Cellfire is going to be offering an awesome coupon opportunity at 3 pm Pacific time today(5 pm Central). Just log in using this link and see what they have to offer. The special coupon will only be available from 3 pm until they reach their cap. You should be able to load a coupon to your Kroger card for money off your next shopping order at Kroger(up to $10!!!!!!)
Definitely want to set your alarm to be at your computer when this goes live! Good luck and let me know what you get!
I was there 15 minutes early and kept trying to get a coupon for 30 minutes never got one. Cellfire likes to play with my emotions LOL what a tease ;)
Did anyone get anything?
They are having site issues and are hoping things will be back up and running soon. :( You can keep track of their updates on twitter.
Nothing even came up for me to get at 5pm. Hmmm.
I got nothing :(
I got $1.00 off
I got $1.00
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