Monday, October 31, 2011
Coupons slated to reset tomorrow - print/load what you want today
If there are any Cellfire coupons you are interested in with the current listing, you need to go to their site today and load them to your card. Whatever you load today will be good for 2 weeks from today. Then tomorrow you can go back to their site and load the new coupons being released. I tend to load all their coupons to my Randalls (Safeway affiliate) card. Sometimes when I use my card, identical coupons will come off for a single purchase. The thing I like about loading to my Randalls card as oppossed to Kroger is that if I use a paper coupon due to a higher value, the loadable will just void off my order and I am allowed to use the paper coupon in its place.
Also, you might want to hop over to SavingStar as I have seen a few new coupons to load to your card CVS and Kroger cards.
And finally check out for any coupons you might want to print. Tomorrow, we should have a few new ones released. YIPPEE!
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Heb - Free Pantene for those in the Coastal Bend area
Wow, apparantly the Coastal Bend area HEB have a HOT yellow store coupon that seems to not be in Houston, Austin or San Antonio area. So for my Corpus and the surrounding area readers, this deal is for you. If you can locate the buy Pantene Shampoo, get Pantene Conditioner free coupon yellow store coupon, you can run the following deal:
4 Pantene shampoo $3.98
4 Pantene conditioners $3.98
= $31.84
-15.92 -4 Bogo YQ
-$6 - 2 $3/2 insert 9-25 RP or 10-30 P&G
= $9.92 and earn $10 oynso back
(I am being told your price in Corpus is actually $3.77 so a slightly bigger mm at .92 profit)
The Pantene bogo coupons expire 11-1 so you have through tomorrow to get this deal.
If you have not completed your $10 rebate on $50 purchase, keep your receipt and you are more than half way there.
Thanks Cathy for the deal scenario and they yellow coupons :)
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
P&G run at HEB and a few scenarios and CHEAP Almonds
There is a pretty HOT deal on Swiffer right now at HEB but some of the good coupons expire today, so you will need to try to run this deal today. In the 10-2 P&G insert there was a Buy any Swiffer starter kit, get a free refill (up to $7)
Working this in to the current promo going at HEB (Buy $30 worth of P&G items, get $10 oynso back) you can do a deal similar to mine:
2 Swiffer Duster starter kits $4.44 each
2 Swiffer sweeper wet refills $7.97 each
2 Covergirl eyeliner pencils $2.18 each
1 Vicks cough drops .99
-14 -2 bogo Swiffer coupons, although mine auto deducted the $7.97(expires today)
-$2 -2 $1 off Swiffer starter kit YQ (yellow in store coupons for HEB)
-2.50 - 2 $1.25 YQ for any Covergirl (you can also add in 2 $1 Covergirl manuf coupons or 1 $2.50/2 since these are B coupons but I didn't want to argue since Covergirl coupons beep)
-$1 - any Vicks product 10-2 or 10-30 P&G
=$10.67 or even lower
(your price can vary depending if they auto your Swiffer and whether you use manuf Covergirl coupons with the B YQs)
Earn back $10 oyso making these items just .67!!!!!!!
Also, there is a HOT catalina deal right now out for Blue Diamond products. Buy 2 get .75, Buy 3 get $1.50, buy 4 or more get $4 oynso.
HEB currently has the 6 oz Almonds on sale for just $1.99 each and we have insert coupons for $1/2 in the 10-16 SS. So
Buy 4 @ 1.99 = $7.96
-2 - 2 $1/2 insert
= $5.96 but earn $4 oynso (thanks Iluv2shop)
so $1.96/4 = .49 a can for almonds YES!!!!!
I am not sure how long the sale price is good but the catalina is good until November 6th. Look at the registers and on sidekicks for almonds as I found displays around the store for these.
A few other decent P&G scenarios you can run
If you really like Olay facial moisturizers:
2 Olay moisturizers $17.47 each
2 Cover Girl lip perfection $4.94
-9.88 - 2 free lip perfection wyb Olay moisturizer insert 10-30 P&G
-$2.50 - 2 $1.25 Cover girl B YQ
-$10/2 Olay moisturizers 9-25 RP (expires today)
=$22.44 oop but earn $10 oynso and mail in for $10 Olay rebate
So cost of $2.44 for two nice moisturizers and lipsticks
or if you need Tampax
8 Tampax Pearl compak $3.99 each
-$15.96 - 4 bogo Tampax insert 10-2 P&G(expires today)
-$4 - 4 $1 Tampax insert 10-2 P&G
=$11.96 earn $10 oynso so
$1.96/8 = .25 a box
If you are a Tide lover
4 Tide $ 7.54 each
-8 - 4 $2 insert or $2 YQ in stores
=$22.16 earns $10 oynso so
$12.16/4 = $3.04 a bottle
You can certainly mix and match these deals too, these are just a few suggestions
Thanks SD buds for help with some of these scenarios
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Chili's Kids Eat Free and Photo Contest
If you don't have plans on making dinner tonight, perhaps you should consider taking your little monsters to Chili's after trick o treating.
Tonight, you can get a free kids meal with purchase of any adult entree. Kids must be 12 and under. Limit two kids meals per adult entree ordered(just make sure you print two coupons as my store requires a coupon for each free kids meal)
When there, be sure to snap a picture of your kiddo at Chili's in costume and post it to the Chili's facebook page for a chance to win a Chili's gift card.
Feel free to like my facebook page while there.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
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Stripes - Free Lunch Taco Monday or Tuesday
Well, it is Monday, so Stripes has put out their new weekly freebie. Go to their facebook page here and like them. Then, click the tab on the left that says Its Go Time. You will be taken to a coupon for a free lunch taco :) Coupon is good today and tomorrow only at your local participating Stripes store.
While on facebook, consider liking my page for up to the minute post updates.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Fiesta Deals Oct 26th- Nov 1st
Fiesta takes coupons but does not double or triple. Also, Fiesta does not accept internet printed coupons. Fiesta has locations in Houston, Austin and Dallas/Fort Worth. To find a store near you, go here.
I believe Fiesta ads do vary in price slightly depending on the local competition. Prices listed reflect what is in my home mailer store ad as I have never seen Fiesta post their ads online.
2 for $1 Casa Fiesta pinto or refried beans 15-16 oz
-$1/2 insert 4-`7 or 9-11 SS
.99 Smuckers Grape Jelly 32 oz
.69 Libbys canned peas and carrots
-$1/4 insert 8-28 RP
=.44 each wyb 4
5 for $1 Bosc Pears
In store ad:
5 for $1 Gala apples
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Foodarama Deals Oct 26th - Nov 1st
Foodarama has 10 locations in and around the Houston area. Find the store nearest you here.
Foodarama has supplied me with their coupon policy, found here.
$1.66/lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken breast
.99/lb Fresh Ground Turkey
$1.66 Ole Carolina 12 oz bacon
.69 Libby canned vegetables
-$1/4 insert 8-28 rp
=.44 each wyb 4
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Sellers Bros Deals Oct 26th - Nov 1st
Sellers Bros has 12 grocery locations around Houston. Find one near you here. Sellers Bros advertises they double coupons up to .50. I really like their produce prices as they are really hard to beat and we rarely have coupons for those. (They are awesome to price match at Walmart :)
You can find their coupon policy here.
Here are the matchups for the items I think are decently priced:
.99 Parade 5 lbs Flour (limit 2 per family with additional $10 purchase)
7 for $1 Kids size sweet Washington Red or Golden Delicious Apples or Juicy Texas Oranges
4 for $1 Mexican Haas Avocados
$2 Sweet Texas Red Watermelons
$1.99 each Jack o Lantern pumpkins
$1.50 Fresh Mountain King Petite Russet potatoes 5 lb package
$1.50 Sara Lee Honey Wheat bread 20 oz
-.55 insert 10-23 RP
=.95 each
.99 Dr Pepper 2 liters
-.55 hangtags
=.44 each
.50 Louisiana hot sauce 6 oz
-.25 IP
.99 Celery
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Mars Candy $1.50 off 1 bag IP
Sweet. Go here to print a $1.50 off any Mars product - 9.4 oz bag or larger.
I just printed these and they say available at Walmart but does not say you have to purchase at Walmart. Also, the coupon is good 30 days after purchase so you should be able to score free or better than free after Halloween candy!!!!
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
*Expired* HOT!!!! Texas State Car Inspection Just $18 - (Greater Houston area!)
I want to send a reminder for those that might have missed this deal. Mr Sticker locations in Houston area are offering vouchers to inspect your car for just $18. This includes the required emissions testing for us Houston (and surrounding folks!)
I got my car inspected in September and it cost me .25 short of $40, so this is a HOT HOT deal. Voucher will be good for a year from purchase, so even if your car is in date right now, you can certainly use it when it is not in date. I got one for both our cars and paid less than it will cost me for 1 inspection. Sweet!
Just go here to sign up for SweetJack and you will see this hot deal, but hurry it is only offered for another 33 hours or until they sell their limited quantity.
To find the location location of Mr Sticker near you, go here.
(I appreciate you clicking through my link as I get a credit, then go tell your friends and family and have them sign up through your link ;D )
Don't understand my lingo? Go here. Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Sunday Coupon Preview - We are getting a P&G
We are getting 3 inserts this week, a Smart Source, a Red Plum and a P&G. I am really excited about the P&G insert since HEB is doing a catalina deal right now.
Buy $30 worth of P&G items and get a $10 oynso catalina back. This has made for some hot deals in the past, so hopefully with this new insert we can really get some goodies!
What coupons are you excited about?
Don't understand my lingo? Go here. Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Android Free App of the Day - OfficeSuite Professional 5
WOW! I am super excited about todays free android app on Amazon. I love my phone but I miss having an actual word program and a spreadsheet program on the on go with me! I am addicted to spreadsheets and I make lists all the time for shopping purposes.
Just go here and today only, you can download the OfficeSuite Professional 5 for free on any Android device.
With this app, you will be able to access tools for word processing, developing spreadsheets and browsing PDF and PowerPoint files. You can create, edit and view Microsoft Word and Excel documents (WOO HOO!) It also includes a file browser, all for the bargain price of $0!!!!
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Another Great deal for your Car Maintainance Budget! - National deal!
Wow! The daily deal sites keep rolling out the HOT deals to make owning my car just a bit more affordable. First Sweetjack is giving us(Houston exclusive) $18 Car Inspections, including emissions testing (a $39.95 value) and now LivingSocial is offering up $100 worth of tires at Discount Tire for just $30!
My husband was just telling me it was close to time to change my tires, so this couldn't have come at a better time. Just go here to snag this offer. You can use this at one of the 79 locations in or around the Houston area(or the various locations in your area, this appears to be a National deal!) This is great because we actually buy all our tires at Discount Tire. They have always been great at repairing and replacing tires (with warranty purchase) when my husband was a salesmen traveling all over the Houston roads.
Fine print: Limit one per person/vehicle, per visit • Must purchase minimum of two tires to receive $100 discount • Not valid for dealers • Voucher valid in-store only; Customers may reserve products online for pick-up at desired location • May not be combined with any other offers or promotions • Valid at any listed location • All services must be used by same customer; cannot be shared • Entire value must be used in a single visit • Other conditions apply • PAID VALUE EXPIRES ON October 26, 2016 • PROMOTIONAL VALUE EXPIRES ON January 26, 2012
I have to admit I have seen deals for tires, but NEVER until the Sweetjack offer have a seen a way to get a discount on car inspections!
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
IHOP - Free Count Spatula Pancake Friday October 28th
If you have kiddos, you might want to pencil in a stop into IHOP on Friday, October 28th. From 7am-10pm participating Ihop locations will be offering a free Count Spatula Scary Face pancake giveaway to kiddos 12 and under. No purchase necessary. My daughter already cannot stop talking about the candy corn and oreos they gave her last year to decorate her pancake face (my oldest LOVES Ihop!)
If you have not signed up for the pancake revolution, go here. Though you don't need to sign up to particpate in this free face pancake offer, the pancake revolution will give you a few free meals (one upon sign up, one on your birthday and one on the anniversary of your sign up! It is free to join!)
To find a location near you, go here.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
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Freebirds - Kids in Costume Eat Free Oct 29-31st*
This could not have come at a better time. My husband and I had plans of stopping at Freebirds for a bite on Sunday and now it looks like my kids can eat free, yippee!
Just bring your little monsters(12 and under) into Freebirds in costume between Oct. 29-31st and they will eat free with purchase of an adult entree. Limit one free Little Monster Meal per customer entree per visit.
To find a location near you, go here
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Randalls (Safeway) - Oct 26th- Nov 1st
Randalls is located in Houston and Austin area and Tom Thumb is located in Dallas area. The ads are typically about the same for all 3 and other Safeway affiliates.
Randalls will double up to .50 and triple up to .39 one identical coupon. Other coupons are accepted at face value. You can read their coupon policy here.
$1.67/lb Boneless, Skinless chicken breast
$1.99/lb Eating Right Boneless Skinless chicken breast
$1 Fresh Express Salads
-$1 Vocalpoint homemailers (exp 10-31)
$1 Open Nature Greek Yogurt
-$1 tearpad (found by pharmacy)
.99 Dr Pepper 2 liters
-.55 hangtags
=.44 each
There is also a buy 4 save $4 mix and match advertised but with no pricing listed so I will have to wait to visit the store to find the pricing on those items.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Food Fair Deals Oct 26th - Nov 1st
Food Fair doubles and triples coupons. Find out more about their policy here and find a location near you here.
Here are the items I think are decently priced.
Free 3 liter Ozarka Spring Water
with online coupon
$2.99 Russet Potatoes 15 lb bag
.99 Bar S jumbo size hot dogs 16 oz
-.75/2 insert 10-23 RP
=.62 each wyb 2
.99 Bounty Paper towels
-.25 insert 10-16 P&G
=.24 after triple coupon
$1.66/lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken tenders
.88 each California Celery
$3.29 Folgers 10.3-11.5 oz coffee
-$1 insert 10-2 RP
=$2.29 each
$3.99 Beringer wine 750 ml
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Gerlands deals Oct 25th - Nov 1st
Gerland's only has 1 location and it is in Sugar Land at Hwy 59 and Sugar Creek.
For those of you in the area, they only put out a two page ad so here are the quick match ups.
They currently double up to .50 and triple up to .35, 1 like coupon per visit (no overage given)
Most their daily prices are rather high, so even with doubles/triples, it is hard to get a GREAT deal.
.89 each Tender California Broccoli
.99 Bounty Paper towels
-.25 insert 10-16 P&G
=.24 after triple coupon
$1.69/lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken tenders
$1.50 Baby Bella Mushrooms 8 oz
$3.29 Folgers 10.3-11.5 oz coffee
-$1 insert 10-2 RP
=$2.29 each
Don't understand my lingo? Go here. Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Food Town Deals Oct 26th- Nov 1st
Food Town has a few good deals this week. Find out if you are close to one here.
If you are you can either shop in store, or take your ad to Walmart to price match. I typically just pick the stuff up at Walmart because the store closest to me is not very coupon friendly.
You can get on their home mailer list by stopping in to your store and asking to be put on the mailing list. Then, you should get the 2 page homemailer every week.
I am listing the items I think are a decent price from both the homemailer AND the in store ad which is much larger(20 pages!)
Food Town does NOT double or triple coupons and at least near me, they adjust coupons down to the value of the item.
$1.79 Mountain King Jumbo potatoes 8 lb bag
$3.99 Scott Mega Roll Paper Towels 6 roll pk
-$1 insert 10-23 SS or All You August 2011
=$2.99 or .50 a roll
.39/lb mild yellow onions
.99 Del-Dixi hamburger dills 32 oz jar
.50 Red Gold Squeeze ketchup 24 oz
-.55/2 blinkies (found at Gerlands)
=2 for .45
3/$1 Red Gold Tomatoes and Green Chilies 10 oz can
-.55/2 blinkies (found at Gerlands)
=2 for .11
$1.77 Market Wrapped Jumbo pack boneless skinless fryer breast or tenders
$1.49 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes 35 count
-$1 All You magazine Oct 2011 or
-.50/2 IP OR
-.50/2 IP
Also a rebate for purchase price back on 1 wipes when you buy wipes and two additional Lysol products(can be wipes as well)
In store ad:
.69 Bush's Best Beans (many varieties listed)
-$1/5 MDA coupon booklet from Randalls
= $2.45 or .49 each when you buy 5
.99 Sunsweet D'Noir Prunes 9 oz
-.55 IP or booklet (found on displays in produce section)
= .44
$1.33 Aunt Jemima frozen waffles
-$1 IP (must watch video first)
.99 Dr Pepper 2 liters
-.55 hangtags
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Free Barbie Doll @ Tawny Horse set with $15 Barbie product purchase (after S/H)
This huge display with tearpads was found at Big Lots, but I am sure it is going to start popping up at multiple stores(This is similar to the Cars @ backpack rebate that could be found at HEB, Toys R Us and Target a few months ago). Now would be the time to start looking for deals on Barbie products to get this Free Barbie with Horse set by mail in rebate.
Fine print: Make a $15 Barbie product purhase at this retailer between 10/1/11 and 12/31/11 and receive a free Barbie Doll & Tawny Horse set by mail. Offer valid between specific dates and at participating retailers only. You do have to pay shipping of $3.
Thanks Danielle for the heads up!
Edit to add: I found a display for this at HEB now too so looks like they are a participating retailer.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here. Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Free Disney Princess Transforming Castle with $15 Disney Princess Purchase (after S/H)
This huge display with tearpads was found at Big Lots, but I am sure it is going to start popping up at multiple stores(This is similar to the Cars @ backpack rebate that could be found at HEB, Toys R Us and Target a few months ago). Now would be the time to start looking for deals on Disney Princess items to get this Free Disney Princess Transforming Castle set by mail in rebate.
Fine print: Make a $15 Disney Princess toy purhase at this retailer between 9/1/11 and 12/31/11 and receive a Free Disney Princess Transforming Castle by mail. Offer valid between specific dates and at participating retailers only. You do have to pay shipping of $3.
Thanks Danielle for the heads up!
Don't understand my lingo? Go here. Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Vicks Natural Fusion - $4 Coupon - Home Mailer
Vocalpoint is offering a homemailer for $4 off Vicks Natural Fusion.
Just go here to claim yours or to sign up to be a Vocalpoint member. Membership is free and you get hot coupon offers like this one!
Thanks for the heads up JennS
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Just go here to claim yours or to sign up to be a Vocalpoint member. Membership is free and you get hot coupon offers like this one!
Thanks for the heads up JennS
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
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Reader Spotlight - Dollar General Clearance Score!
Wow! I am so jealous of you guys getting to head over to the Dollar General .10 clearance sale this morning. One reader in Texas City was kind enough to read my request for pictures and send me this picture. I am just gonna have to live vicariously through my readers on this deal as the texts to my husband begging him to go are not prompting action. lol
Reader Kari got the following items for the bargain price of $4.32 with a savings of $70!!!!!!
3 Garden flag/Pole sets ($6 regular)
3 Hooded Zipper sweatshirts ($14 regular)
Assorted little garden and bubble items.
Reader Mariah sent in this shot of her haul she paid .54 on the items pictured.
Wowee!!! Check out Amy's haul from her store!
She really found some smoking HOT barbeque accessories and some Miracle Gro my dh would kill for! (I was informed the candy is from the CVS deal so don't look for that in Dollar General, lol)
$1.73 for all you see pictured, WOW!!!!
Feel free to send in those pics readers, though I am completely jealous.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Monday, October 24, 2011
HOT! Mr Sticker Texas State Inspection - Just $18!!!!!
WOW! I just got this deal in email from SweetJack, a new daily deals site.
If you own a car, you can't afford NOT to buy this deal. Mr Sticker is offering a state inspection with emissions testing for just $18!!!!! Like I said WOW!!! Mr Sticker has 12 locations in Houston to choose from and you have a year from the date of purchase to use your certificate.
To find a Mr Sticker near you, here is their website.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Dollar General - Monster Clearance sale tomorrow
OMG!!!! I just got an email that makes me wish I didn't have to work tomorrow!!!
If you live around a Dollar General, you might want to add them to your early list tomorrow for this clearance blow out. Starting tomorrow at opening time, ALL Lawn and Garden, Swim/Summer Toys and Green Dot home clearance will be just .10 each!!!! As an added bonus they might have select clearance apparel at $1 or less. Sale items will vary by location and I am sure they will sell out FAST.
I would love my readers to send pics of the deals they get as I don't even work clsoe enough to a Dollar General to sneak over at lunch time :(
If you have any other Dollar General shopping to do later in the week, they are offering a $5 off $25 Friday only.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
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Prilosec - Free Sample
Woo Hoo, go here for a free sample of Prilosec. Sometimes free samples come with higer value coupons than what comes in inserts so always good to sign up. If you don't use the items consider donating or get together with other coupon buds and do a stockpile/sample swap :)
My husband can't personally use this but I have a coupon bud who's man can so she will be getting my sample sans the coupon(if there is one ;)
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Lysol $5 Rebate for Flu Shot when you buy 1 Lysol product
If you have plans or have gotten the flu shot this year, you might want to hop over to this page to check out the offer for a $5 off rebate. Valid from 10-1-11 through 2-29-12, simply purchase any one Lysol product and a flu product and submit your receipt(s). Limit 1 rebate per household.
You can go here to print some coupons for select Lysol products :)
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Stripes Monday - Free 32 oz Drink or Slush Monkey
It's Monday so time to head over to Stripes facebook page.
Like their page then head to the "Its Go Time" tab to score yourself a coupon for a free 32 oz fountain drink or free Slush Monkey. Coupon will be good through today or tomorrow.
While on facebook, like my page too for up to date deal information.
To find a location of Stripes, go here.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Wal*mart Holiday Price Matching Guarantee 2011
WOW! Walmart is really working hard to keep sales this year. Not sure if you guys have heard, but this year, experts are expecting the sales to be down for brick and mortar retailers as more shoppers go online or just do without this upcoming holiday season. Well, Walmart apparantly wants to capture your sale and keep it by offering a price match guarantee on any purchases at Walmart or on between Nov 1 and Dec 25.
According to reports (actual Walmart website link) just keep your receipt for any purchases made from November 1st until Christmas Day. If you find a lower price advertised in a print ad for any local competitor, Walmart will match it by giving you a giftcard in the amount of the price difference!
Hmmm, this should make shopping this holiday season a little less stressful. According to one report, layaway purchases are also eligible but Black Friday ads and internet pricing will NOT be.
Read more about it here and here.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Randalls (Safeway) - Trying to come up with frozen food scenarios
I have to admit I perused the frozen food aisle of Safeway and nothing jumped out at me for an awesome deal using the 30% off coupon in the ad. I already mentioned this deal:
4 Red Baron pizzas: 13.34
2 Safeway frozen veggies 1.98 after in ad coupon
= 15.32 - 4.60 (30% off coupon)
=10.72 - $4 (2 $2/2 Red Baron tearpads- found at Randalls, Kroger and CVS)
=$6.72 or $1.12 an item
Well, I am brain storming a few other scenarios, but keep in mind I have not done any of these things yet personally.
3 Freschetta pizzas @ 5.49 each
=$16.47 - $4.94 (30% off cooupon)
= $11.53 - $3 (3 $1 IP's - will require two computers)
=$8.53 oop but earn $5 oyn floral purchase for purchasing 3 Freschetta pizzas (see details here)
6 Hot Pockets* @ $2.39 each
1 Safeway veggie $1.29
=$15.63 - $4.69 (30% off coupon)
= $10.94 - $3.12 (Randalls sale, buy 3 or more @ 1.87 each)
= $7.82 - $3 (3 $1/2 IP - will require two computers)
= $ 4.82 oop
*I am not sure if this will work exactly like this since the $1.87 price does not actually require a coupon, just for them to hit total, but the ring up price is 2.39 originally for the Hot Pockets
Other items you might be able to throw in your scenarios to up your total to $15 for the in ad 30% off coupon
Aunt Jemima pancakes $2.79
-.84 (30% off coupon)
-$1 IP (watch video then you can print)
= .95/box
*hopefully I can stop in tomorrow and get more pricing to add to this list.
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
Some links provided in this post may help fund my blog - see my disclosure statement here.
Free Sample of Zantac 150 and $5 coupon - use at Walgreens for 24 ct for .99
Just click the picture above and fill out the form to receive a free sample of Zantac 150 (If you are reading in a RSS reader or on facebook, click here to go to blog post for the picture). After doing so, on your confirmation screen, it will offer you a coupon for $5 off any Zantac 150. Click and print and take your coupon to Walgreens.
On page 14 of the ad, Walgreens has the Zantac 150 24 count on sale for $7.99 with $2 in register rewards.
Use the $5 coupon and get a box for just .99 after coupon and register reward! Sweet
(this post is for you IMM!)
Don't understand my lingo? Go here.
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JM Smuckers Brand coupons on Walmart site
Right now, if you head over to the Walmart in stores now page, you can print several coupons for various Smuckers brand items. I am hoping a few of these will make for cheap/free items at Randalls after doubles/triples, including:
.50 Smuckers jam, jelly or preserves
.35 Pillsbury brownie mix or frosting
.50 Smucker's Uncrustables brand sandwiches(these are usually quite pricy but I am hoping they will be reasonable with the 30% in ad Randalls coupon)
$1 Folgers 3 oz+ coffee (hmm has anyone seen a 3 oz can?)
Thanks Hip2Save for the heads up on these coupons.
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Mott's Juice deal at Target
Wow! Did you happen to see this offer in the Target ad today?
Mott's 64 oz apple juice is on sale for $2.25 and you can get a free 6 pack of applesauce when you purchase two!
Well, if you are a lucky duck that happens to still have some coupons from the MDA Safeway coupon booklets (I posted about these here ), then you can score a pretty awesome deal.
2 Mott's apple juice @ $2.25 each = $4.50
1 Motts 6 pk applesauce = FREE
-$2/2 MDA coupon
= $2.50 or .83 an item
4 Mott's apple juice @ $2.25 each = $9
2 Motts 6 pk applesauce = FREE
Ocean Spray Cranberry Sparklers are $1.99
-$1.50 MDA coupon
=.49 a 4 pack or ~.13 each (Thanks CouponKristin!)
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HOT!!!! Huge Bag of Reese's snack size candy - FREE at CVS* and weekly matchups
*Did you take your kiddos in costume today to CVS? If so, you should have received a bag of goodies for them with some goodies for you!
One of the coupons is a CVS store coupon for $5 off any Hershey's snack size bags 19 oz or larger.
Well, go here to print a manufacturer coupon for $1 off any Hershey's snack size bags 9 oz or larger and then take both to CVS.
You should find the 19.5 oz bag of Reese's snack size for just $5.99 sale price, making it FREE with both coupons SCORE!
While you are there, you might want to pick up a few more deals:
Starburst singles 4/$2
Earns $1 in ECB
- 2 Bogo coupons here (must watch video first)
Cost at register: $1
Pumpkin Masters Carving Tool $2.49
Earns $2.49 in ECB
Cost at register: $2.49
Gold Emblem candy corn, autumn mix or pumpkins 8 oz .99
Earns .99 in ECB
Cost at register: .99
Glade Sense and Spray $5
Earns $4 in ECB wyb $12 worth
-$3 or $4 insert 9-25 SS (varies by region)
Cost at regiter for 3 : $3-$6 depending on your coupon value
$2 for 3 or as good as $1 money maker depending on your coupon
Cover Girl Cheekers Blush
Earns $3 in ECB wyb $10 worth
-$8/2 insert 10-2 P&G
Cost at register for 4: $0 (or .02 MM if cashier does not adjust down)
Profit of $3
*Don't forget you also earn 15.96 spend toward the Beauty Rewards Club tally!
AND receipts can be used for the $10 P&G rebate
CVS Supreme Diapers $6.99
Earns $2 in ECB wyb 1 (limit 1)
-$4/2 CRT (I have one, maybe some of you do too?)
Cost at register for 2 : $9.98
$7.98 cost or 2 for $3.99
(I actually have a bogo rain check from 2005 I am going to ask if I can use! wish me luck)
Pepsi 2 liters .99
-.55 Pepsi Max blinkies (if included? - found at Randalls)
=.44 each
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Olay Gift Sets - Free after Rebate, Small MM after Cash Back!
WOW! I was hoping they would offer this deal again this year. For those of you that did this last year, no worries, this is a new rebate timeframe, so you can net yourself a free Olay gift set, and a decent money maker for those of you with a Discover Card!
If you have a Discover card, go through ShopatHome to receive 2% back)
Whichever site you go through, once you get to through them, type Olay gift set in the search field. It will bring up the two basket options shown above for $9 each.
After tax my total was $9.74 with free shipping.
Then head here and print the Allure magazine rebate form. If you read the fine print on this form, you can either choose a magazine subscription or you can choose to have a rebate for the value of the subscription (currently 9.99) You will just need to mail this form, the card inside your Olay gift basket and a copy of your receipt within 30 days of purchase.
After the cost of your tax and stamp, you will get the gift basket for just under .25.
BUT, if you went through ShopDiscover, you will get back 5% cash back in your account, so ~ .45, making this a very small money maker.
If you go through Shopathome, you get 2% back so ~.18 making this a break even!
Thanks Who Said Nothing in Life is Free.
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Free Ice Cream Pizza - Marble Slab and Maggie Moo's - Monday Oct 24
My girls and I participated in this promo last year and I have to say ice cream pizza is a interesting invention that you should try. I got the email from Maggie Moo's but in my years as a couponer, I have learned many companies who share parent companies and Marble Slab and Maggie Moo's is one of those.
Just go to any participating Maggie Moo's or Marble Slab store between the hours of 3 and 6 pm tomorrow (Monday) and get a free slice of ice cream pizza to try.
If you purchase an ice cream pizza during the month of October, $1 from each sold will be donated to the Susan G Komen for the Cure.
To find your closest participating locations, go here for Maggie Moo's and here for Marble Slab.
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CVS - Don't forget to take your kiddos in Costume
Don't forget, CVS today is offering a free kids pack and photo for each child that comes dressed in their Halloween costumes with any purchase. I took my two little vampires (Draculaura and Marceline) and got their goodie bags. We did have to ring up in two separate purchases, but I just used the Starburst bogo coupons(you can print here after watching video) to buy them 2 each. They were .50 each and after purchasing 4, you earn a $1 ECB thus making them free.
The following is a picture of the goodie bags being given to the kiddos. The store should also give you the parent the following coupons:
$5 off any Halloween costume
$5 off any Hershey's snack size bags 19 oz or larger
$2 off any CVS pharmacy brand c or d size batteries
Free 5x7 print from your camara or cd
All expire 10-31-11
Also, don't forget TODAY is the last day to register for your coupon for 20 free 4x6 prints.
Coupon will be good until 10-26 but you have to sign up and print it TODAY.
Stay tuned later for my matchups for CVS and Walgreens.
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Friday, October 21, 2011
WOW! Hot deal on Mossimo Jeans at Target
I did this deal this morning and it worked without a hitch. I started to post but dang it if I got too busy at work.
Anyway, right now there is a SUPER HOT deal with combined coupon codes at Target. You have to get 1 pair of Mossimo Jr jeans and 1 other women's apparel item(NOT ON CLEARANCE). I chose the Mossimo Supply Co. Juniors Bootcut Jean - Medium Tint Wash and a shirt : C9 by Champion® Women's Short-Sleeve Power Workout Tee - Assorted Colors.
Once you put two items in the cart, enter the following promo codes TGTTUY28 and TGT75HFN. You will have to create a Target account if you don't have one or else both codes will not work. When you do this, the two codes will cover shipping and take a huge chunk off your order. I got both my items for $5.22 after tax!
Others are reporting getting jeans and leggings for only $6.xx! This is a HOT deal and is only good today.
Also, consider going through ShopDiscover for 5% cash back (PLUS it might count for an additional 5% for the quarterly BONUS cash back) if you have a Discover card or Shopathome for 4% if you are not a Discover Card holder.
Thanks SD, IMM and JennS
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Walgreens - Free 8 x 10 Collage Print through Sat Oct 22nd
Walgreen's is currently offering one free 8 x 10 collage print per customer account. Just go to Walgreen's Photo, upload your pics, create your collage print and use the code CLG8X10 at checkout.
PLUS you can get an 11 x 14 poster for just $1.99 using code PSTR4LESS.
You have until Saturday October 22nd to take advantage of this deal.
Thanks Janice.
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CVS - Halloween Party and Customer Event Sunday October 23

Make CVS Pharmacy your destination for Halloween.
Join us on Sunday, October 23 from 9am- 5pm for our 2011 Halloween Party and Customer Event!
Children in costume will receive a free Halloween gift pack and complimentary photo with any purchase on October 23, 2011 at all CVS/pharmacy locations, while supplies last. The gift pack includes $5 value of candy, toys, trick or treat safety items and $10 in coupons for additional Halloween products! The gift pack also includes a free 5X7 photo, supported by an in-store costume photo shoot.
Thanks Mariah and Susan
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Foodarama Deals Oct 19th-25th
Foodarama has 10 locations in and around the Houston area. Find the store nearest you here.
Foodarama has supplied me with their coupon policy, found here.
.35/lb Chicken Leg Quarters (limit 1 per family with $10 additional purchase)
.88/lb Seedless green grapes
$1.77/lb Country Style Pork Ribs
.38/lb Yellow Onions
.99/lb Fresh Ground Turkey -all size trays
4 for $3 Bush's Best Beans, all varieties
-$1/5 MDA Safeway coupon booklet
=.55 each wyb 5
.79 Crisp Celery
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Kroger Halloween Ecoupon - $2 off Candy
For you Kroger shoppers, you can go here and load a $2 off $5 candy purchase coupon.
If you choose to load this coupon, make sure to confirm it comes off at the register for you as ecoupons can be highly unpredictable at most stores. I typically separate my ecoupon items and have them total my purchases to confirm they come off. I do this at all stores that have ecoupons, and if they don't come off I have them void the products off my order.
Thanks SD!
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Randalls (Safeway) - Oct 19-25
$1.99 Sara Lee 20 oz bread
-.55 Cellfire ecoupon
=$1.44 (I load my cellfire each time they reset so I actually had 2 .55 coupons come off when I purchased 1 loaf of bread , making it just .89 :)
$4.99 Starbucks Frappuccino or Doubleshot
-$1 in ad coupon(limit 4)
-$2/2 IP
=$2.99 each wyb 2 (makes them .75 a bottle which is still kind of high for me to purchase ;)
$3 Kettle Chips
-$1.02 in ad coupon (limit 4)
-$1 insert 9-25 RP
$4.99 Freshmatic Ultra
-$1 off when you buy 3 or more
-$4 insert 9-11 SS
$2.99 Welch's 100% juice
-$1 in ad coupon (limit 3)
-$1 insert 9-25 SS
=.99 (thanks for Daniela)
$2.50 Nature Valley Granola Bars
-.73 in ad coupon (limit 4)
-.60 IP here here or here (for sweet and salty)
-.50 insert 8-28 SS (for chewy trail mix variety)
= varies
Deal scenario:
Buy 4 NV granola bars @ 1.77 after in ad coupon
-3 .60 IP (will require 2 computers)
-.50 insert doubled
=$4.28 oop but earn $2 oynso for purchasing 4 NV granola bars(buy 3 get 1, buy 4 get 2, buy 5 get 3)
so $2.28 for 4 or .57 a box
Stay tuned later in the week for ideas for the frozen food deal, I already have ideas rattling around in my head like this one for example:
4 Red Baron pizzas: 13.34
2 Safeway frozen veggies 1.98 after in ad coupon
= 15.32 - 4.60 (30% off coupon)
=10.72 - $4 (2 $2/2 Red Baron tearpads- found at Randalls, Kroger and CVS)
=$6.72 or $1.12 an item
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A new $5 off Transformer coupon
In case you have not overdone it with Transformer toys yet, here is a new coupon for $5 off any Transformer priced at $5.99 or above. Coupon expires 10-31 and don't forget if you buy $20 worth (BEFORE coupons) you can send off for a rebate to get yet another coupon, a little Transformer lego(like the one protecting my kid's lego house above- don't MESS with that house or Optimus will take you DOWN!) and a Transformer T-Shirt.
Thanks Mariah
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