Since I was going anyway, decided to take advantage of a couple more sales deals going on.
One is the Suave deodorant. They are just $1.25 if you buy at least 4 in one transaction. Combining that with the $1.25/1 and $3/2 IPs nets free and profit deodorants.
Another is the Colgate toothpaste. I had $.75 insert coupons expiring tonight and found they were $1 if you bought at least three in a transaction. Coupling that coupon with the $1 Randalls booklet coupon made each a .75 profit
I also found $3/3 store coupon peelies for coke and they were $3.33 each if you bought at least 3 together. I had $1/2 peelies I had from before and scored a great deal on those too.
I think I faired rather well. I didn't give my Randalls coupon until after everything was scanned(got distracted) and my total was pennies above $200.
Here is my breakdown:
3 $5 off cereal aisle deals
2 $5 off dressing/salad deal
4 Betty Crocker fruit snacks $1 each -.50/2 IP -.50/2 IP = 2.50
1 Kelloggs fruit snacks $1 - $1.50 home mailer = -.50
10 Quaker Oat Squares $1 - $1 insert 2-14 RP = FREE
8 Fresh Express salad mix .99 each - $2/2 blinkies(yay! found some tonight) = -.08
2 Marie's dressing .99 each - $1 IP = -.02
4 Coke 12 packs $3.33 each - $3/3 peelie -2 $1/2 Randalls booklet - 2 $1/2 peelies = $6.32
1 Barilla picollini .79 - .55 insert 1-3SS = .24
1 Tylenol Sinus caplets $5.99 - $1 tearpad = $4.99
12 Colgate Total* toothpaste $1 each - $1 Randalls booklet - .75 insert 2-21SS = -$9
1 Blistex lip $1 - .35 insert 1-17 SS = FREE
1 Olay Cleansing Clothes $5.99 - $3 Pg loadable - $3 insert 1-17PG = -.01
7 Suave deodorant $1.25 each - 3 $3/2 IP - $1.25 IP = -1.50
2 Monkey bread $3.99 each (I didn't have my coupons, but there are printables here- use zip 20178) = $7.98
3 Contessa meals $5.99 each - $2 peelies = $11.97
-$10 frozen food previous catalina
-2 $4 catalinas(Kelloggs)
-$3.50 catalina(BC snacks)
Tax: -.95
Cost oop: .39
Earned $10 for frozen food deal, $2.50 for BC snacks and $2 for Tylenol
So total cost for everything:
$10+$8 +$3.50 + .39 - $14.50 = $7.39
(DH called and said he needed sinus medicine so I bought the Tylenol because the cat deal was advertised, making it the cheapest, turns out that was my BIGGEST expense, lol!)
Also, was excited to get the monkey bread as my MIL gives it to the girls as a breakfast dessert, so I wanted to treat them tommorrow if they clean their plates!
*In my excitement to see the toothpaste on sale and to confirm the size for the coupons, it did not dawn on me the Randalls coupon specifies Total and I bought Max Fresh, oops, thanks for pointing out my mistake reader Mary.
Do you know if the toothpaste is only the Colgate max fresh according to your picture or is it any Colgate total? The Randall's coupon is for Colgate Total so just wanted to make sure.
YIKES! You are right Mary. I was excited to see the $1 price and there was Total but it was 4 oz (Randalls coupon says 5.8-7.8 oz) then I saw the larger ones and got so excited they were the right size I forgot the coupon said Total.
can u please post a pic of the booklet u used so i can look for it easily in store i did not find them yesterday
I am SUPER jealous of your Coke purchase! We go through soda here fast!
Wow, you never cease to amaze me with the great Randall's deals! My trip yesterday day wasn't as fabulous as yours, but I was rather proud of myself. Total $96, after promo discounts & coupons $23. I was super excited!
I did the colgate deal as well, but I got the kids colgate so I couldn't use the Randall's coupons, but .25 seemed pretty decent to me.
I also goofed on my coupons yesterday. I got 2 of the Barrilla pastas for .79 & used the $1/2 & used the $1/2 store coupon from the "love your heart" booklet. I didn't realize until today (when I was going to share w/ my sister) that it was for the Barilla PLUS...Oppps!
Which exact type of Tylenol did you buy? I couldn't tell from the picture, was it the day/night caplets, gel caps, etc.? Apparently your $4 sudafed EQ didn't come off for you, but there are reports of it coming off for some Tylenol varieties...
I purchased the Tylenol Sinus congestion and pain 24 Rapid Release daytime gelcaps upc 300450 229243 and no, the Sudafed $4 did not come off for me :(
Good deal !
I've been holding off going to Randall's because I've still been searching for the Fresh Express blinkies. Did you find them at Randall's or somewhere else?
Where is the link for the $1.25 off Suave deoderant coupons?? I found the $3/2 on hot coupon world but not the other you mentioned.
Ashley, I apologize, in my haste to get my post done I forgot to add the link. I have since added the link to those two coupons and MANY more :)
Is it true that Randall's only doubles/triples the first of like coupons?
yes Anon, Randalls only d/t one like coupon per transaction
Stephanie, did they have any blinkies for the Fresh Express left?
Anon, yes, there was a little box display (not like regular blinkies) and they were still attached to the shelves right with the salad at my store
Thanks, Stephanie I will check my Randalls
Anyone know how long the $1.25 Suave deodorant deal is going to last? Randall's did not have any on the shelf last nite.
Which Randalls did you go to to find the Fresh Express blinkies and coke peelies? I live in the Katy area but the Randalls I went to didn't have either. Also, you were able to use store peelies, store coupons and manufacturer coupons for the cokes? I have some recyclebank coupons that would be nice for this deal!
there were a whole lot of fresh express blinkies at my randalls on westheimer and also on woodway
I was at Mason/Highland Knolls store. The box of q's was a little hard to find as it sits so close to the shelf with the salad
when does the fresh express and colgate promotion end? tonight?
The salad price ends tonight, but I believe he Colgate is still good for longer.
I'm so bummed! I went to the Highland Knolls Randalls to try and get some free salad, and I couldn't find the coupons anywhere - maybe I'm needing to go back to the eye doctor? Also, I couldn't find the coke peelies either. Is there a specific site that you use to get coupons in trades? Thanks for all your help!
I went to the two Randalls on Westhiemer and no fresh express salad blinkies. maybe next time.
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