebook! We too love HEB! Thanks!
My favorite easter memory/tradition was going down to the Fort Davis mountains with all our extended family in our new easter dresses, hats and baskets looking for eggs. We went for several years camping up there a few days early to get just the right spot! I wish we still lived near there to share with my son!
My favorite Easter memories are making our traditional bunny cake each years. The kids would get so excited and had a ball decorating Mr. Bunny. When it came time to eat him, noses were turned up at the thought of eating coconut. It was fun though and they still remember this tradition.
My favorite memory of Easter would have to be hiding eggs over and over. I have 2 sisters and we'd have hunts for at least a week. We'd take turns being the one to do the hiding for the other 2 to go hunt. I never did seem to find the golden egg. :(
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My favorite memory has always been the easter egg hunt. We used to stay up LATE to paint the eggs then hunt them at least 10 times throught the day. Love it!
hey! i grew up in corpus, too, and we're going home for easter! i love HEB hams and the pre-cooked briskets, too. my favorite eater memory is always getting godiva chocolate when my friends only got cheap, crappy chocolate! i may not have gotten as much candy, but it was definitely tastier!
My favorite tradition on Easter is to BUTT Easter eggs...It's a game passed down many, many years!!
Each person playing takes a decorated easter egg. partner up and tap the eggs tip to tip. the one that cracks is out...tip to tip...butt to butt...till only one tip and one butt are left...then they play the winner is the one with no crack...:)
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I just became a fan on your facebook, i've been receiving all your updates through emails so this is even better.
Shirley Curlee
My favorite easter was always going to my aunts house where we went to a park and hunted eggs. there must have been thousands as it was open to the whole community, but there were the Golden eggs that were impressive to me becuz we got prizes if we found them.
Shirley Curlee
favorite easter memory, happens every easter. Me, my sis, and stepdad take goofy pictures with our easter outfits on....they are always the one my mom frames...goofy i know!
My fav. Easter memory was always participating in the children's Easter play at church. One year I even got to be a caterpillar that turned into a butterfly at the end of the play! :o) haha
Came across your blog just the other day and became a fan on fb! Love finding good deals!
The Easter bunny would hide a few eggs in my yard each year, but sometimes he would use my mom's L'eggs pantyhose eggs and put extra big treats inside. I loved finding one of those!
My favorite Easter memory is getting the kids all dressed up in their Sunday best when they were little and seeing all the dyed stained hands to go with it.
PJ Dailey
I have become a fan on your Facebook.
My favorite memory of Easter is the Easter egg hunts at my church. Back then, my church was like a second home to me. It was really full of memories.
I've always been an artsy person, so my favorite memory is of spending hours making detailed, colorful eggs!
my favorite easter memory is having an uncle from England send us those yummy choclate bunnies with eggs hidden in their tummy, and toys inside the tummy!
LOVE your blog!
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When I was little my mum would make a new dress for me and my sister to wear to my Babas house for Easter lunch!
My favorite memory is have Egg Gravy made from the easter eggs for breakfast in the morning once we found them all.
marci6tx at msn dot com
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Well, I'm Jewish so I don't have too many Easter memories, but my family did let me go to my babysitter's house on Easter to get a basket from her family and sometimes my grandma would let me hunt for eggs!
Just became a fan!! And I'm from AR so never had HEBs until we moved to Katy but LOVE them!
My favorite memory from Easter is my parents always hid our Easter baskets and we had to find them every year and I always had so much fun scouring the house to find out basket filled with goodies and then to hunt Easter eggs!!
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ok, it's personal, but i started my period on easter sunday right before i turned 13.
My favorite tradition has to be the Easter dress. I loved twirling in them!
my favorite memory of Easter is watching my daughter hunt her Easter Eggs - plus the fun of finding that perfect Easter dress!
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3/26 tweet!
I love Easter because we are always with family, and end up having an Easter egg hunt, which is always great fun!
My favorite Easter memory is hunting for eggs with my little brother and our parents kept telling us to keep looking there had to be more eggs. Turns out our dog had eaten many of the eggs :o)
I like the Chocolate Bunnies!
my fave memory is hunting down the eggs in the backyard when I was a kid. my parents used to put money in the eggs! :0)
My favorite Easter Memory is waking up and the 'easter' bunny had notes all over the house leading us to where our Easter Basket was hidden.
I love getting my daughter Easter dresses and bonnets each year. It was something I always loved growing up.
I have a favorite memory of Easter was one year we went to Grandma and Grandpa's House in the country and hunting eggs there.
My favorite Easter Memory was making baskets for my kids while they were sleeping, and seeing their faces when they woke up to see them. .
My favorite memory is really more a tradition with lots of memories. My dad came from a large family and there were lots of cousins. We would meet up at our farm for a potluck lunch then all us kids would pile in the back of our Grandfather's truck and go for a ride through the pasture. While we were gone the grownups would hide our decorated eggs and one "golden" egg with change and maybe a dollar bill or two in it. The "golden" egg was courtesy of my aunt who wore L'eggs pantyhose back then. We always had such fun hunting eggs together! I miss that for my kids.
3/27 tweet
2 years ago we were in CA for Easter (we live in TX)& my kids dyed easter eggs with their great grandma. She had a blast & said she had never dyed eggs before.
tweet # 2 for 3/28
3/28 tweet
I don't really have any favorite memories of Easter. Not that they were bad but because my parents were not familiar with traditional American Easter celebrations. With that in mind, it's my goal to start some traditions with my husband and 2 yr olds so that in the future my children can reply to a similar question with more than "...I don't have any favorite Easter memories...". I'm loving reading all the ones here...food for thought! Thanks!
3/29 tweet
Became a fan on Facebook. Erica C
Fave Easter Memory- we would wake up early (like Christmas..lol) and go thru our baskets while my parents cooked a big b-fast for my bro and I. Then we would eat and go to church of course we were dressed to the nine's. :)
i remember hunting Easter egg's every year when i was little and I remember getting a new Easter dress too!
3/30 tweet!
3/31 tweet
I became a fan on your Facebook page.
My favorite Easter memories are of all my cousins & myself going to my grandparents house for a huge egg hunt. Then my grandma would make the best honey glazed ham EVER! Yummm....I can almost taste it now.
Also a Facebook fan :)
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shawn1davis New blog post: Last day to enter my $20 HEB Gift card giveaway: If you have not maxed out your entries, today is t... http://bit.ly/9jfAFi
less than 5 seconds ago via web
My favorite memory of Easter is waking up Easter morning and hunting for eggs that the Easter bunny has left hidden in the house. Now, my mom does a money hunt for my kids and they love it.
Tweeted! @jsalazar04
Enter to win a$20 HEB gift card! http://katycouponers.blogspot.com/2010/03/who-wants-to-win-20-heb-gift-card.html
My favorite Easter memory - is a community Easter Egg Hunt at the park - it was so much fun!!! And to this day all my nieces/nephews and son get together at grandmas house and we do a huge Easter Egg hunt at the park across the street from our house.
I Retweeted your giveaway. @GAchapis
My favorite memory is when all our family would get together at the park, cookout and play with the kids!
I also added myself as a fan on facebook! Thanks again.
Smoothiie1206 @yahoo .com
My favorite Easter memory was when I was a young kids and we had huge egg hunts at my Aunt & Uncles ranch. All of the extended family and little kids with tons of eggs. I'm 43 now and we don't do these anymore. I miss those things.
facebook fan!!!!
Following on Twitter....knight2boys
My favorite memory is sitting at the kitchen table with my children coloring the eggs the night before Easter. Also, my older son's birthday always falls near Easter and we would sometimes celebrate his birthday on Easter and I would make him a bunny cake. One time we put marshmallow peeps inside the batter only to find out that they completely melt and disappear when you bake the cake. :-)
Facebook fan
I am makeing new memories with my children now, but I loved being at the kitchen table covered with newspaper and tons of plastic cups. My sisters and I had a blast coloring eggs. We would use that clear crayon to send eachother messages. I miss that.
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