This post is not going to be a play by play because I need to get dinner on the table and bathe the kids, but I wanted to tell you some of the deals I was able to get today at Randalls (some end tonight)
Totinos pizza rolls .99 with in ad coupon(Sunday paper insert one) - 2 .40 cellfire - .40 sc - 2 .35 insert (1 tripled) = -.62
Glad storage bags $2.49 each - 2 $2 cellfire - $2/2 MDA booklet coupon = -$1.02
6 yogurt cups .50 each - .40 cellfire -2 .40 sc - .35 sc - .50 loadable? - .40/6 IP =.15
Bush refried beans $1.09* - .20 MDA booklet coupon = .49 (these were marked .89 but I didn't have time to go to service desk for scan right guarantee)
2 Pillsbury grands .99 with in ad coupon(sunday one) - .30 cellfire - -.30 sc - .40 loadable? - .40/2 IP = .18
Huggies Wipes $2.79 - $2 Randalls loadable - .50 insert = -.21
Safeway wheat bread $1.25 - $1 Sandwich booklet coupon(found on meat counter) = .25
Hostess mini muffins(forgot to picture) $1.99 with in ad coupon - $1 Randalls loadable - $1 Randalls IP = -.01
Blue Diamond almond milk $3.29 - $1 insert = $2.29
1 Quaker squares $1.99 - $1 tearpad = .99
I earned $3 oynso for buying the Almond milk and any box of cereal
*alright dh is kicking me off the computer for dinner, will do the links and the rest later, sorry guys I did this run on my way home
Curious... where did you find the .35 coupon for the Pizza Rolls?
So happy to see you posting your Randall's trips again! They give me such great ideas.
8-8 GM insert
Where did you find the Randall's IP for for the Hostees donuts?
The Hostess came from the coupons link I posted.
Oh, that makes sense. For some reason I must have overlooked the GM insert in my paper. I keep seeing deals involving those coupons and I don't have 'em. GRRR!! LOL By the way, I've never really noticed the IP coupons either until you mentioned them. I bought the donuts yesterday and saved an extra $1 because of your post! Thanks so much for all you do -- I love your blog! :D
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