Well, Shortcuts has added another .55 loadable making this a decent deal for milk and cereal.
Purchase 1 half gallon of Blue Diamond almond milk $2.79-3.59 (depending on store)
1 box of ANY cereal (several currently 1.99 on sale, look at what you have for loadables)
Earn $3 oynso for purchasing both in 1 transaction.
I am going at lunch to a store that has the $2.79 price and plan on purchasing the Reeses cereal(.55 loadable on cellfire)
So 2.79 + 1.99 - $1 insert coupon for milk(5-23) - .55 shortcuts - .55 cellfire = $2.68 oop, earn $3.
Hello, I just wanted to add this in case someone asks what insert for the Diamond milk coupon. I looked it up in Hot Coupon World coupon database and then I found it exactly where it said, Smart Source (SS) from 5/23/10, exp 8/31/10-today.
There was also a printable one listed for $1.00 off, but it's through Earth Fare but notes it's a manufacturer coupon. Per Randall's new coupon policy, I think this should be accepted if anyone is brave enough to try it, I'm not, lol.
Thank you for the post, I've never tried this milk but if I can make it out this would be a great time to taste it.
I just wanted to let you know about another Randalls deal that is ending today. I live here in Houston and went to Randalls last night and purchased 5 ice cream products as part of their buy 5 certain ones and get them for $1.99 each. Well, I noticed they have the new Lean Cuisine Market Creations on sale for a new product price of $2.99 so I picked up 2 to use one of my B1G1 free coupons from Lean Cuisine Facebook. Later I noticed that they each rang up at $1.99, so I can only assume that they were included in the buy at least 5 certain frozen items and get them for $1.99 each, but they weren't marked on the shelf as a participating item.
Turned out great because of the cashiers own doing the coupon took off $3.89, so I only paid about 5 cents each.
Just thought I would let you know since the price will probably go back to $2.99 on Wednesday, unless there is another frozen food sale.
Hopefully I can get back today and I'll just use my other 3 b1g1 coupons, 2 printed per computer. I can't imagine a price better then 5 cents each if the coupon amount comes off at $3.89 (regular price at Randalls where I was) "fingers crossed"
Anon, thanks for the info about the Lean Cuisine. Good news is I got my ad in the mail and it looks like this deal goes for another week. Good for me because I am exhausted and doubt I will make it back out tonight.
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