Cellfire has added a few coupons since their last reset 2 weeks ago. Don't forget today is the last day to save the current set of coupons. If you load to your card, you will still have 2 weeks to use up the current offerings, in additon to being able to load the new set.
At Randalls, the loadable coupons still stack with like loadables. For example, there are a few $1/2 Pillsbury cookie loadables. If you purchase 2 packages of cookies, all the loadables for the cookies "should" come off (sometimes these ecoupons are unpredictable). At some stores you might be able to find some clearance cookies due to Easter being over, might make for FREE cookies YAY!
I personally load ALL the coupons to my Randalls card in hopes of getting a few duplicates and finding a deal, especially with the cereal. Randalls often puts cereal on sale for buy 4 boxes, get $4 off etc. and the cellfire are usually higher value then inserts. Randalls has their computers programmed way better than Kroger. While you cannot combine Ecoupons with paper, Randalls registers will not punish you for having a loadable. If you use a paper coupon on the items you have a loadable come off on, the loadable will just cancel off that transaction, allow you to use a higher value paper coupon, allowing you to decide the discount you would like.
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