Just got my latest email from the Mermaid Club and if you LIKE Chicken of the Sea on Facebook, you will have the opportunity to print a $1 coupon (twice) off any of their products. This should net you free tuna(no pun intended) during a sale at Kroger or Safeway.
This is FREE + $.11 moneymaker at WAGS this week with in-store ad ($.89 each)!
Also, I scored $.75 Premium Hot dogs at HEB today in Austin, TX (on sale, not clearance)...not sure if it's at all stores or not, but after the $1/2 coupons, it was a great deal! Go here to see more...www.hookedonbargains.blogspot.com!
This is FREE at Randall's today for $.89 too, part of the Buy 8 Save $4 sale that ends today! I went and got 2 for free along with other goodies! You can see pic on my blog!! Yay!
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