TRU is having a deal of the day on My Little Ponys tommorrow(as in Wednesday!!!!!!!) and they are on sale b1g1 free.
Wow! Two ponies for the price of one, but wait, there is more(sound like an infomercial, lol)
Go here now and you can print a b1g1 free coupon for My Little Pony and then TRU will give you two for the price of 1, or better yet, two for absolutely free(yes, I was watching a infomercial during this post and couldn't resist!)
So, in sum, print the MLP coupon on THIS page(twice per computer) and take it to Toys R Us tommorrow ONLY, and they will give you 2 My Little Ponys for ZIP, ZILCH, NADA (already, those of my readers NOT living in TX might have to pay sales tax, I'll give you that!)
If you see me loading up on MLP tommorrow at TRU, be sure to stop me and say HI! And if you don't see me, set aside a Rainbow Dash for me :)
Edit: Apparantly this coupon is giving grief at the register and will not go through without further involvement. I was shot down today at Sugar Land after pleading my case to 3 different employees. Oh well, win some, lose some
Good luck to all who try.
Is this the coupon for Pony Friends Single Assortments? Will this coupon work for the actual My Little Pony?
I believe single assortments means the boxes of individual ponies, and the sale is for ALL My little pony so you should be good to go.
Worked for me today! I bought 8 of the single ponies and was able to use 4 bogo coupons. It was a slight hassle. The manager had to be called over because the coupon beeped and a bright red message came up on the screen. The manager examined the coupons and tried several things until he finally manually entered the discount amounts on each coupon. At first he thought I'd only be able to use 3 bogo coupons on the 8 items, but he accepted the 4th as well. He was very nice and I was very patient and appreciative. Thanks for the heads up on the deal :)
I just called TRU in Katy, they don't take coupon with the sale! Bummer!
The TRU in Hurst would not accept the coupons today.
Calling is a wast of time just go! I went this morning and used 5 B1G1 coupons and got 10 for free. I also used the $5 off coupons to buy the So soft, Ferris Wheel, (everything the coupon says it's for) Toys R Us lets you use a coupon on a free item with no beeps. So in total I got $173 in Pony stuff for $62. I Then split it with my BFF and end up with one of everything for $32! My 3 year old is a crazy My Little Pony collector!
Mariah and Sarah, lucky you! I went at lunch and argued (politely) with 3 employees(two being managers) and was denied the use of my coupons :(
I tried TRU in Katy today with no luck... =(
TRU on OST in med center allowed me to use both of my coupons!! I got 4 MLP's and came home to a very excited daughter!!! Thanks for the deal!
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