I don't remember the day the Target coupon became available, but it was BEFORE their new coupon printing system where you can only print 2 coupons per computer. Anyway, Target had a $1 off any Swiss Miss 10 count cocoa coupon available. I printed and saved that coupon and I am soooooooo glad I did. Target has the Swiss Miss on rollback for $.97 and with the printable Target coupon it makes is FREE!!!!!!!
Hello I know this dosnt pertain to this, but I was wondering if you knew what happend to hip2saves blogspot all of a sudden it says this blog dosnt exsist. I dont know if you know of her, I just know i got your site off of hers at one point in time. Thanks.
I do not know that blogger personally, but did find this information. It seems blogger has flagged her as spam and she is working to resolve the issue. Go here for more details: http://hip2save.com/
Also, the above url I posted will direct you to her temporary blog home here: http://hip2saveisstillhere.blogspot.com/
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