Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hey, Can you freeze that Do-Whopper!

I get so many comments asking this very question when I blog about a deal I just got a ton of. Can you freeze cream cheese? Can you freeze tortillas? Can you freeze guacamole? Can you freezer butter? Can you.........well, you get the idea.
The best way to find the answer to these questions is Google(ok Swagbucks might have the answers too and earn you some points, while at it, but I am a google NUT!)! I use it ALL the time to answer this very question.
An example of what I do:
Just today I got people asking if you can freeze tortillas, since right now HEB has that great deal going on for it. Well, since this is a store brand, I thought of a more popular brand to google, in my case, I chose Mission. Googled to get the Mission website and headed straight for their FAQ section. Lucky me! Scroll all the way to the bottom of their faq and what are the last two questions? Is it okay to freeze corn tortillas? Is it okay to freeze flour tortillas?
And, voila, my answer is yes, with a recommendation to thaw them in the fridge over a couple days rather than microwave thawing!

Hopefully having this knowledge will save you the time of having to wait around for me to get back online and answer this very important question. I know sales come and go quickly and getting an answer quickly is very important. Nothing worse than saving money stocking up on something you are just going to have to throw away. I know I can't always be strapped to my computer, and I don't currently have mobile internet, so if I'm shopping, I am not here to answer comments.

By the way, another cool guide I found while clicking around to make this post, can be found at this Freezing Guide PDF.


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