My dh and I have been looking for a deal on an internal hard drive lately. We have TONS of pictures I don't want to lose, and several other important things we really need to back up and my drive has been failing. Lucky for me, I follow SD on twitter and they just posted a deal on a 1 TB harddrive for $50.00 with FREE SHIPPING!
I went through Shopathome for 1.5% cash back and typed in NewEgg to get the website. Then when there, I typed in 1 TB Seagate ST31000528AS Barracuda and up popped this for $79.99 with free shipping. I added promo code EMCYTYZ44 and that brought the price down to $49.99! An AWESOME price for a 1 TB internal hard drive. Dh was a happy man.
WOW...I have an external but I was thinking today of getting another...just in case - I (like you) have tons of pics and files and I was gonna have to look for a deal. Now I won't have to look any longer!!! Thank you SO much for finding this!! Makes my day! :)
Is this deal for the external or internal harddrive. I'm only finding internal...
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB Hard Drive (OEM) for $39.99
At Tiger Direct Last Updated:06/02/10 07:01PM TigerDirect has the Seagate ST31000528AS Barracuda 7200.12 Hard Drive - 1TB, 7200 rpm, 32MB, SATA-3G, OEM for $69.99 - $30 Rebate [Exp. 06/18] = $39.99. Shipping is $4.96.
After $30 Rebate [Exp: 06/18]
I dont know how good you are with computers but make sure that your current PC can handle a SATA drive. If it is older than 3 years old I would definately double check. If you dont know what Im talking about let me know. I would be glad to help you out.
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