These items are part of the buy 8 get $4 off (you don't have to buy in groups of 8, you just have to buy AT LEAST 8 and the .50 comes off each item- price listed is the AFTER promo price):
1 Chex Mix $1.49 - .50 cellfire - .50 IP = -.01
2 Betty Crocker fruit snacks $1.49 each - .50 cellfire - 2 .50 shortcuts - free wyb 3 GM cereals peelie(took off 1.99) = -.51
1 Nature Valley Granola bars $1.99 - .50 cellfire - .40 shortcuts - .50 IP = .09 (box also had a coupon for a free reusable bag to cut out and get at Randalls :)
1 Cheerios $1.49 - .55 shortcuts - .50 insert 5-9SS = -.06
1 Honey Nut Cheerios $1.99 - .55 cellfire - .55 shortcuts - .55 IP = .34
1 Trix cereal $1.49 - .55 cellfire - .55 shortcuts = .39
1 Kix Cereal $1.99 - .55 cellfire - $1.50/2 IP(no longer available) = -.06
1 Nature Valley Nut Clusters $1.99 - $1 cellfire - $1 IP = -.01
1 Betty Crocker Warm Delights $1.49 - .50 cellfire - .50 shortcuts - $.50 IP = -.51
6 Ozarka Sparkling water .49 each - bogo insert 5-16 RP?(took off $1 on 2 and $1.09 on one) = -.15
1 Cheetos Giant $1.49 - .50 peelie = .49
15 *Yakisoba .49 each - $1/2 insert 5-16 SS = -.65 (I purchased 16, but my receipt only reflects 15- last coupon DID beep)
1 Sunsweet mixed antioxident fruits $2.99 - free homemailer(took off 3.49) = -.50
5 Chinet Plates $2 - $1 peelies = $5
1 Kraft dressing $1.49 - $1 (50% off sticker took off based on $1.99 BEFORE promo price) - .35 peelie = -.56
Not part of $4 off 8 promo:
5 Chinet cups $1.99 each (if you buy 3 or more) - free peelies wyb any other Chinet product, each auto took off $3) = -5.05
2 Lucerne cheddar cheese blocks $3.99 each - $2 each for 50% stickers - $1/2 from Dairy book = $2.98
1 O Organic milk $4.99
1 Halls sticks reduced .62 - .50 tearpad(adjusted to cost) = FREE
1 Ovaltine $3.99 - $2 and $1 loadable - $1 IP = -.01 ($2 loadable no longer available)
-$5/50 grocery coupon from Entertainment book
Tax: -.36
Cost oop: .81
is the yakisoba on sale for $0.49?? or is it going to stay at this price? my husband really likes it and weve been out for awhile and Id love to get some Qs for them at this price!
Amanda, this was a sale price, but according to the tag, it is on sale through early Aug. (just be warned unadvertised prices CAN change!)
How or where do you sign up for the free homemailer?
Thanks for the Yakisoba tip. Got 24 today. I love that stuff. :)
Are the shortcut and cellfire ecoupons limited to one use only? I've used the Cheerios one and it still shows on my shortcuts account so I was just wondering.
Thanks so much for the heads up about the Safeway deals I ran out tonight and spent $8.16 and saved $72.77 (90% savings)!
I was also wondering about the home mailer. I have heard several blogs talk about them. I never get any from Kroger or Tom Thumb...only Target.
Also the Lactaid milk that I bought for $1.79 (with e coupon and printable) must have prompted a FREE Smart Balance Milk catalina. So an even better deal!
Thanks for the info. I went out last night & duplicated your order almost exactly. However, I was charged $2.49 for the HN Cheerios & I must have picked up the wrong Ozarka waters because they rang up .92...?
I'm always amazed on how much you get for so little $
I was just looking at the Houston Randalls ad and noticed they have Bullseye BBQ 18oz select varieties for .99 after you buy 8 save $4.00.
If the "regional" flavors are included I found 2 different $1.00 off 1 coupon links. These coupons are supposed to only be good on the "regional" flavors.
direct "bricks" coupon link
I also did a search for bullseye bbq coupon and found a link at the following blog...
direct "bricks" coupon link...
I was able to print out 4 per computer. I hope the "regional" flavor is included in the sale at my local Randalls in Houston, and if so, that the coupon doesn't beep and is a smooth transaction.
Plus, I have a coupon for a free bottle from the recent Facebook Kraft package.
We next to never use BBQ sauce so this will be another fun thing to pack up with my preschooler and take to donate.
You did great! I have a questions, how do you manage to make your oop so low when the $ amount took off for varies items are not what's expected? eg, the BOGO amount on Orzaka are unpredictable. What's the best way to make sure you don't go negative when you calculate everything to be right amount then some coupon took off more than expected? Or do you have a way to predict how much those coupons would take off ahead of time? Thanks!
Thanks for the heads up. I went today and got some ozarka water and cereal and 2 yakisoba noodles. All cpns beeped except for the cereal. The cashier inputted everything. I was scanning my credit card to pay when cashier put everything on hold stating that the oop cannot be so low and that there is something wrong. She put a hold and then had to look through the receipt carefully. I explained about the buy 8 and get $4 off to her, which would have deducted the $4 off at the end. She kept on turning her head, reading the receipt over and over. There was a line starting to form. Then she finally reluctantly decided that I could go. The person behind me kept on asking how I did it. The cashier said something about choosing the products to buy and using coupons...but she did not seem happy with my savings.
Hi Stephanie,
Had a great run at Randall's and wanted to thank you for the post.
I didn't see any peelies for the BOGO Chinet. Did you find these at Randall's or another store?
I also love the yakisoba noodles. I add frozen edamame, leftover chicken or leftover sliced steak. This is always a very satisfing lunch. I also only use half the packet of seasoning to help lower the sodium, still very delicious.
Keep posting and I'll keep reading.
Thanks so Much,
Heather, I sign up for homemailers at the manuf websites and through Vocalpoint and house party.
Wylene, yes loadables are single use
Anon, I am usually pretty confident about what is going to come off on a coupon just from doing this long enough. A few times I have been caught off guard and would have gone negative, so now I don't always hand all my coupons over at once. I give them in groups, so I can always pocket them if I think I am going to go negative(not the best method since you miss out on overage, but sometimes you gotta do it!)
Tammy, yes I found the peelies at Randalls and purchased those packages. They were on the plates
Thanks for the respond regarding how to prevent going negative. Holding onto some of the coupons and handing out depending on balance is a great idea. As you said could be missing out on some overages. Currently I will go to the checkout line with an item enough to put me over the possible overage that I am uncertain of. Other times I will just wait until after you post so I will know how much certain coupons will take off :D Thank you for your postings.
FYI: I think the Yakisoba noodles are not on sale anymore. I was only able to buy 2 the other day since the stores I went to were all sold out... Went today.... The yakisoba noodles are listed as being "on sale" til August, but are $1.00 each. I had the product scanned at register and it was the sale price of $1.00. Hope it will go really on sale again soon....
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