This promo goes from 9/1/10 - 10/5/10. Get 70 bonus box tops + $5 off your next shopping order catalinas when you buy any 10 Box Top for Education products. Purchases must be made in one shopping visit between 9/1/10 and 10/5/10. Box top certificate will print at register.
We might want to start checking prices and coupons for this even. Might be potential for free/cheap yogurt as I see they picture single cups of Yoplait.
Mark your calendar f
Hmmmm... it would be great to know if they include the single Yoplait cups, as we go through a lot of that. :) Thanks for the heads up.
I went to the new HEB in Katy earlier and saw that some Kelloggs cereals were on sale 4 for $6 and they had yellow coupons taped to them for $1 off of one. Not a bad deal, but it would be better if they would combine that with IP for $1.50 off of 2. Also, they had EAS Myoplex protein shakes for $8.97 with a mfc for $4.00/1 and get a free 8 pack of HEB quench (gatorade). Not free, but still a decent deal for that type of product in my opinion. The cashier gave me a little grief for using both coupons but she said she would take both if they didn't beep. They both worked for the drinks but not the cereal. The annoying thing is that they had the two coupons taped to the EAS product so in my mind I would think they are telling you to use both. Just wanted to share that with you! :)
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