Growing up my mom worked so sometimes she cheated and made instant potatoes. Do you remember those cans of potatoes? Blech! I was a thorn in her side always griping about those nasty gritty tasting potatoes.
Imagine my happiness when she brought home that first box of BC instant potatoes! I don't know how Betty does it(I've been to her kitchen and still didn't find the answer) but if I am gonna have instant potatoes, it HAS to be THESE!
SOOOOOOOOO, you want some FREE instant potatoes???? Well, right now Kroger has a catalina deal on BC potatoes
The best scenario requires you to buy at least 3 (b1 get .50, b2 get $1.50, b3 get $3). Kroger has the pouch potatoes on everyday pricing of $1. So, if you were to buy 3 SANS coupons, they are FREE after catalina deal. BUT........................
Remember, I just told you to load cellfire coupons. In the list of loadables, I "suggested" you load the potato coupon to your Kroger card. Did you? Also, you might have a shortcuts coupon on potatoes. Keep in mind, this is Kroger so only 1 loadable is likely to come off at a time(I purchased 4 and 1 came off) but WHO CARES! they are FREE without it, the loadable is just ICING.
Now, if you can find the Spring Savings booklet I have pictured above, there is a $1/2 Potato coupon inside(hence the reason there are 4 potatoes in my scenario, not 3). I found my booklet at a demo at Randalls, but perhaps they left some coupon booklets there. You have until the 18th of April to get this catalina, so plenty of time to stock up on potatoes.
And for those interested, I got the Warm Delights and Fiber One yogurt free after inserts and loadables. Not sure the date the sale ends on these items though(sorry had both kids with me right after I hyped them up on Ben and Jerry's so forgot to check tag dates!)
AND since you are now gearing up to go to Kroger, stop a moment and print a coupon for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter first.
You will find a .50 IP here, and starting tommorrow(for Tx/La region), this will be on sale for .98. Coupon will make it FREE!
Use zip code 77083 if yours does not pull up the coupon.
I bought 3 pouches of potatoes yesterday, used .40/1 coupons, plus cellfire & shortcuts, & got $3 catalina. maker :)
Thanks for the heads up. I don't buy pouch potatoes, but for free I will!
I bought several when they were on sale 3/$2 and used the .40/1 printable coupons and they were free! Since it takes 2-3 packages to feed my family I am so excited to get more for FREE (and I still have a few .40/1 coupons - so better than free!!) What a great time to stock up - they are so nice since it only takes about 5 minutes to make! And VERY YUMMY!!
dang. i did this deal after work today since i had two .40/1 coupons plus two .40/1 cellfire, and my catalina didn't print. now i'll have to call them in the morning.
I did this deal today too and my Catalina did not print. The entire store was out of paper for the Catalina machines. This was at Buffalo & Westpark. I returned my potatoes for a refund and said I would return when they had paper. They think I am nuts.
I have been doing this at least once every time I go to Krogers (usually at least once a day)since the Cat started. I think by the time it's over I will probably have around 75 pouches and 30 boxes. (I buy the boxes with the coupons or shortcuts. No a MM that way, but still free.)
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