Randalls has several promotions going on right now.
1. Suave bodywash is $1.25 when you buy AT LEAST 4. They also have a catalina deal that earns you $1.50 oynso for each two you buy(this only works on womens and mens, not kids variety).
2. Herbal Essence is $1.99 each when you buy in GROUPS of 3. (It is a save $3 off when you buy 3, so if you don't buy in groups of 3, they will ring up $2.99 each)
3. John Frieda is $3.99 each when you buy in GROUPS of 3. (It is a save $3 off when you buy 3, so if you don't buy in groups of 3, they will ring up $4.99 each)
Here is my scenario:
9 Danonino reduced for quick sale $1.14 each - $1 insert 3/28 = $1.26
1 Pampers wipes $2.99 - $2.50 Pg esaver - .50 insert = -.51
12 Suave body wash $1.25 each - b2g1 insert(takes off $2 each) - .50 Randalls March H&B book = $3
6 Herbal Essence stylers/shampoo $1.99 each - b1g1 insert(takes off $4.49 each) -$1 insert = -$4.53
9 John Frieda shampoo/conditioner $3.99 each - $3 insert = $8.91
1 banana .17
-2 $4 oynso catalinas
Paid: .30 oop
Earned 6 $1.50 oynso catalinas = $9
So final tally: $8.30 - $9 = -.70
thank for the kroger huggies match up.. got 12 boxes for 7 cents each! how did you do the herbal essence deal here? im a bit confused about how it takes of $4 when the price is $1.99 each when you buy in groups of three
Anon, the coupons are apparantly taken off the full shelf price instead of sale price. My cashier says she takes whatever the register tells her!
Did you buy all the Suave products in 1 transaction?
Shawn, yes this whole order was 1 transaction. The Randalls booklet coupons start with a 9 so would not double anyway
I only have 2 of the b2g1 q's. I'm not sure how many of the Randall's .50 q's I have, but assuming I have 8, does this transaction look right to you?
8 @ $1.25= $10.00
(2) b2g1 -$ 4.00
(8) .50 -$4.00
Total $2.00
Get (4) $1.50 catalinas
Shawn, if you purchase 8 and use two b2g1 coupons, you can only use 6 .50 coupons, making them all free.
Where do you find the randalls coupon booklet?
Thanks for posting these deals! I was wondering if the pgesaver coupon that came off for your pampers wipes was the one that says save $2.50 wyb wipes AND cruisers? If so, is there just a glitch where it takes it off when you get either one by itself?
momreno, I found my booklets on the aisle with shampoo hanging from the shelves.
Rachel, yes that is the only $2.50 coupon I had loaded so it appears to be a glitch of sorts.
Where did you get the B1G1 coupons for herbal essence?
Great deals, thanks.
How do you keep so many coupons organized!!! I am a week behind and just the thought of clipping and putting all those in my binder is daunting! I can only imagine with as many copies as you end up with how organized you must be!! Any tips would be great!
Shanna, I had to laugh at your comment! If you ONLY knew how unorganized I truly am. I use the HCW database to look up coupons and sometimes have to incorporate my coupon friends help looking up coupons when I am at the store. I will have to take a picture of my passenger seat one day and post it. Let's just say, I have to clean up to get my dh in the car :P
OMG, me too. I took a trip recently and now all my coupons are on the dining room table....oh and the air hockey table....and the tv dinner tray in the living room....and this weeks papers are still completely intact waiting on me.....AAAHHHH!! LOL.
Do you clip them all and organize them (or at least that is the goal) or do you just leave them in their inserts?
never mind....i know the answer to that one....you clip them. duh, sorry.
Actually I only clip as I am going through the ads now. I don't have time to clip and file all of them anymore, so I keep them by insert date and pull as needed, but they travel with me :)
The coupon booklet with the suave was that Feb or March?? Is it the one that has the $14 in savings on the front of it??
Anon, the Suave is in the March book and I am not sure the value listed on the cover, but it will say March.
ok they're at home and I'm not...lol...is that the same one with the $4/2 tylenol and such? I'm so unorganized!
Anon, The $4/2 was in the Jan and Feb and the Suave was in the March, but all the books do look very similar except for the $ amount listed on front and the month. I am at work and don't have one in front of me to tell you better than that :)
I am a bit confused about the HCW website. I have a really hard time navigating it. Does it have coupon matchups for Kroger and Randalls? Any suggestions would be great!
I'm looking at Taylortown preview's master list, and I can't find the Suave body wash b2g1 or the herbal essence b1g1 and $1 coupons.
Where are these?
suave b2g1 is in SS 3/14;
Herbal Essence b1g1 in P&G 2/7;
herbal essence $1 in /RP 3/14
to answer my own questions!
ok thanks!! I'll check it out when I get home! I might not of gotten this one!! =0(
I did the Herbal Essence deal yesterday. My cashier would only take off $1.99 per B1G1. With the $1/1 coupons, they still came out free but I was hoping for massive overage like you scored.
i'm not sure, but i think the trick is to give your coupons BEFORE your store card. that way they are taking off the price that is being rung up.
at least that is what i'm going to try :)
Shanna, keep in mind that if you expect any coupons to double or triple they will not if you don't hand your card before they scan those coupons.
Stephanie - Thanks for these great breakdowns. I did the suave & herbal essence today with BC frosting, cake mix & cookie mix. After I was done with my transaction, the manager came over & took a copy of my receipt from the cashier & took my coupons too. She did not tell me anything. Will my card be flagged? Will I be in trouble for anything?
Alex, you did NOTHING wrong. They have the power to adjust the coupons to the sale price, whether they chose to do it is in their hands. I would not worry about it.
Anon, if you go to HCW and click on the forums tab, then scroll to grocery stores then you can find Randalls and Kroger and you should see matchups there. HTH
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