Well, it looks like Randalls stores have updated their coupon policy and MOST of it appears to be in couponers' favor! Check it out here and be sure to keep a printed copy with you while shopping. For those that shop TT, use this link and those that shop Safeway banner, use this link (They are all the same policy, but each has the unique web address to the store, which should help at those less than pleasant couponing stores)
I personally like number 8, 9, 16 and 26(I thought rainchecks were valid for only 30 days so this was GREAT news)
Also notice how it states: The current policy will be posted at the customer service area in each store. That again, should help us with stores that try making up their own rules.
Edit to add: I just went to pick up some milk today and used 3 RR and they took them no problem! This is gonna be FUN!
I was wondering do you know if Randalls has a limit to how many of the same coupon they will double? I don't think I saw that and I was curious. Like Kroger's is 3, do you know if Randalls has one? Thank you!
Most Randalls stores will only double/triple one like coupon
I like the idea of using a manufacturer cat from another store at Randalls. Thank for the info.
i only wish it addressed the use of a coupon on an item reduced for quick sale (red stickers). the store i generally shop at sometimes will take coupons on reduced items, and sometimes not. i had the store director tell me last week that i couldn't use a coupon because the item was already reduced and they don't get reimbursed for doubling the coupon. um, yeah. they never do. and the item is reduced because they need to sell it quick due to expiration date and/or damaged packaging and/or they just can't sell the thing!
If I'm not mistaken, I didn't read anything about internet printed coupons not valid if they are worth more than half the value of the item they are being used on. This used to be on their coupon policy.
Anon, yes, I didn't see that either :)
YAY about the Cats from other stores! I always fold mine in half because they won't fit nicely in my binder if not. I get so excited when I see there's a Cat for a product while I'm in the store... then I flip the darn thing over and it's for Kroger or HEB.
I see they have a copy of a veri-fi coupon... meaning cashiers will assume they can only accept those and not others such as SS coupons. I've heard it before...
no. 18 says that ip have to have a serial no. pdf qs don't have a serial no. will they still take them.
ZM - can you please tell me which randall's you used your RR at without problem?
So what do you think about Walgreens RRs? They are manufactures coupons. Do you think they'll take those? I think its the equivalent of an OYNSO. Coupon.
Anons, yes I used Register Rewards and they took them no issues. This was at the NT in Sugar Land
I used RR at the FM 529 and HWY 6 in Houston with no problem.
almost got confused ... then saw the Stacking Qs policy was for Hawaii only. Bad for Hawaii, good for me to be able to use both paper and electronic still! right???
Wish they'd say some of these things "out-right" for us folks that think too much and get confused!
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