As you should be aware(if you are not I am sorry to be the messenger, lol) back to school time is approaching fast. The thing I HATE about back to school is the inevitable phone call that soon follows that one of my kiddos is sick and needs to be picked up.
Well, lucky for me this year, Seventh Generation is sharing tips from best-selling author and pediatrician, Dr. Alan Greene, to help me (and other parents) protect my (their) child’s health during back-to-school season. Dr. Greene suggests taking the following precautions:
Optimize the immune system
Reap the benefits of probiotics like those found in yogurt. A recent study showed that children who received enough probiotics daily throughout the cold and flu season had a significant reduction in the number of illnesses they had and, when they did get sick, the symptoms were both milder and didn't last as long.
Be sure your child is getting plenty of vitamin D from the sun, from food, or from a supplement.
Build a strong foundation. Good food, good sleep, and good physical activity all help the immune system to flourish
Be wise about reducing unnecessary exposure to harmful germs
Teach children the key times to clean their hands in the classroom. The most important times include after sneezing, coughing or using the restroom, upon leaving "high-risk" places (recess, naptime, play stations) and before meals or snacks.
Sixty percent of teachers surveyed said that they request that parents donate disinfecting wipes to the classroom. Seventh Generation’s disinfecting wipes kill 99.99% of germs* naturally using the active ingredient thyme, a component of thyme oil which is derived from the herb thyme.
Stress the importance of not touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
Demonstrate to your children how to cover their mouth and nose for every cough and sneeze. This simple maneuver has spectacular results in decreasing the spread of viruses and bacteria floating about the room, waiting to be inhaled.
*Refer to disinfecting product labels for full details
You can also check out Seventh Generation on Facebook and Twitter today! While you are at it, feel free to follow me on facebook or twitter for all the latest updates to my blog.
Some of this seems like common sense, but when kids are involved, it is important to MAKE it common sense to them (remember, they have not been around as long as you).
Now, for the fun stuff! Everything you see pictured above will be given away to ONE lucky reader.
This is what I want from you:
Give me one tip on how you keep your kids healthy and germ free. Only one entry per reader please.
The fine print:
One entry per person, anon comments without identifier will be deleted and disqualified, email entries will not be considered a valid entry and will be deleted/disqualified. Winner will be chosen via random.org on August 14th from all eligible entries. Winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize from the timestamp I post the winner, or a new winner will be chosen.
Seventh Generation product, gift pack, and additional gift pack to give away to my reader were all given to me from Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark. I received no other compensation for this post and all opinions are mine.
My kids are probably sick of hearing me tell them to keep their hands away from their face. I think that & hand washing has got to be the biggest thing in preventing sickness.
During the fall and winter when colds are at their peak, I make sure to put my kids on probiotics, which give their immune systems an extra boost.
I like to keep antibac wet wipes in my car and purse so we can clean on the run! I am also reminding about keeping the hands off the face. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a big hand washer. I'm constantly asking my children...Did you wash your hands?.. I think they have learned to do so before I ask.
frugalracingfanmommy at gmail dot com
My son also constantly hears "keep your hands away from your face!" I also TRY to give them a healthy diet.
My guy is little so the biggest thing I do is feed him healthy foods, making as much of that food as I can myself, giving lots of probiotics, and washing his hands a lot!
Wash their hands!
We don't have any kids, but with our pets cleaning up after them every day (litter boxes, etc), cleaning their water dish, etc... For any messes, I always keep some antibacterial wipes around.
I am a big fan of hand sanitizer and had washing!
I keep my kids home from school when they are sick. It helps them get better and maybe helps with the spread of some virus's and germs.
We wash alot of hands and keep sanitizing wipes in the car for our on the go needs.
hand washing !!!! always after DS to wash hands regularly...getting him in habit while he is small...
I keep my kids healthy and germ free by using 7th generation anti-zombi spray. It's unbelievable how much dirt, germs and pieces of flesh the darn things will leave around the house if you let them near you.
I find that the 7th generation anti-zombie spray is the best one out there. It's all natural so I don't have to worry about the chemicals making my kids sick, the smell isn't too strong and doesn't set my allergies off. Best of all - it's effective.
Thank you 7th generation for making the best darn anti-zombie products on the market!!!
wash their hands!!
Taking vitamins and constant handwashing is a necessity in my house!
we're constantly washing hands; it's the best way i know to stay healthy.
I ensure that my child has her viatmins and eats a healthy diet. This keeps her very healthy. Her school is very strict about making sure they wash their hands. It all helps.
We are big hand washers in our house. I do belive that it is a huge help in not spreading germs around
I am always telling my kids to wash your hands. They carry hand sanitizer with them to school. I disinfect door knobs,piano keys, telephones, computer keyboards, and light switches with sanitizing wipes. I clean clean clean. I add a little bleach to the dishwasher too. I try my best to keep our home germ free.
We have taught them to cough or sneeze into their elbow! This keeps their hands from getting the germs on them. Their school also uses this trick! The school nurse says that she can go to the Jr High and pick out the kids who went to her elementary because they use their elbow to cover their sneezes.
Washing their hands and using antibacterial gel/wipes only when there is no other choice. Using them too much makes it harder for your body to fight over the bacteria naturally!
I've taught my kids to sneeze and cough into their elbows instead of their hands, thereby reducing germs in the hands in between washings (or when they're out and about and don't have chance to wash as often). This really cuts down on the spreading of the illnesses to others in the family.
I understand that this may sound crazy to many of you, but the best thing I have done to keep my son healthy is to NOT be so sensitive about germs. We wash our hands and keep a clean house, but I am not insane about it. Exposure to germs actually HELPS them build up a good immune system.
When DS was a baby, I was much less concerned about germs than other moms, and my son was much healthier than the other kiddos!
My 2 year old daughter asks to wash her hands with Purell as soon as we get in the car from running errands or visiting. She reminds me.
I think hand washing is so important. Little hands touch everything and pick up so many germs. Ugh!!
I have everyone wash their hands when they come in form school or shopping.
Handwashing and keeping their fingers out of their mouths!
Aside from the regular daily stuff, I get my child away from anyone excessively sneezing, coughing, etc. I have even gotten out of a store line to get away from ADULTS just counghing/sneezing away in the air right in our direction.
I'm always telling my kids to wash their hands!!!! They also have hand sanitizer in their school bags too. I make sure they get plenty of rest and eat healthy meals.
no kids, but when we have my neice, we wash hand (a lot!) and use antibacterial gel or spray when we can't wash.
We wash our hands lots, especially after we come inside from playing or shopping. And we take our vitamins everyday!
pheobiejenkins @gmail.com
A healthy diet hi in Vitamin C, a GOOD daily vitamins, and hygiene!
Pearland, Tx
hand washing esp after coming ot from outside and i have noticed that my daughter get most sick when we go to doctor place there are lot of germs there so i keep using hand sanitizer all the time
I'm really big on washing hands & coughing into their sleeve. They love lathering up & singing a song knowing when to rinse.
as soon as we arrive home we take our shoes off and wash our hands, trying to prevent germs
Our DD is still young, but we wash our hands and her hands lots to keep us all healthy and be good roll models. We also take vitamins and will enforce vitamins on her when the time comes. Hopefully she will be in good habit with hand washing and vitamins when is able to do it on her own.
I give my kids ninxgia red that has aromatherapy oils and wolfberry in it to help their immune system :)
Most definitely washing hands and carrying around hand sanitizer!
stephaniec87 at sbcglobal dot net
They use a hand sanitizer along with washing. We have a lot of pets including horses so they are always washing. Thanks
We have our older children take a shower as soon as they get home from school to avoid passing anything to the baby. But we also encourage them to wash their hands throughout the day, eat healthy, take their vitamins and extra vitamin C, drink orange juice. And when they get sick, we let their body fight it out and try not to depend on antibiotics if we can help it. I just feel that makes their immune system stronger.
I keep both my kids in a bubble! Then I don't have to worry about them getting hurt or catching any germs! LOL
Really we wash our hands when we come in from outside and before eating/preparing food. Also we don't use hand sanitizes and all that crazy stuff, your body need to learn ho with deal with germs!
The old saying... "sneeze in your sleeve" is what we encourage the boys to do during cold season. That and making sure they eat plenty of fresh veggies/fruit. Great giveway btw.
maeintx87 @ gmail.com
Giving my kids probiotics I believe helps their immune system stay strong. I also limit junk food and processed foods.
We do the hand washing thing too, like most mentioned!
WASH YOUR HANDS!!! Best thing you can do!!
Both of my boys love to take there chewy vitamins daily. They are 2 & 3 and they ask for them before I can even wake up in the morning.
We use hand sanitizer or anti-bacterial wipes when we are on the go.
definitely teaching my daughter proper hand washing techniques and setting a good example by doing it myself as well
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I encourage lots of handwashing and covering of coughs and sneezes.
We always use hand sanitizer when it's not possible to get to soap and water.
Hand washing. I feel like I am washing my boys hands constantly. But I also think that is one of the best things you can do to stop the germs. :)
We work really hard to wash hands as often as possible.
I am always telling my kids to wash their hands, especially before eating meals. And always to cough into their sleeve.
jbagadair at hotmail dot com
Probiotics, wash hands before and after eating and/or leaving a germ infested store, healthy foods like fruits and veggies many times a day along with oreos for a nice rounded out immune system :P
I <3 seventh gen products!!!!!
When I pick up my daughter from school, I have her use hand sanitizer right when she gets in the car.
We have them use the antibacterial hand gel from bath and body works. They love all of the different scents. Also, we teach our kids to cough and sneeze with their elbow in front of their face.
I have the boys wash their hand when we get home from shopping or the gym :)
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