Do you ever wonder if your samples you order sometimes get lost in the mail? Well, seeing as this one is coming from the US Postal Service, let's hope there is 100% delivery success. Just go
here and see if you qualify and sign up to receive a Sample box in May!
Hmm, do you think they can say "not responsible for lost or misdirected mail?" lol
Edit: I think I fixed the link, sorry about that
The link didn't work for me.
could you send me this link, unable to access it.
I can't get the link to work.
The link isn't working for me, Stephanie. Thanks! (pedspeech)
Sorry about that guys, my link is working now.
How do they determine who is qualified? The didn't gather any info at all before giving me this message:
"Thank you for your interest in the Showcase Sample™
At this time you do not qualify for the Sample Showcase test program"
All I did was click on the link.
humm. Clickeda second time andit worked.
HiZM,the link is still not working it keeps saying error page not found.Thank you !
Kind of NOT cool to complain about the post office. If you really think about it, the mail carriers put their life at risk EVERY day they work. Every driver is sitting in a truck with windows open most of the time because there is no a/c and they have no choice but to inhale an unhealthy amount of exhaust fumes from other cars and from their own trucks. Many have to stop house to house on busy streets where more time than not other drivers do NOT respect the fact the carrier will be stopping and drivers cut in and out dangerously around the carrier. Part of a mail carriers body is almost ALWAYS exposed to the sun putting them at a high risk for SKIN CANCER that can spread to other parts of their body. Mail carriers are out for hours a day in all kinds of weather, and if you ask me, I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE OUT IN THE CRAZY HOUSTON HUMIDITY FILLED HEAT 3-4 MONTHS OF THE YEAR ON TOP OF THE CRAZY RAIN. In my EVERY day experience mail is not SLOW as always claimed by so many and I have NEVER had anything get LOST. And, by the many samples you blog about it doesn't seem like you really have a problem with mail NOT making it to you. I AM JUST SO SICK AND TIRED OF SO MANY PEOPLE TALKING BAD ABOUT THE POST OFFICE AND YET WE ALL WOULDN'T BE RECEIVING THE SAMPLES WE LOVE IF IT WASN'T FOR THE POST OFFICE. IF SO MANY PEOPLE HATE THE POST OFFICE, THEN WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY GIVE THEM A BREAK AND STOP ACTING LIKE THE WORLD IS GOING TO END WHENEVER THEY TRY TO CUT SATURDAYS AND JUST DELIVER MAIL MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH A POSTAL EMPLOYEE MISSES OF THEIR CHILDREN'S LIVES BY HAVING TO WORK MOST SATURDAYS. WOULD MOST OF YOU WANT TO ONLY HAVE 1 DAY OFF AT A TIME? WOULD MOST OF YOU WANT TO BE WORKING ON A SATURDAY WHEN YOUR CHILD IS AT HOME OR HAVE TO FIND CHILD CARE FOR THEM ON A SATURDAY BECAUSE YOU ARE A SINGLE PARENT? WOULD MANY OF YOU WORK IN THE SOMETIMES HORRIBLE CONDITIONS THAT MANY POSTAL EMPLOYESS WORK UNDER? AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT THEY SHOULD JUST GO GET ANOTHER JOB, MANY OF THEM HAVE TO WORK THERE BECAUSE THEY HAVE CHILDREN TO SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, anon, it seems I hit a button with you. Actually I used to have a WONDERFUL Postman that was great, but since he had to leave due to injury, my new postal employee is horrible. I receive mail DAILY for other houses, EVEN other streets. I have actually had to file many many claims for lost and stolen mail since we got this new carrier. It has been over a year, so I think it has been a fair amount of time to learn the route and house numbers.
I actually have changed most my bills to email delivery since I cannot guarantee I will receive an invoice.
Oh, forgot to mention anon, I receive about 4-5 envelopes a week with the following hand written on the envelope "delivered to wrong address"
It is obvious it is NOT just me receiving less than acceptable service from my local post office.
Here is an example of how another blogger I read up on sometimes posted the same thing, but TASTEFULLY and RESPECTFULLY
Kinda off-topic at this point, but the link's not working for me... I just joined the site though, so can I find it through there anywhere?
wow.. going a little postal Anon?? :P
Anyways, my mail lady actually drives a tahoe.. so I'm thinking she is just fine in the horrid weather conditions while her a/c blasts cooly in her face.
I hope you are calling the post office every time you have a problem - I do - they have sent the mail carrier back with my mail when I had it stopped (vacation) and asked them to start a specific date again
the only way to get better service is to complain - no complains - the Post Master thinks everything is fine
let them know
Anon- trust me, I am sure the post office has a file cabinet full of my complaints. It has been a rough year and things I want to guarantee I get, I have shipped to my office since my home mail is THAT unreliable.
HI, just checking to see if you got your package yet. I received mine on today and it had everything that was pictured on the site. The only problem (well really not) :) was that he chocolate was melted, but don't worry i placed it in the freezer.
Hey, I got my sample showcase box in the mail today...It is fantastic. The box is full and it says if I want more to check out the website....so going to check now...bye...and THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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