I LOVE the BEE!!!!! The Honey Nut Cheerios Bee that is! I love love love Honey Nut Cheerios! My husband...........well, lets just say he was raised on the "OTHER" cereal!
That is right, he was raised on CHEERIOS (the YELLOW BOX) *insert your GASP! here.
So, we remain a divided household! Our girls are now 6 and 3.5 and guess what?! The debate continues......our oldest loves the yellow box and the little one cannot get enough of the BEE(mommy's little girl).
Anyway, I was SUPER excited that cellfire offered up a Honey Nut Cheerios coupon for .55! This is the ONE cereal I love actually eating and I was happy to have a loadable to get it cheap at Randalls (see my Randalls post below to see how I made this work for me!)
Ok, so if you have followed me this far, guess what?????? This is chance #2 at my giveaway for a $100 giftcard to the grocery store of your choosing!
I have closed the chances at entry #1 so EVERYONE is invited to chance #2 (YES that means EVERYONE that entered chance #1 too!). One entry on THIS post per person. If you don't have a google account and post as anon, I need some kind of identifier or your post will NOT be approved(thus making your entry void)
So what do I ask? Simple, is your house Yellow(plain cheerios), Gold (Honey Nut Cheerios) or Divided (as is mine!)
This post will be open for entries until I decide to make my #3 chance to enter my little contest, and this 2 will come to an end! Enter while you have the chance (trust me, I took MANY years of statistics and it is to your advantage to enter EVERY chance you get :)
Our household is GOLD!!! I will eat the yellow box if I have to, but I prefer HONEY NUT!!
Definitely Honey Nut here!
Honey Nut here.
they eat what I buy :D and I buy both because I like both!!!
This is an easy answer, BEE all the way!! I LOVE honey nut Cheerios, and so does everyone else in my house, so I feel really ripped off when I buy a cereal I actually like, and spend the time to go out and buy it and the husband eats it ALL within sometimes a day!
Cheerios smell like pee, my kids love them and all I smell is pee.
Hubster and I prefer hn cheerios.
Honey nut all the way...YAY!!
The Honey Nut Cheerios!! I love that BEE, too! We all love it here..
Gold is the best. My husband adds extra honey to his bowl. I do like the yellow if I add fruit to it.
I like both and so does my family. My boys would eat anything sweet so if I asked them they would say Honey Nut Cheerios. We are big cereal eaters at my house. I try to mix them so I can cut down on the sugar content.
we're a honey nut household, probably because DH will only eat All Bran, which takes him out of the equation ;-)
I like Honey Nut and Apple Cinnamon... so does Mom... I don't remember what Dad likes - probably plain but I think he used to eat whichever we had... I think my husband would eat either one but I don't remember which he prefers; mostly because he doesn't eat breakfast. :P I don't eat Cheerios of any kind anymore because it's too hard on the roof of my mouth. :/
Thanks for the fun give-away. :)
Our house is definitely gold!
Our house is divided on Cheerios as well as many other things. I love the Bee...DH doesn't. He likes plain or overly sweet cereal.Oh well.
I'm a Honey Nut lover as well...my husband not so much.
Honey Nut. Did you know that if you take a dog biscuit and bite a litle off, it tastes exactly like the Yellow Cheerios? I discovered this when I was about five, hate the yellow cheerios and love the Gold. No one else in my house will eat any Cheerios, so we're divided, between Gold and None.
Our answer is whatever we can get free or cheap at Randalls!! Haha!! Well, I guess we prefer the Bee. We do have sweet teeth. :)
Rebecca Larsen
our household is divided. it's BEE for me :)
Honey Nut all the way here even with all four kids!
Our house is strange...honey nut to sweet but the yellow box not sweet enough. Solution: husband takes big container and mixes them. Then eats from the container haha. So, I always buy both! :)
Cindy Callihan
We are definitely a "gold" house here!!! Yummmmmmo!
My husband and I don't eat either but our two dogs LOVE the yellow box!
Everyone LOVES the bee in my house!! I only get the yellow box when it's free and STILL it will just sit there. I usually end up donating to food bank =(
Someone made a suggestion that I may try ...mixing them together!we'll see if they'll eat it without noticing (shhh!)
We're a bee family!
I'll have to go with the "gold" - good old reliable!!!
I am a BEE all the way, but the rest of the house is YELLOW! My mom and brothers will all eat my BEE with me but my other half and both kids anre Yellow box eaters all the way.
I am deffinately a Honey Nut girl!!!
It is Divided. My daughter & I love the honey nut cheerios and my husband loves the plain yellow cheerios.
ahouston_21 at yahoo dot com
LOVE Honey Nut!!!
Honey Nut Cheerios! The yellow box was great as a child, but not as an adult who has taste buds that demand flavor.
We all like Honey nut!
Is there even another kind other than Honey Nut?!
Oh why do I have to choose, I love them both...but if I have to pick one, it will be the yellow box! dmatthews38751 at yahoo dot com
Yellow! Makes me feel healthy when I eat them...although my husband prefers the new chocolate cheerios.
I love both of them but my honey only loves the plain ones. He has to add sugar so go figure.
Melinda Bliler
def. honey nut....mmm i want a bowl now!
Honey Nut all the way! I even eat it dry out of a ziploc bag. :)
We are a GOLD box family all the way!!! I love it with a banana sliced up in it.
I prefer HONEY NUT!!!
Gold (Honey Nut Cheerios)
Our household is divided. I will eat the yellow box, but only with a bit of honey poured on top.
My daughter and I like the plain yellow box Cheerios...My son won't eat any of the them.
We like both here. Just whatever is onsale.
My kids like the honey nut but I like the regular. I usually make them mix it half and half so it isn't as sweet. If I'm not standing there they don't listen and do it their way.
Honeynut of course. I have no problem eating from the yellow box if it is cheap or free just add my own honey. The first time I read this post I had to go and have a bowl of honeynut for bedtime snack, Thanks
We are a GOLD house!!! :)
We are a divided house. I love Honey Nut. Thanks
Honey Nut!
yellow box since I was a kid and I still love them. couponcrazytxgirl@sbcglobal.net
GOLD!!! :)
We love all the Cheerios, yellow box. Honey Nut and especially multi-grain. Have not tried chocolate yet but I am certain that will be a winner too.
Honey Nut for me!
Our house is divided...at least it's just about cheerios. :)
kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com
My house is set on the Honey Nut! I love those! I will eat either, but prefer honey nut! Yum!
I prefer the Honey Nut but will eat either one that I can get for free! Lol!
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