Ok! Time for me to admit something to my readers! I am a BLOOD DONOR! Yay!
I know this is WONDERFUL news as so MANY are always in need(OMG, have you driven in HOUSTON traffic :0)
I have a confession though! I didn't start donating just because (I know SHAME ON ME!) I was a college student when I started and I have to admit I did it for the free t-shirt and the free Chick Fil A sandwich!
Well, I still donate (when they let me - I am "slightly" anemic!) While, they do not always offer free t-shirts or Chick-fil-A sandwiches, I do still try to donate on a fairly regular basis. Lucky for me, there is a blood center close to my work, so if I cannot donate during a blood drive at my work(because of my cycle), I do try to make an appointment to donate!
For those of you in the Houston area, you should check out the Gulf Coast Regional Blood banks website! They have GREAT info about a program called "Commit for Life"
I am actually a member of Commit for Life, but have lapsed in my donations as I signed up between kids and with being pregnant and breastfeeding, I was not elgible for a LONG time to donate. Luckily for me (and many in need of blood) I am elgible again(as long as my iron count stays HIGH) and I can help my local community! What is even better, is that I can earn points for my blood donations. I can use these points to earn rewards or even donate them back to my community.
One of the rewards that recently became available is a $15 Gift Card to Kroger stores!
Commit for Life donors who successfully complete two donations or a single double red cell donation between May 1st and August 31st 2010 will be elgible to order a $15 Kroger Gift Card from the Commit For Life Store, using 200 Commit For Life store points as a handling fee! (you earn 100 points per donation, 100 bonus for your FIRST Commit For Life Donation, and 100 extra for scheduling you appointment at least 24 hours ahead of time!)
WOW!!!!! So you can easily earn the 200 points for the $15 gift card for your 2 donations, but you can earn so much more than that by scheduling your appointments(and actually KEEPING them) and by signing up! (read more about commmit for life here)
What do you have to lose??????? Blood???? Well, what is GREAT about the human body is that it can replenish that blood in 8 weeks (just 2 months!!!!!) and if you watch the news (or those medical dramas) you know how much blood is ALWAYS in demand!!!!!!)
Please consider doing your part! For now, blood is ONE commodity we cannot "create" artificially.
Disclosure: I was NOT compensated in ANY way for this blog post. This is a post to hopefully encourage readers to open their veins for those in need :)
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