I went today and found a tag for the Kashi on sale for $3 each OR $2 each IF you buy 4!
Well, let's just say I was excited going to the register expecting to pay .50 for 4 boxes (1 free @$3, 3 $1.50 off coupons, 4 boxes ringing up $8) BUT the register decided to work its magic and auto-deducted my FREE Kashi box @ $3.99 making the Kashi look as follows:
4 Kashi @ $3 = $12
-$4 instant savings = $8
-3 x $1.50 = $3.50
-$3.99 free coupon = -.49
I also purchased trial size tide (.99) with the .35 any insert coupon and Blistex ($1) with the .35 insert
Now, all this by itself would have been a HUGE % off run BUT then I stumbled upon a beer deal. Well, seeing as my man is a beer man, I had to check it out! $24 dollars later, I found myself purchasing 52 bottles of mix/match beer. Not sure why this beer was being sold the way it was, but at ~ .50 a bottle, I did not question it. Dh took a picture AFTER he pulled all the beer out of the weird packaging they sold it in. Let me just tell you he was a happy camper!
HI! Wow that beer deal is amazing! Can you explain a little more on what it was?
Anon, I have to admit, I was not expecting the beer find.
I was at Randalls doing my usual run for freebies/cheapies and I alway peruse the 4-way display of clearance they have in the back(between meat and produce at my store). Anyway, I stumbled upon beer packaged together in 6 packs but not of the same variety. Well, seeing as my man brews his own and anything NOT of the Bud family is worthy of second glance, this beer caught my eye! I have NO idea why the store was selling this beer so cheap, but I did not question it. I picked the kinds I knew my very tolerant "coupon friendly"(sorry trying to earn brownie points) dh would drink and hurried to the register to pay! At ~ .50 a bottle, I didn't want an argument! I know the price of those bottles at Specs AND Sams club and I can guarantee you it is NOT .50 a bottle (or cheaper!)
Very important lesson here(learn the price of items you buy, if you can't remember all your prices ALWAYS carry a price book with you so you know when to buy buy buy!)
put it on the wall and you can sing that song....
which randalls? did they still have more?
now thats a good wife, very jelous of this post
anon 2: This was at the Williams Trace store in Sugar Land and I left about 1/2 of what they had. :)
I just went to Randalls in the Houston area today and was able to get refrigerated Pillsbury cookies with the Easter Bunny on them for just $1.50 each, minus my ecoupons. The Shamrock ones were clearance tagged for $1.50, none in stock where I went, so I picked up the bunny ones sale priced at $2.99 and they rang up at $1.50. (I have no idea if it's just the location in southwest Houston, too bad there aren't price scanners in grocery stores). I'm so glad I had extra items to get for FREE with all of the overage I wasn't expecting.
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