I can't believe it has been almost 1 year that I have been blogging! Time sure does fly. Well, to kick off my Blogoversary celebration, I have a wonderful gift pack to give away to one of my readers. MyBlogSpark has generously provided me with the gift pack pictured above that includes all four (4) varieties of the Granola Nut Clusters along with a sling backpack, stainless steel water bottle, flashlight and binoculars!
If you have not tried these Nut Clusters yet you need to. I actually was hoping to hide them from my husband but he got home before me the day they came so he opened the box. He then proceeded to snack on one bag that night and ate the WHOLE thing! These are so yummy and I am a nut fiend. If you love nuts, you´ll enjoy this flavorful little snack featuring the perfect combination of sweet & salty flavors paired with a crunchy texture that you can see and taste. These come in a resealable bag, but you might not need that since you won't want to stop eating them.
So, how do you win this giveaway? Simple, do any/all of the following before Thursday 4 pm!
Leave a comment here telling me one of your favorite things about nature.(1 entry)
Subscribe to my blog and leave a comment(if you already subscribe, leave a comment to tell me- 1 -entry)
Follow me on twitter and leave a comment (1 entry)
Tweet: win a nature valley nut clusters gift pack http://bit.ly/10qjwm
and leave a comment with the url of your tweet(1 entry- 1 tweet per day)
Good luck and stay tuned for other giveaways for my blogoversary.
I would love to try these!
I am a subscriber.
My favorite thing about nature is the fresh air and beautiful surroundings.
I love looking out my back window and watching all the birds, and occasionally, if I'm lucky...a deer. So beautiful and serene. This time of year is amazing with all the color changes. Time to get out the camera and start capturing all that beauty.
I'm already subsribed, (and LOVE your site). ;)
My favorite thing about nature is about how calm & relaxed it makes me feel.
My favorite thing about nature = butterflies!
rcswope at comcast dot net
Twitter: http://twitter.com/freckletown
I'm a subscriber
Love being outdoors and exploring, hiking, fishing, etc. especially with my family.
I did try them and they are yummy!! I'd love to win some....
ha....and I could meet you and pick them up!! ;)
I'm also a subscriber.....
forgot to say my favorite thing about nature, is the colors!!!
my fave part of nature is watching the sunset! It is a great reminder of God's love for us!!
I'm a subscriber
i follow you on twitter (@MistyNewsome)
Oh how I would love to win these - my favorite thing about nature is the seasons - love each season for what it brings to all of us.
I am a happy subscriber.
I love to go camping with my husband.
I'm a subscriber
Following you on Twitter
Tweeted about the give away on love2scrapnstam
My favorite thing about nature is a good loud thunderstorm. :) They used to scare me to death; now I think they are calming. :)
I just subscribed! What a great givaway! I love the nut lovers nut clusters. :)
I follow your blog...and LOVE IT!! Plase add me to your contest!
One of my favorite things about nature is the sound of birds in the morning as I'm getting ready for the day.
Nature ... Nature ... Nature ... I thank you for the peace and tranquility I sometimes have the pleasure of experiencing ... the waves crashing on the shore ... the birds bringing in the dawn ... Nature ... Nature ... Nature
(FYI I am very dramatic as have toddler and baby screaming for last 15 mins ... :P )
Just spent the past few days in nature and my new favorite thing is Horseback riding. (for the first time ever at 48 yo).
I also already subscribe to your blog and love it!
I love the fresh clean air!
my favorite thing about nature is . . . squirrels!
i also subscribe.
now i follow you on twitter, too. can you tell i really, really want to maximize my chances of winning this, because i actually had to sign up for twitter to do this?!?
and i tweeted (twittered?), too:
my favorite thing about nature is the smell of the ocean first thing in the morning!!
The wonder and awe of Gods creations are what I enjoy about nature.
I am a subscriber.
My fav. thing about nature is the rain.
couponfreakat ymail dot com
I subscribe:)
couponfreakat ymail dot com
I follow:)
couponfreakat ymail dot com
I am already a subscriber! One of my fav things about nature is watching the shapes the clouds make.
I subscribe to your blog. It's fabulous!
My favorite thing about nature is the sound of the rain.
I love on Lake Superior and love the sound of the waves crashing on shore.
tweeted again.
Nice giveaway. I love these things. Addictive!
daily tweet entry:
I am now a subscriber of your blog.
My favorite part of nature would have to be the souds. Whether it be the wind, birds, or water... all very soothing.
I would love to try them. Thanks for a chance to win.
I forgot to say what I love about nature. I love stepping out on my deck to hear owls calling each other and coyotes howling.
My favorite thing about nature is it gets me outside. Good bribe to try and get people to subscribe, these clusters are really good.
I subscribed!
i love those darn things. i too, have been known to eat the whole bag in one sitting. they are very addictive.
one of my favorite things about nature is the changing of the colors of the leaves in the fall. i live in the mid-atlantic area where it can be really pretty in the fall.
srtasa at hotmail . com
i subscribe to your blog
srtasa at hotmail . com
i follow you on twitter
srtasa at hotmail . com
twitted at yourcoupons
Would love to try these.
I love trees, the way they can change colors and brighten up the horizon. The midwest has the best autumn colors.
I subscribe via email.
my favaroite thing about nature is the wonderful wildlife you can see.
I am a subsciber
I've tweeted on twitter: http://twitter.com/allsmiles422.
My favorite thing about nature is the smell of fresh cut grass, while mowing the lawn
tweeted about it!
love these clusters!
subscribed a while back!
The best thing about nature is getting away from all the go-go of the rat race and the city and being able to kick back and relax.
I would love this! Thx!
lexbyam at gmail dot com
I'm a feed subscriber :)
lexbyam at gmail dot com
I'm so glad you reminded us! I thought I had already entered.
Pick me...pick me!
I love Nature its so Beautiful !!!
I subscribed :)
I love that nature is so diverse.
I subscribe to your blog but with my yahoo.come email address (sclo....).
I follow you on Twitter (@cravingsavings)
Happy blogoversary!
I subscribe to your blog plus I follow your twitter. It is hard for me to find deals on my own so me and my boyfriend get so happy when you post a new blog with new great deals. We tried the nut clusters and loved them. Thanks for all you do.
I posted on facebook & twitter. Enter me Please!!!!!!!!
Misty Lou
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