ETA: Thanks to nimsey(reader comment), it appears these are 3 $5 coupons for 8.5lb+ cat food and 3 $5 coupons for 17.5lb+ dog food, for a total of 6 coupons(1 for june, 1 for july and 1 for aug). These appear to be pdf, so no coupon printer install required. Also, if you wish to order online, you can use the coupon code chillsjune09, chillsjuly09 and chillsaug09 at checkout.
It is 6 $5 coupons. 3 for cat and 3 for dog. You don't need special software to print. It is just a webpage. I was afraid to click on it as I don't have my printer hooked up on my laptop. But I was able to print to pdf so I can print later.
Thank you nimsey for the update. I also was scared to register in case it was an "install printer" issue.
Do you know if you can combine these coupons with manufacturer's coupons? I have some of the $8 and $5 Science Diet coupons directly from Hills.
If you can use both along with the $/$$ coupons that PetCo has sometimes then this could be a smokin' hot deal on dog food!
Cute- I called to inquire about that same thing and either petco has a terrible coupon policy or the rep was sadly misinformed. I was told Petco policy is you can use 1 coupon PERIOD per transaction, regardless of how many items you buy or brands you buy. I plan on checking pricing at Petsmart as I know they take competitor coupons and will let me use both. HTH
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