They have brought back the $5 IP for Zantac, woo hoo!!!! With this coupon, you can get these for just .50 after mega deal at Kroger! YAY!
Monday, January 31, 2011
WOW!!! Zantac $5 IP available again!!! Only .50 after mega at Kroger
They have brought back the $5 IP for Zantac, woo hoo!!!! With this coupon, you can get these for just .50 after mega deal at Kroger! YAY!
Free Chicken Wings at Kroger
When your done, don't forget to go here to play the daily instant win game.
Thanks Erin.
Free Oreo Brownies at Walgreens - with tearpad
I don't normally go inside gas stations (since the invention of pay at the pump). But the day I signed up for Shopkick I wanted to see what scanning products was all about, so I ran into the store after filling up. Boy was I glad I did. Not only did I earn myself about 70 Kickbucks, but I found some GREAT coupons. One of these is a .50 off Oreo brownies or Cakesters.
I have been looking for these without success at Kroger or Randalls hoping that will doubles they would be free. Well, lucky for me there was a line at the cash register while checking out at Walgreens so I was browsing around the front end displays. My eyes happened upon a sign right under the Oreo brownies for 2/$1, WOO HOO!!!! Free brownies.
These are single serve, but last night I opened one and cut it in four and that was dessert. Just perfect bite size and kept us all from eating a whole one each (my pants thank me today)
So, lesson learned, perhaps pay at the pump is not a great invention and hopping in a gas station from time to time will provide a new source of some goodies :)
If you are going to be headed to Walgreens anyway, print this $1/2 Butterfinger Snackers and get them free when you combine it with the in ad coupon.
Reader Spotlight - Cheap Paper towels or Free Marcal Toilet Paper in HOUSTON!!!!
I was super excited when I got this information from reader Brittany.
Too many times we have gotten those free or $1 Marcal paper products coupons in our inserts and not been able to find these products. Our most recent is in the 1/2 RP insert.
Well, according to Brittany Food Town currently has the 4 pack of toilet paper for .88 and 1.19. To see if you have a Food Town near you, go here. I am not sure how long this sale goes, but it might end Tuesday, so don't delay. Also, you will need to find out what the rules of your store are in regards to how many like coupons they will take. Last I checked, the one in Sugar Land on Eldridge will only take 2 identical coupons per person per day.
Update: It does appear the toilet paper is in their instore ad, so you should be able to get a raincheck in the event they are sold out.
*Update: I was just informed on my facebook page coupon states one per customer, so looks like you might need to bring the family with you to get more, lol.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Great deal on Skippy Peanut Butter at Randalls
For those of you that have not been able to find the Joy of Football books at Randalls, or even for those that don't want to mess with even attempting to get 9 jars of peanut butter at CVS (or a raincheck for 9 jars), this is a pretty awesome deal.
This weekend the inserts had a coupon for .50 off Skippy peanut butter. But as you all should know(at least in TX) that .50 coupon is doubled to $1 in Randalls and Tom Thumb. Todays supplement also had this Randalls coupon making Skippy peanut butter just $1.49 with coupon (if you don't get the paper most stores will have this Sunday supplement with the regular weekly ads)
So, take your .50 coupon and this Randalls coupon and you can get peanut butter for .49 a jar!!!! That is an awesome price seeing as it is currently $2.59 at Kroger :0
Ok, I know what you are saying, you are reading the fine print right now on the Randalls coupon and saying, but Stephanie, I have to spend $10 first to get my .49 peanut butter.
And now I share a little trick with you that has always worked for me (disclaimer: I am not saying all stores will allow the rolling of this but I have personally never had an issue doing this). By a Safeway giftcard for $10.
I purchase a $10 Safeway giftcard and my peanut butter. I pay $10.49 and get my jar of peanut butter and a $10 gc that I can use at a later date(that NEVER expires)
Then tomorrow, if I want, I will go in and do it again, BUT this time, my total will be $10.49 and I will pay $10 of it with my gift card and .49 oop.
At the end, I will have as many jars of peanut butter as the patience I have had to do the deal and a $10 gc for future purchase. IT will get used the next deal I find :)
Kroger Mega deal run - needed water for the class
I went to Kroger yesterday to run a quick Mega deal because we wanted water for the coupon classes today. Well, I have to say I was pretty happy with my deal although I did forget completely about the Kleenex catalina (I seriously need sleep, lol)
This is what I ended up doing(all prices listed are after the mega savings:
Zantac tablets $5.50
-$5 insert 11-14 SS
Final cost : .50 each
$1.79 Garden of Eatin’ Tortilla Chips
- $1 IP
Final cost = .79 each
$2.50 Advil tablets
-$2 IP
Final cost = .50 each
.75 Honest Tea
-.50 IP
Final cost = PROFIT .25
Final cost = PROFIT .01
$.99 Kleenex tissues
-$1 insert 1-2 SS (I got mine in trade)Final cost = PROFIT .01
$2.99 Ozarka Water (not pictured because I left it in car to take to class)
Final cost = $2.99 each
Not part of mega:
.88 Softsoap
-.35 Pharmacy booklet coupon
Final Cost = FREE
Some of my other matchups can be found here.
$3.89 Natures Bounty vitamins (on bogo sale)
-$2 Pharmacy booklet coupon
Final cost = .11 PROFIT
$2.89 Sundown Vitamins (on bogo sale)
-$2 Pharmacy booklet coupon
Final cost = $1.11 PROFITFinal Cost = $11.79
Received back a $2 oynso cat for purchasing at least 7 Kleenex and a $5 oynso catalina for purchasing at least 4 Ozarka waters.
Making final cost $11.79 - $7 = $4.79Some of my other matchups can be found here.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Class Participants - Check Your emails
All other readers, I promise this is the last post about the class and I plan to go back to my crazy couponing ways. These classes take a lot out of me!
Class participants - Check you emails!!! If you have NOT gotten an email with instructions, Please email me immediately so we can take care of you. We want to make the check in process go as quickly and as smooth as possible.
Class participants - Check you emails!!! If you have NOT gotten an email with instructions, Please email me immediately so we can take care of you. We want to make the check in process go as quickly and as smooth as possible.
WOW - HOT Deal on Zantac!
WOW!!!! I finally had a chance to actually go over a little more the prices and item details I collected on the Kroger Mega sale and I think you Zantac users are gonna be SUPER excited!! How does a $5 coupon sound? I know, I know, you are saying, but that stuff is $9.xx daily, that is only 50% off.
Well, those of you that are Zantac users AND live near a Kroger, listen up! Kroger has the Zantac on mega sale for $5.50!!!!! (how is that $5 coupon sounding now? lol)
Alright, now that I have you attention, for those of you that have been in the coupon game awhile, you can pull out your 11-14 SS and pull that $5 coupon. This one expires 1-31 so you need to hurry (that is Monday!)
For those of you that don't have inserts that far back (or those that want MORE) go here and sign up to print a $5 coupon.
Another item I noticed is a freebie (since you might need some filler items) is the Scotch foam mounting squares. These are $1 after mega and there is an IP here. These can be found near the school supplies in Kroger stores.
Will try to post more soon!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Attention Katy Couponers Class Participants PLEASE READ
WOW! Courtney and I have been working really hard to finalize things and we just keep coming up with more and more stuff to teach you guys, I do hope you get LOTS of sleep because I am a fast talker and I will need to talk fast to teach you guys all we have in store!
On another note, we have a few bookkeeping issues. We have some ppl who have prepaid but have NOT filled the form out to have you on the official roster. We have had to pull that form as the class is FULL and we cannot have any else signing up. We are sure we do not have a proper head count and without your information you might not get the vital directions and instruction we need to provide BEFORE the class.
Some of you have payed TWICE and we don't know if you are bringing someone or you just love us that much :) If it was an accident, you are potentially filling a spot of someone else that might be able to attend.
PLEASE if you are unsure if we have all your info EMAIL me or fill out my contact me form on the tab on the top of my blog.
I want to make sure everyone gets ALL the information, so please help us do this housekeeping so we have enough supplies for all participants.
Thank You
I cannot wait to see you guys and for everyone else, I cannot wait to get back to NORMAL shopping again. I have not done a full run in almost a week and my coupons are missing me :(
On another note, we have a few bookkeeping issues. We have some ppl who have prepaid but have NOT filled the form out to have you on the official roster. We have had to pull that form as the class is FULL and we cannot have any else signing up. We are sure we do not have a proper head count and without your information you might not get the vital directions and instruction we need to provide BEFORE the class.
Some of you have payed TWICE and we don't know if you are bringing someone or you just love us that much :) If it was an accident, you are potentially filling a spot of someone else that might be able to attend.
PLEASE if you are unsure if we have all your info EMAIL me or fill out my contact me form on the tab on the top of my blog.
I want to make sure everyone gets ALL the information, so please help us do this housekeeping so we have enough supplies for all participants.
Thank You
I cannot wait to see you guys and for everyone else, I cannot wait to get back to NORMAL shopping again. I have not done a full run in almost a week and my coupons are missing me :(
25 Point Disney Movie Rewards code
Disney has an old code worth 25 points that still seems valid: FPSNN83JX9
When I went to enter code it said it was a duplicate and checking my history, apparantly I entered this code in April! So you may want to check your history if you are not sure on this as I know you can get your account locked if you enter too many wrong codes.
If you are not a member of DisneyMovieRewards, go here to sign up(it is free and you can earn points by entering these promo codes as they come out, for purchasing select marked Disney movies or even for submitting your theatre stubs from a Disney flick.
Thanks Mom (guess I AM going to have to switch back to unlimited text now that you have learned how :P)
HOT! Bar S printable - Facebook
Right now, Bar S has a promotional game on their facebook page.
You will want to like them and then click the how to play tab.
Scroll to the bottom and choose Start the challenge.
Then you will have a choice to learn more (the very first item)
Select this and you will get 10 points. When you get those you can cash out for a $1 Bar S coupon. It will ask for your address etc but then will provide you a link to print your coupons instantly.
The Bar S hot dogs are on the mega sale at Kroger right now for .89(if I remember price correctly), so small money maker with this coupon.
OR for you locals with a Food Town close by, apparantly their ad this week has Bar S bacon for $1.77! Thanks reader Mary! yum it's bacon.
Great Money Maker Deal on Swiffer at Walmart
I found these Swiffer dusters at Walmart with a special tag for a free 1 year subscription to select magazines. There is a unique code and a website you are directed to for you to pick your subscription. HOWEVER, if you scroll to the bottom of that website page, in the fine print, it states you can opt for a rebate of the subscription price in place of the subscription. $12!!!!
Well, as you can see, the Swiffer only cost $8.97 so a small money maker if you opt for the rebate! Yay! I can finally clean my ceiling fans, lol.
Rebate states limit 1 subscription per household. Check your coupon stash for homemailers on the Swiffer and you might be able to turn it into a bigger money maker.
Well, as you can see, the Swiffer only cost $8.97 so a small money maker if you opt for the rebate! Yay! I can finally clean my ceiling fans, lol.
Rebate states limit 1 subscription per household. Check your coupon stash for homemailers on the Swiffer and you might be able to turn it into a bigger money maker.
StorytimeforMe FREE ebooks
My husband and I have a passion for books and we have been working really hard to install that passion in our children. Lets admit it though, it is sometimes hard to get a child to sit down a read a book when they want to see the wonderful world a computer has to offer. I am really loving these sites sprouting up that offer books online for reading. So far it seems to be working well on my kids, they have been enjoying the last site I posted about here.
Well, there is a new site: StoryTimeForMe that offers FREE ebooks narrated by professional actors and with word by word highlighting. You don't even have to register or login to enjoy these free books! You have nothing to lose and now a great "babysitter" for those 10-15 minutes you need to shower, cook, or take a power nap (can you tell I am a sleep deprived mommy this week, lol)
Thanks Brandie.
Vistaprint $50 voucher for only $5*
LivingSocial has a great deal right now for Vistaprint. Just head to LivingSocialand search under more deals -> Atlanta.
If you are a new member, they will give you $5 just for signing up. The cost of the Vistaprint $50 voucher is $10, less the $5 bonus = just $5.
If you buy the deal and tell 3 friends that get in on the deal, you can actually get yours FREE! WOW!
I was just telling my friend how I needed to buy more business cards as I just ran out. Now, I might go ahead and buy a picture calendar (or two) too since my free one I got last year only has 1-2 months left on it. (I love that when you make the calendars you can have it start any month you want!) Awesome deal!
Fine Print: voucher does not cover tax or shipping.
Thanks Sarah.
REMINDER - NOON!!!!! Mark your Calendar for Thursday - Cellfire to give instant saving coupons!
Well, Cellfire is up to it again. Log on to your account between Noon- 4pm CST and see what you win! They are giving away a .50, $1, $2 or $5 coupon which will be added to your Kroger (or Kroger affiliate card) to be used on your next instore visit.
You must be registered to claim your prize. Don't forget Cellfire reset today too, so go load up those coupons now since Thursday their site will be bogged down with traffic!
I won the .50 last time, so here is hoping we all win a $5!
Thanks Shawn
Kroger Mega Deal teaser
Well here it is 1 am and I have not posted the Kroger mega matchups, shame on me.
So sorry guys, I just want the class presentation to be perfect and I have been messing with that most the night.
I have started to work some matchups, so I will post those for your reader enjoyment and I hope to have a more complete list for you later. The good news is the sale goes for 2 weeks, the bad news is some coupons probably expire Sunday.
For this Kroger Mega sale you can mix and match any items on sale BUT you must purchase in groups of 10 to get the discounted price. (I suggest using reusable bags in your cart, or the hand carts in your shopping cart to separate your piles of 10 to assure a smooth transaction at the registers.
All prices listed are AFTER mega deal (and thus assume you bought 10 participating items)
.50 Balance Bar
- $1/3 IP Final cost = .50/3
$1.79 Garden of Eatin’ Tortilla Chips
- $1 IP
Final cost = .79
.75 Honest Tea
-.50 IP
Final cost = PROFIT .25
$2.49 Hebrew National Beef Franks
-$2/2 The Joy of Football Randalls booklet
Final Cost = $2.98/2
$3 BenGay
-$2 IP
Final Cost = $1.30 Candle-lite CHEAP FILLER
$3.99 Stayfree
-$1 IP Stayfree AND
- Bogo insert 1-9 SS
Final Cost = $2.49/2
$3.99 Carefree
-.50 IP Carefree
Final Cost = $2.99
$1 Reach Toothbrush
-bogo insert 1-3 RP AND
-$1 insert 10-10 RP
Final Cost = Profit of .50 on 2
$1.49 Chex Mix/Bugles/Gardetto’s
Catalina deal: Buy 3 get $1.50 oynso
-$1 The Joy of Football Randalls booklet
-$1/2 insert 1-2 GM
Final Cost = varies
$3.49 Finish Autodish Monodose
-$2.25/1 Finish Quantum Dishwasher Detergent 1/2/2011 SS Insert (exp 2/21/2011)
Final Cost = $1.24
.75 Jell-O Gelatin and Pudding
- .55/3 IP
Final Cost = $1.70/3
$1.49 Krusteaz Cookie Mix
- $1/1 Krusteeze Cookie Mix 12/05/10 SS Insert (exp 2/28/2011)
Final Cost = .49
.36 Ro-Tel
-$1/3 IP
Final Cost = .08/3
.99 Kraft American Singles
-$1 IP OR
-.75 insert 1-9 SS
Final Cost = Free or .24 each
.99 Philadelphia Cream Cheese
- .50/2 IP
Final cost = .98/2
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New Pampers Gift to Grow code - Worth 42 points WOW
Pampers has released a new code good for 42 points into the Gifts to Grow Program.
If you are not yet a member, be sure to go here and sign up! Even if you don't have babies, Pampers releases so many free codes so often, you could easily build them up to get some freebies.
If you are new you might want to check out these codes and see if they are still active. If so, you can essential start with 272 points just tonight. That would put you over half way to earning Shutterfly Prints Package: 25 4x6, Two 5x7, and One 8x10.
Please let me know if any of these codes are now expired (can't check for expiration once you enter the code in your account)
Thank you Sarah.
Nature Sweet Tomato Printable and other goodies to print
Ok, I have to admit I have done very little shopping the last couple days, just gearing up and spending time preparing for the class this weekend (I am excited, are you guys?)
Well, I am going stir crazy and ready to SHOP!!!!
Kroger mega sale started today and I am going to work to get some great matchups posted for you guys later tonight. AND I promise to show pictures of my shopping when I get out there to run the deals(that will remain a staple feature on this blog!)
While doing my research I have come across some pretty good printable coupons that should help with the shopping.
First, I know these are not cheap, but my huband and I LOVE cherry tomatoes. Any coupon for these makes me happy, especially in pdf form!!!!
Here is a link to a .55 printable for a bag of NatureSweet Cherry tomatoes.
Some other coupons I am printing
$1 Oscar Mayer Carving board meats (In case it is included at Kroger)
$1/2 Mars candies (no size restrictions)
$3 Schick Quattro for Women (this is my preferred razor!)
.50 Carefree product (pantiliners still free at Kroger)
.50 Mahatma rice (should net free rice at Kroger)
Bogo Temptations cat treats (select ones are $1 at Kroger and when you buy 6, you get $1 oynso)
Stay tuned for my Kroger matchups tonight!
Well, I am going stir crazy and ready to SHOP!!!!
Kroger mega sale started today and I am going to work to get some great matchups posted for you guys later tonight. AND I promise to show pictures of my shopping when I get out there to run the deals(that will remain a staple feature on this blog!)
While doing my research I have come across some pretty good printable coupons that should help with the shopping.
First, I know these are not cheap, but my huband and I LOVE cherry tomatoes. Any coupon for these makes me happy, especially in pdf form!!!!
Here is a link to a .55 printable for a bag of NatureSweet Cherry tomatoes.
Some other coupons I am printing
$1 Oscar Mayer Carving board meats (In case it is included at Kroger)
$1/2 Mars candies (no size restrictions)
$3 Schick Quattro for Women (this is my preferred razor!)
.50 Carefree product (pantiliners still free at Kroger)
.50 Mahatma rice (should net free rice at Kroger)
Bogo Temptations cat treats (select ones are $1 at Kroger and when you buy 6, you get $1 oynso)
Stay tuned for my Kroger matchups tonight!
Local deal: Ruggles gift certificate deal/free to print - Yummy!
Wow! GetGrouby is offering a gift certificate/coupon for Ruggles grill. The cool thing is this is a FREE coupon, so if you end up not using it, you are not out anything but the ink to print it.
This coupon will entitle you to $30 off a $60 meal (drinks are not included- ALL drinks).
You can print two certificates, 1 for yourself and 1 for a friend. Two vouchers per table, expires March 27th.
If you have never heard of Ruggles, it is located in Montrose area and is super yummy and a perfect location for special occassions! You can check out their site here.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Free Online Federal Income Tax Software - regardless of your income
Make over $31,000 last year? Don't have a military background?
Well, the good news is you can still do your taxes FREE online!!! I used the Turbo Tax last year and it was super easy and did not cost me a dime.
Or, if you prefer H&R Block is offering their program free too. I have no personal experience with their website so I really cannot tell you how they compare.
I can tell you, I have used the Turbo Tax and was able to get through it even when my husband was a contract employee and I had to account for crazy receipts and deductions. You do have to keep in mind they are in the business to make money so intermittenly throughout the program, they will ask you to upgrade versions for a fee. This are completely optional and you do not have to upgrade.
HOT $5 Petsmart coupon - No Minimum purchase - Select Cities
Wow! Right now Petsmart is offering a $5 coupon off your next purchase before 1-30-11. There is NO minimum order value according to the coupon fine print. I am so happy I waited to get my turtle's filters YAY!
This coupon is only valid in select cities: Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, Livingston NY, Los Angeles, Houston, New York City, Tampa and Philadelphia.
Hurry and go here to print your coupons. Allows two prints per computer.
If you don't have pets, consider printing the coupon to give to a shelter or rescue group like AnimalRescueKingdom.
Also, keep in mind Petco takes competitor coupons.
Thanks reader Maria for the heads up
Left Lane Sports Sale on Teva footwear and Columbia Outerwear
LeftLaneSports is having a sale right now on Teva footwear (60%) and Columbia outerwear(70% off). This is another deal site that offers drastically reduced close out items. If you go through this link, you will receive a $10 credit upon signup. This site specializes in sports and outdoor brands and equipment.
Free Papa Johns Large Pizza if SuperBowl goes into overtime
Papa Johns is giving away FREE pizza if the Superbowl (Feb 6th for you non football fans) goes into overtime. You do have to register the Saturday before the game to get this offer.
Registration is FREE so you lose nothing and have a chance to gain a large up to 3 topping pizza FREE.
Just go to papajohns website and create an account. Once you have done that, set up a delivery account (just have to confirm your address). Then click the My Account tab and select Papa Points and Enroll.
That is it! Woo hoo!
ALSO, on Super Bowl Sunday, Papa John’s will be giving away FREE pizzas every 45 seconds from 10 AM until 9:59 PM…you can check out the full details on their Facebook page! Wow! (Thanks Mary)
Free Dippin Dots - today January 25th only
Monday, January 24, 2011
Distractions are fun - A readers poll that is sure to upset my co-teacher!
Ok I have a few things to admit
#1: This picture has NOTHING to do with this post, I just really like the killers and they ground me.
#2 I am supposed to be working on finalizing my part of the power point for the class (I am by the way)
#3 I am self and friend/family/coworker diagnosed ADD (If there are not 20 things going on in my head at the same time, I am sleeping!)
#4 Courtney is gonna kill me when she reads this post and realizes I wasted at least 20 mins putting it together (shhhh, don't tell her and maybe she won't know! lol)
Anyway, I put together a little survey for my readers. I am planning LOTS of changes for this blog, but I want them all to be for the better of my readers.
Well, the only way to find that out is to actually ask my readers why you keep coming back for more!!!! I am absolutely certain it is NOT due to my horrid grammar (and over-use of parenthesis that drives my dear English degree husband into convulsions daily, mwhahaha)
So please give me your honest feed back. No one will view your answers but me and I don't even ask for your name so if you want to say I suck, feel free (I do have feelings and might cry, but the killers will comfort me)
Off topic real quick: the pic is of the killers and I have to admit, I plug in my earbuds and listen to their music while I am at home posting. Their music tends to drown out most distractions for me and give me focus on just 2-4 things instead of trying to do 15-20 :)
Now, feel free to be honest with me here
And if you still want to attend our class, we have a few spots left! You can meet this crazy couponer in person :) Just go here to sign up.
#1: This picture has NOTHING to do with this post, I just really like the killers and they ground me.
#2 I am supposed to be working on finalizing my part of the power point for the class (I am by the way)
#3 I am self and friend/family/coworker diagnosed ADD (If there are not 20 things going on in my head at the same time, I am sleeping!)
#4 Courtney is gonna kill me when she reads this post and realizes I wasted at least 20 mins putting it together (shhhh, don't tell her and maybe she won't know! lol)
Anyway, I put together a little survey for my readers. I am planning LOTS of changes for this blog, but I want them all to be for the better of my readers.
Well, the only way to find that out is to actually ask my readers why you keep coming back for more!!!! I am absolutely certain it is NOT due to my horrid grammar (and over-use of parenthesis that drives my dear English degree husband into convulsions daily, mwhahaha)
So please give me your honest feed back. No one will view your answers but me and I don't even ask for your name so if you want to say I suck, feel free (I do have feelings and might cry, but the killers will comfort me)
Off topic real quick: the pic is of the killers and I have to admit, I plug in my earbuds and listen to their music while I am at home posting. Their music tends to drown out most distractions for me and give me focus on just 2-4 things instead of trying to do 15-20 :)
Now, feel free to be honest with me here
And if you still want to attend our class, we have a few spots left! You can meet this crazy couponer in person :) Just go here to sign up.
Big Lots 20% coupon - good through 1-30
Big Lots has a 20% off your entire purchase coupon available right now through January 30th. If you have a Big Lots near you, you might want to hop in and see if they have anything you have been wanting/needing.
Keep in mind, Big Lots does not accept other manufacturer coupons as they already offer reduced closeout prices. Selection can also vary drastically by store.
Hot deal on Melissa and Doug toys at Amazon
Amazon is having a huge sale on several Melissa and Doug toys. I love wood toys and so I am always excited to see these items go on sale. Not only that, it really shows a child's creativity when they get to design their own toy. My oldest actually got the Create a Wand last year for her birthday and it was great fun watching her decorate to her liking. (lets just say the girl likes bling, lol)
This year, I am thinking about getting her this mirror since she keeps wanting to take my bathroom mirror and this one she get accessorize! And it is only $4.65 (down from $20.64)
They have many other items that are super cute, and some cool trains and cars for the boys on your list
Might be a good time to get a deal on your birthday gift closet.
Melissa & Doug Decorate-Your-Own Train
Melissa & Doug Decorate-Your-Own Wooden Race Car
Melissa & Doug Piggy Bank - DYO
Petrol - Free Jeans Giveaway on Facebook
Petrol jeans is giving away jeans on facebook. The rules are pretty simple. Just like their page and go to the Win a Pair tab. When there, leave the name of the person you would like to win the jeans (feel free to leave mine, Stephanie Jensen :P) and if that person gets 20 mentions in the comments by January 31st, they will win a free pair. Then encourage your friends and family to do the same for you!
Limit 1 name mentioned per facebook account!
Feel free to leave your name in my comment section so others can mention you too. Lets see how many of my readers can win free jeans.
Thanks Mary.
Limit 1 name mentioned per facebook account!
Feel free to leave your name in my comment section so others can mention you too. Lets see how many of my readers can win free jeans.
Thanks Mary.
Reader Spotlight - Hot deal on Kraft Cheese at Walmart with ad matching Kroger- YMMV
Alright, it might be possible I will have to reassess my attitude about Wal*mart. I don't see this in their updated policy, but reader Kayla was informed at her Wal*mart that they price match other local stores including bogo sales!
Right now, Kroger has the Kraft shredded cheese on sale for bogo. Wal*mart currently has their Kraft cheese priced at $2 each. Kayla was able to get the price match of bogo for the $2 Wal*mart price.
On top of that, she used her $1/2 Kraft cheese coupons in her 1-23 SS or the Joy of Football coupon booklets found at Randalls.
This made each pack of cheese just .50 a bag!
*I checked the current online policy at Wal*mart and it has not been updated to reflect this, so YMMV (your mileage may vary) as to whether all stores are doing this. I know Wal*mart has been making changes to their price match policy and I am hoping this is one of them.
Thanks Kayla for the info. Good deal if all stores are onboard :)
Right now, Kroger has the Kraft shredded cheese on sale for bogo. Wal*mart currently has their Kraft cheese priced at $2 each. Kayla was able to get the price match of bogo for the $2 Wal*mart price.
On top of that, she used her $1/2 Kraft cheese coupons in her 1-23 SS or the Joy of Football coupon booklets found at Randalls.
This made each pack of cheese just .50 a bag!
*I checked the current online policy at Wal*mart and it has not been updated to reflect this, so YMMV (your mileage may vary) as to whether all stores are doing this. I know Wal*mart has been making changes to their price match policy and I am hoping this is one of them.
Thanks Kayla for the info. Good deal if all stores are onboard :)
New Clothing Swap Site - OutGrowingIn
There is a new child and maternity clothing swap website up and running! Since basic membership is free, it might be a good idea to check out OutGrowingIn.
For just $3 kids clothing or $5 for maternity plus the cost of shipping, you can get a box of about 12 items of gently used clothing.
According to their website, you can also sign up for premium membership in which you can actually see pictures of the items as well as request brands. (I would suggest just browsing first before you shell out the $24.95 for the premium membership).
They provide the boxes for shipping and the US Postal service can pick up directly at your front door. Shipping of items takes 5-7 days and customer does receive a tracking number.
Free Subscription to MightyBookJr
Currently, you can get a free single household subscription to by going here and entering the code learntoread.
Just go to the, enter the code and select Single Household Subscription (a $99 value). Fill in your contact information in Step 2 and skip Step 3 for payment info. Hit continue and you are on your way.
After you sign up, you will be taken to page that has a link in the top right where you can log right in and start viewing the catalog of books available for reading.
The catalog will give you the age group that reading is geared for as well as the running time. Some of the books are automated and read to you highlighting the word being read, while others you can select to read yourself. I just browsed a few and am excited to show this to my daughters this evening.
Thanks reader Maria for the heads up!
Just go to the, enter the code and select Single Household Subscription (a $99 value). Fill in your contact information in Step 2 and skip Step 3 for payment info. Hit continue and you are on your way.
After you sign up, you will be taken to page that has a link in the top right where you can log right in and start viewing the catalog of books available for reading.
The catalog will give you the age group that reading is geared for as well as the running time. Some of the books are automated and read to you highlighting the word being read, while others you can select to read yourself. I just browsed a few and am excited to show this to my daughters this evening.
Thanks reader Maria for the heads up!
Cellfire to reset tomorrow
If you have not done so, you might want to head over to Cellfire to load up the coupons available. I often get asked how I have multiples of the same loadable to my card. In answer, Cellfire coupons are available to load for 2 weeks but are valid for use for 4 weeks. That gives a 2 week overlap where you can have two of the same coupon on your card for use.
With Randalls, I can purchase the minimum requirement for the coupon and ALL similar coupons will come off my card. For example, the Betty Crocker fruit snacks I have been purchasing. If you load the .50/2 today, there will most like be one again tomorrow. Load that one too then when you go in and purchase 2 fruit snacks, BOTH coupons will come off! This really comes in handy since Randalls will only double/triple 1 identical coupon.
Don't forget to check Shortcuts for new coupons too, you might just have 4 identical coupons for items!
*To clarify, you cannot use a paper coupon on the same qualifiers as the ecoupons, however, if you buy enough items, the ecoupons will ALL come off.
Ex: Last week, I bought 4 boxes of fruit snacks and used 1 paper coupon for .50/2 and two ecoupons(even though each states .50 wyb 2) came off the other two boxes taking off an additional $1.
Had I used a second paper coupon, it would not have doubled, and the ecoupons would not have come off, so by NOT using the paper coupon on those 2 boxes, I saved an extra .50.
Hope this clarifies things.
We can still make ecoupons work for us, just have to be a bit more creative. :)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Walgreens deals I scored tonight
Well, obviously I made time tonight to hit Walgreens so I could score on the $3.50 money maker on Chex mix I just posted about. While there, I also scored the following deals:
5 Chex Mix $1.33 each - $1 Joy of Football Booklet from Randalls - $1.65 Walgreens mthly booklet = FREE
1 Omega Fish Oil $10 - $2 IP(warning this coupon prints HUGE)= $8
1 Nature Finest 7 day vitamins $1.99 - $1.99 instantly (free wyb any other vitamins, ie the fish oil)
5 Gas X prevention $4.86 -$4 insert 12-12 SS = $4.30
1 Maalox Advanced $5.99 - $5 insert 1-9 SS =.99
1 Mrs Baird bread 2.89
-$15 in RR (the Nature Finest acted as 1 filler, the bread as another)
Cost oop : $1.18
Earned $3.50 for buying 5 Chex Mix, $10 REBATE for buying the fish oil(this is limit 1 per household unless you live in RI, then the limit is 2), $10 for buying $30 worth of Gas X, Maalox, Prevacid or Ex Lax
So final tally : $15 + $1.18 + .44 stamp - $3.50 -$10 - $10 = $6.88 profit!
AND very important message I found out by accident
I had to go to Wags today because I had a $5 and $10 RR. My $10 was from doing the Maalox deal two weeks ago at Walgreens I posted about here. Well, I got distracted and did 1 transaction instead of splitting these up and guess what, it ROLLED!!!!!! Woo HOO!!!!!!!
*If you still have a lot of the $5 Maalox coupons you can do a HOT deal with just buying Maalox to reach $30 (buy 7 of the $4.34 liquid and use 6 $5 coupons for +$9 money maker, I only have 4 coupons left but TONS of Gas X so I did my scenario to maximize my return :)
5 Chex Mix $1.33 each - $1 Joy of Football Booklet from Randalls - $1.65 Walgreens mthly booklet = FREE
1 Omega Fish Oil $10 - $2 IP(warning this coupon prints HUGE)= $8
1 Nature Finest 7 day vitamins $1.99 - $1.99 instantly (free wyb any other vitamins, ie the fish oil)
5 Gas X prevention $4.86 -$4 insert 12-12 SS = $4.30
1 Maalox Advanced $5.99 - $5 insert 1-9 SS =.99
1 Mrs Baird bread 2.89
-$15 in RR (the Nature Finest acted as 1 filler, the bread as another)
Cost oop : $1.18
Earned $3.50 for buying 5 Chex Mix, $10 REBATE for buying the fish oil(this is limit 1 per household unless you live in RI, then the limit is 2), $10 for buying $30 worth of Gas X, Maalox, Prevacid or Ex Lax
So final tally : $15 + $1.18 + .44 stamp - $3.50 -$10 - $10 = $6.88 profit!
AND very important message I found out by accident
I had to go to Wags today because I had a $5 and $10 RR. My $10 was from doing the Maalox deal two weeks ago at Walgreens I posted about here. Well, I got distracted and did 1 transaction instead of splitting these up and guess what, it ROLLED!!!!!! Woo HOO!!!!!!!
*If you still have a lot of the $5 Maalox coupons you can do a HOT deal with just buying Maalox to reach $30 (buy 7 of the $4.34 liquid and use 6 $5 coupons for +$9 money maker, I only have 4 coupons left but TONS of Gas X so I did my scenario to maximize my return :)
HOT Money maker on Chex Mix - today only - Sunday 1-23
Today only, you can score a really HOT deal on Chex Mix at Walgreens.
They are currently on sale for3/$3.99. There is a coupon in the monthly booklet that will take .99 off each back bringing your price down to $3. IF you are fortunate to have found the new Joy of Football booklets at Safeway, there are $1 coupons inside, making your out of pocket $0!!!!
Well, today is the last day of a catalina deal they have going:
Buy 3 get $1.50
Buy 4 get $2.50
Buy 5 or more get $3.50
So, you an buy 3-5 for a profit in register rewards.
If you don't have the Joy of Football booklets, we did get some .50/2 or $1/2 inserts in 1-2 GM
Kroger New Online Game and Mega Sale coming Wednesday!
Kroger has added a new daily giveaway game to their website. Just go here to sign up and play. You can play daily and the instant prizes are for free items that also happen to be part of the upcoming mega sale. If you win, the coupon will be automatically added to your Kroger card for redemption on your next visit. For those of you that have Kroger ads that change on Sunday, your sale starts TODAY. For those of my readers in Texas and LA, our sale will start on Wednesday (that should give me plenty of time to get the matchups done).
Let me know if you win on the instant win game. I won the Nestle tollhouse cookies (for my moms card). Limit 2 prizes per card holder.
If you would like to see what products are on the official list, just go here.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
American Eagle - $5 off $5 or more purchase
Alright, while I normally would not post pictures of underwear, I thought this was a pretty good deal.
Remember me talking about Shopkick on this post?
Well, American Eagle Outfitters is one of their advertisers and they are offering a $5 off $5 purchase through tomorrow! I stopped in the store to get my 35 Shopkick points and scoured the clearance racks. Right now, they are offering an additional 30% off all clearance. So, with the $5 off and the 30% savings, I scored 3 pair of undies for just $1.31!
I also noticed they had some nice boxer shorts for cheap ($7.95 x .70 = $5.56 - $5 = .56 + tax)
Shopkick also has other promotional offers for stores AND the more shopkick bucks you earn, the more free goodies you can get. Make sure to check out my original post here. I have already earned enough to cash out for a $5 gift card to Best Buy, Target, American Eagles, Arden, Wet Seal or Sports Authority. Just make sure you use the code Apple3101 to get you started with 50 kickbucks.
Remember me talking about Shopkick on this post?
Well, American Eagle Outfitters is one of their advertisers and they are offering a $5 off $5 purchase through tomorrow! I stopped in the store to get my 35 Shopkick points and scoured the clearance racks. Right now, they are offering an additional 30% off all clearance. So, with the $5 off and the 30% savings, I scored 3 pair of undies for just $1.31!
I also noticed they had some nice boxer shorts for cheap ($7.95 x .70 = $5.56 - $5 = .56 + tax)
Shopkick also has other promotional offers for stores AND the more shopkick bucks you earn, the more free goodies you can get. Make sure to check out my original post here. I have already earned enough to cash out for a $5 gift card to Best Buy, Target, American Eagles, Arden, Wet Seal or Sports Authority. Just make sure you use the code Apple3101 to get you started with 50 kickbucks.
Friday, January 21, 2011
CVS run tonight
I finally had a chance to hit CVS tonight armed with my raincheck for the Finish deal from last week. I also wanted to show on my second picture, that sometimes deals are just waiting in the open for you. If you notice the toothpaste, you can see it is marked 2.99 with a $2 ECB so a final cost of .99. Well, CVS was nice enough to have a $1 blinkie placed directly in front of the toothpaste making it FREE.
Here is how my scenario worked out:
7 Finish @ 3 (with raincheck) - 7 $2.25 insert 1-2 SS = $5.25
2 Listerine Total care $3.79 each - $3/2 CRT(from the coupon machine) - $2 insert 10-10 RP = .58
2 Colgate prohealth $2.99 each - $1 blinkies = 3.98
1 gallon milk $3.49
-25% CVS coupon (took off .88 for the milk since everything else didn't qualify)
-$10 ECBS
Cost oop: $2.56
Earned $10 for the Finish (again due to raincheck)
$2 for Listerine ($1 per bottle, limit 2)
$4 for Crest ($2 per tube, limit 2)
So final tally $12.56 - $ 16 = $3.44 moneymaker!
*TIP - ALWAYS ask for a raincheck when CVS is sold out of ECB items. They NEVER expire and it gives you time to order coupons if you don't have them already.
Randalls run - Free Cards, Bear, etc
Made a quick hop into Randalls today and scored some goodies.
I posted about the Hallmark card deal already but will report for you new folks to my blog. Currently, you can score a $5 oynso catalina wyb 3 Hallmark cards (99c cards do not apply, but 1.49 ones do)
Well, I also found these cute little teddy bears at ths store. The tag on their ear says free wyb 3 cards!!!! Woo Hoo, double play.
Here is what my transaction looked like:
3 Hallmark cards $1.49 each = $4.47
1 teddy bear = FREE
1 Nabisco Big bag nutter butters .99 - .50 tearpad(found at gas station) = FREE
4 BC fruit snacks $1.49 each wyb at least 3 - .50/2 insert 1-2 RP - 2 .50/2 cellfire = $3.96
But earns $2 oynso for buying 4.
-$5 from prior Hallmark deal
Cost oop: $3.80, earned another $5 and a $2.00 so final cost $1.80 oop
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Coupon Seminar on January 29th
I seem to have a lot of people inquirying about the coupon class I posted about last week.
If you missed it, my friend Courtney and I will be hosting a coupon class on Saturday Jan. 29th in the Champions area of Houston. If you are interested in attending, go to the original post to get the details and to sign up. Spots are filling up!
We will be sending out emails in the next week with information on parking and what you can bring with you if you like.
If you missed it, my friend Courtney and I will be hosting a coupon class on Saturday Jan. 29th in the Champions area of Houston. If you are interested in attending, go to the original post to get the details and to sign up. Spots are filling up!
We will be sending out emails in the next week with information on parking and what you can bring with you if you like.
Bogo Vitamin Water IP has been adding new coupons so often, I have had a hard time keeping up!
You will probably want to head over there and print the bogo vitamin water coupon. These often go on sale at Kroger during their Mega Sales and make for FREE Vitamin water or sometimes we get paid to buy them, woo hoo!
Other coupons I see with potential.
.75 Shake N Bake
$3 Amerigas cylinder exchange (my husband uses these to brew his beer)
$3 Similac infant formula(no size restrictions, I think? my printer just crashed)
Kraft 2% Cheese Singles $1 IP
Freebirds Rolling back Pricing - Today Only - Thursday Jan 20
All you lucky ducks that are near a Freebirds(still waiting for a Sugar Land location guys!!!!) might consider heading to Freebirds for lunch or dinner today.
In celebration of their 20 year anniversary, Freebirds is offering their burritos at 1991 prices! Go in today and get a Freebird for only $4.20 TODAY only.
Limit 1 per Fanatic card holder. Guess I know where my husband will be having lunch(dang him for working near a Freebirds)
Free Photobook for Customers
Are you a customer? If you ordered their Groupon I talked about a few months back, then yes you can say you are.
Well, today in my email I got notice that Snapfish is offering a free 8 x 11 photo book for customers. Just use the code SOAPBOOK at checkout and all you will have to do is pay shipping (looks like $6.99)
This is valid until Jan 22 or while supplies last!
Just go to by HP
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
BestLife Butter Spread free at Kroger
Right now at Kroger, Bestlife Buttery Spread is on sale for $1.
You can get it for free with this IP or the insert from 1-2 SS.
Thanks reader Patricia
Other things you should be able to snag for free at Kroger right now:
Carefree liners $1 - $.50 IP or .50 insert 1-9 SS (doubled)
Colgate toothpaste $1 - .50 insert 1-2 SS
You can get it for free with this IP or the insert from 1-2 SS.
Thanks reader Patricia
Other things you should be able to snag for free at Kroger right now:
Carefree liners $1 - $.50 IP or .50 insert 1-9 SS (doubled)
Colgate toothpaste $1 - .50 insert 1-2 SS
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