I was happy to go to my favorite Walgreens and see they still had Nivea bodywash in stock(I stopped at 3 stores yesterday on the way to the bookstore and they were all already sold out)
Anyway, did 3 transactions
Tran #1:
Heinz Vinegar $2.19 (filler and dh uses it to clean his coffee pot)
1 Listerine $5.99 - $3 in ad coupon - $2 IP(use zip 44142) = .99
1 Schick razor $7.99 - $4 insert 6-13 = $3.99
-$10 RR from Neutrogena deal
Cost oop .16
Earned $4 RR back for the razor
and I can use the receipt for the Listerine $10 rebate(READ this is while supplies last so get that sucker in FAST!) or the Schick razor try me free for purchase price (obviouslyI will do the Listerine, but I have other receipts with the Schick and I will try to find the highest ring up price to mail in for that one)
Trans #2:
3 Neutrogena lip balms $2.99 each - $1.50 booklet coupons(from Safeway) = $4.47
1 Laser cat pointer(filler -the new kitten LOVES this new toy) $1.29
-$5 RR from prior Gillette razor deal
Cost oop: .82 (.06 tax)
Earned $10 for Neutrogena
Trans #3:
1 Nivea bodywash $5.99 - $3 insert = 2.99
1 Laser cat pointer(so the girls wouldn't fight over one!- not pictured) $1.29
-$4 RR from trans #1
Cost oop: .30 (.02 tax)
Earned $6 for the bodywash
So final tally
Cost: 10.16 + 5.82 + 4.30 + .44 stamp = $20.72
Receive: $4 + $10 rebate + $10 + $ 6 = $30
Profit of ~ $10 (or close to free if I don't get the Listerine rebate)
Thanks goes to hip2save for the info on the Listerine rebate.
*you can purchase any 3 Neutrogena products to get the $10 RR and we just got $1 coupons so other scenarios can still be money makers
Gillette razor is also still on sale with RR attached making it under $1 (new proglide) with P&G insert coupon
I went to 2 stores and got 3 lip moisturizers at each store, the second store they rang up at $2.19.. I was also able to use the $2 off facial moisturizer coupons, since lips are on your face. both stores accepted them. they did not beep, and one was okayed by the manager. great money maker!
which wags did you find the listerine for 5.99? I've only found it for 6.49 and 6.99. thanks.
I found it in Sugar land off Hwy 6
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