*Bumping this for any other entries (hint hint, I might be closing this blog post soon for entry #2, so if you have not entered yet, you better do it soon!)
Cellfire is offering me a $100 grocery gift card to give away to one of my lucky readers!
You already know how much I LOVE cellfire! I get a ton of freebies or really cheap goodies by loading their coupons and I hope my readers get the goodies too.
I already see that I definitely will be loading the Fiber One Yogurt coupon to my Randalls card (these are currently $2 at Randalls)
I also really like the Wheaties Fuel (these are currently $3.99 at Randalls) loadable for $1 and the .55 for Honey Nut Cheerios!
This is a month long contest and you will have 3 chances to enter. BUT, you will only get ONE entry per post. I will have 3 separate blog posts this month with a chance to enter. You can only enter ONCE on each of these 3 posts, so I guess you are gonna have to read me for the full month to get a chance for ALL 3 entries.
Ok, for this blog entry, I want you to tell me a funny story or a neat recipe you have for Wheaties Fuel or Fiber One yogurt.
If you post as anon and do not leave a name or contact information, your entry will be deleted. You will have until the next time I decide to post entry chance #2 to enter for chance #1. At that time, I will close the comments on this post and open up the comments for #2 (I told you, you better read me all month long, lol)
To start out I will share a funny story/recipe using Wheaties. Mine is not neccessarily for Wheaties Fuel because it didn't exist back when I was a kid. Anyway, my dad used to use Wheaties and peanut butter to bait is fishing lines and he actually would catch fish!!!!! Apparantly fish like the breakfast of champions too!
Don't forget to load all your cellfire coupons before heading out shopping! You never know what might be on the 50% rack that you can score cheap/free if you have those coupons loaded to your Safeway card.
I was shopping with my littlest one who was 2 (but also small for his size) and he was grabbing things out of the cart to hand to the cashier. She reaches over to help him with something heavy and he yells "I can do it by myself!" With all of his muscles he lifts the item on to the belt and the cashier says "He must have eaten his wheaties this morning!"
I said "Actually he did. He had that new Wheaties Fuel cereal this morning!"
I always joke around with my kiddo's about "eating their wheaties"...they both look at me like i am crazy and say "i still dont know what you are talking about"...guess i am getting old.
:o) Amy, Texas
Love the Vanilla Fiber One Yogurt for smoothies. Here's my recipe for a yummy smoothie: 1 Fiber One Yogurt, 1 banana, few frozen blueberries or strawberries, splash of orange juice and blend in my Magic Bullet. Tip: I often freeze bananas and let them thaw on the counter 30 min. when making a smoothie.
My son plays jr high football & every day I ask him if he ate his Wheaties this morning, even on days when I knew he ate something else for breakfast. At first he didn't know what I was talking about but now he knows I'm really asking him if he had a good breakfast this morning.
strawberry or strawberry/berry smoothie
put about 1 1/2 cups of fruit (strawberries sliced), 1 container of strawberry Fiber One yogurt and about 1/4 cup of orange juice/milk/water in your smoothie maker and pulse several times
crumple the wheaties and put them on top of cheesy potatoes!
We are big Texas A&M fans, and a few years back in College Station my dad found Wheaties boxes that had Kyle Field on them, and loved them. I think it also had some cute saying. He ended up buying several boxes and loved them. They are still sitting on the bookshelves at my parents house.
I love covering chicken strips with crushed up wheaties and baking in the oven
I haven't tried it yet, but I think Ina Garten's Lemon Yogurt Cake could be made delicious with flavored yogurt!
couponboss at gmail dot com
I love to crush up the Nature Valley Granola bars and sprinkle them on top of the Key Lime Fiber One Yogurt. It's the perfect cool snack in the heat of a Texas summer.
We are not a big wheaties family so we have used them for all sorts of things, like breading chicken, crust for cheesecakes, breadcrumbs for meatloaf....well you get the idea.
I add blueberries (fresh or frozen) to my Fiber one yogurt- vanilla. A Healthy dessert that satisfies my sweet craving.
ahouston_21 at yahoo dot com
When I was in 2nd grade, I was part of a bean bag relay race...and I lost badly. When I got into the stands to see my parents, I was crying and my mom could barely understand me saying..."See what happens when you don't buy Wheaties!" Everyone around got a kick out of it but I was still ticked that I didn't get a ribbon.
I ran outta funny a few weeks ago but hope I can still enter!!!
I've never had wheaties. Seriously, never. My mom bought us nasty crap like healthy o's growing up so right after I moved out I went right into fruity pebbles and other sugar bomb cereals. I had no time for Wheaties.
Also, Fiber one is horrid. I hate the aspartame taste.
One day I said to my son "You must have ate your Wheaties", he said "No O's"
I like to make my own granola by mixing wheaties,nuts, raisins, and maple syrup. Then bake. Then you can of course eat with milk or mix it in with your yogurt.
My mother used to make yogurt pies when I was growing up, using yogurt and cool whip in a graham cracker crust. Since the fiber one doesn't come in a larger container I'd have to use quite a few of the little tubs for a whole pie, but the cool whip would definitely help mask the aftertaste I've heard people complain about.
We don't really like Wheaties (except for my husband), so I looked up a recipe that I'm anxious to try after my Randall's trip today. These are Wheaties Squares (a spin off of wheaties cookies). They sound delicious!
it's not really funny, but it'a all i've got . . .i do remember growing up the saying that wheaties was the breakfast of champions, but what sticks in my mind even more, is a book i read that had a character eating wheeties with beer and THAT was breakfast of champions!
my son is a high school basketball player and he swears by his Wheeties. Eats them like they are going out of style - which I say will never happen. (zacnjac@yahoo.com)
My mom used to say if you don't eat your Wheaties I'll step on your feeties.
When I was growng up my family allowed each child to have one food that they didn't have to eat. Other than that, it was a requirement to eat ALL of whatever was put on your plate. Luckily I liked most everything except for cold cereal with milk on it. So that was the one item that I did not have to eat (my mother had been feeding us raisin bran with milk on it for years by then, and it would get so soggy, I literally gagged on it). So until I was 48 years old, I absolutely would not eat cold cereal. Then, I had a traning coach to help me lose weight and get in shape. For breakfast every moring I had to eat Wheaties with Yogurt on top. I absolutly loved it, and now eat all my cold cereal with yogurt on top. It's wonderful.
Not sure if this is funny or just cute. Yesterday I got a new book to read. Got comfortable on the couch to settle in for the read. One of my kitties comes up to cuddle with me...up around my neck. She was actually petting my chin at one point. DH comes by and asks the kitty, "Is mommie reading that story to you?" She actually said a little meow. We both cracked up. DH said, it must be a good book!
When my husband and I first started trying the Fiber One products, we had some serious problems...(ahem...of the bathroom variety if you catch my meaning). We have since adjusted. It made for some interesting situations and we can laugh looking back...although nothing was very funny at the time.
Well, we recently got A LOT of Fiber One Yogurt! And, my son LOVES it..... I didn't even think of him eating three cups in one day, and the impact it would have on a nearly 2 year old. Ummmmm....to say the least, the yogurts will last a bit longer in our house, as we now limit him to one a day (or every other day!) I prefer not to have a LEAKY YUCKY diaper!
I too am going to be stopping at Randalls to pick up the Wheaties Fuel--but it's the first time my kids will ever have tried it! There will be lots of "eat your wheaties" and chuckles next week :D
I love to crumble up the wheaties on put on mac and cheese and cheesy hash browns.
When I was 8 years old, way back in 1984, Mary Lou Retton won the gold medal for gymnastics. Her picture was on the Wheaties box and they had an offer that you could get a free Mary Lou poster if you sent in 5 UPC codes. My Mom made me eat all 5 boxes by myself before I could get the poster. I was SO sick of them, that I still haven't eaten Wheaties since then, but I think I might give the Wheaties Fuel a try.
When I make Smoothies I will sometimes add some Fiber One Yogurt. No real recipe I follow just a few glops in the blender along with the milk and fruit :)
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