I finally had a little time to focus on Target and these are the deals I was able to score:
2 Campbell's Select Harvest $1.50 - $1 IP - .50 Target q = FREE
6 Stride gum $.99 each - bogo insert 5-16 SS - bogo Target = FREE
1 Post it Sticky notes $1 - $1 insert 8-15 SS= FREE
6 Chef Boy ar dee .86-.98 - $1 Target = FREE (coupon adjusts down- microwave ones are also free)
9 Cesar dog treats $3.04 each - $1 Target insert 5-23 RP - $2 insert 8-8 RP = .04 each
Thank you HCW!
I got the soup and chef boyardee pastas too! I also scored free plums, mini first aid kits, and Hello Kitty bandaids. Building my first aid stockpile! :D
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