Right now they want you to Discover all the flavors of poptarts and in turn, they will let you pick a reward.
Have fun discovering over 25 flavors, set up a Pop-Tarts reward account here, and enter unique codes printed inside specially marked packages and for each 5 codes you can choose one of the following rewards:
25 Photo prints from Shutterfly
2 Boxes of Pop Tarts toaster pastries
5 Music downloads
1 Magazine subscription or
1 Movie ticket up to $12 (e-movie money)
I opted for the movie ticket as it seems this is the best value. Now, you need to be sure to read the fine print on this promotion because it is interesting and I don't want you to be mislead. You can only enter 1 code per flavor of poptarts per account. Each PERSON can redeem up to 25 codes for 5 total rewards, but that means you have to have purchased 25 unique flavors of poptarts! If you notice in my picture, each box has a number at the top right. Make sure you get 5 different numbers for your rewards. The good news is, it is not a limit of 5 per household, but rather per person 13 or older. I could only find 5 unique numbers, so I will be doing this in my husbands name, my name and probably give one to my niece for a gift.
The terms and conditions also state you can only enter 5 codes a day, so keep that in mind.
So now the deal:
Randalls has the Poptarts on sale for only .99 a box when you buy 5. (You must buy in groups of 5 to get this price)
In the 3/28 RP, we got $1.25/3 coupons for poptarts. So the least common multiple of 3 and 5 is 15, (I know math NERD)
15 Pop tarts @ .99 each = $14.85
-5 x $1.25/3 insert coupons
= $8.60
so for $8.60, I got 15 boxes of poptarts and enough codes for 3 FREE movie tickets(up to $12 as long as I have 3 people I can sign up since I only got 5 unique flavors) I looked up qualifying theaters and it appears the Imax near me is included, YAY!
The Randalls sale goes through April 20th so I hope I can find some more flavors at other stores before then.
Another way to do the promotion is to purchase 9 boxes with 3 coupons and 1 more of the participating mix and match 5 items promotion items. Quaker instant oatmeals are included for $1.50 and we have $1 coupons-so your math would look like this:
9 Pop Tarts @ .99 = $8.91
1 Quaker oats @1.50
-3 x $1.25/3
= $5.66 for 10 items and 2 movie tickets*
(*you are actually one code short of two movie tickets, but the terms and condition state the following:
Participants who are Pop Tarts Sprinkling members, MAY receive an email during the program period containing a code. After receiving the code via email, participants can have 1 code credited to their account by logging in and following the links and instructions to enter the code. To sign up to become a Pop Tarts Sprinklings member, visit http://moms.poptarts.com/ )
mmmmmmm poptarts.. Strawberry are the best!!!!
First time I've ever seen you spend money on poptarts! What movie are we going to see? :P
did Randalls let you use 5 coupons in one transaction? I thought the limit was three like coupons per transaction?
Susan, I have not heard of such a limit at Randalls. Kroger has a limit of 3 likes in some stores, but not Randalls.
Greenie- lol I look at it as I paid for the movies, not the pop tarts :P
This is fabulous! We eat pop-tarts at our house! I was planning on stocking up, because the last time they went on sale for $1 each I only bought a few & we were out in just a couple of months. By the way - we don't eat them for breakfast. We only buy the chocolate kind (usually) and we have them for a snack - to get chocolate fix! lol
Thx! Good deal, stock it up for all the summer movies coming up. I assume this is the site to verify if your local theaters are participating e-Movie Cash
I LOVE THAT YOU ARE A MATH NERD! My SIL recently sent me 5 $1.50/milk WYB any 2 Kelloggs poptarts and $1.50/3 poptarts! WOO HOO! I think it might be time to use those coupons!
I think you might have missed Greenie's point..... Greenie, maybe you should pick the movie you guys are going to go see! HEE! HEE!
Even better then me Kim and I didn't miss Greenie trying to invite herself to a movie with me(maybe if she didn't keep standing me up, I would let her come :P)
uhoh.. what did I miss now?!? I really want a snack, think I'm going to go eat a pop tart :)
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