Here is a picture of the Randalls Pharmacy booklet I found that has a $2/4 coupon for Kleenex in it. Really good deal when combined with sale and catalina of $1 oynso wyb 4 Kleenex.
This booklet also has a $1.50/2 Progresso coupon that would go great for anyone with loadables still.
i was wondering if you know anything about the blog site "its hip to save". it was working fine last thursday but since then the site says the blogger you are looking for can not be found or something similar to those words. i was just wondering if you knew anything about it, or if hip to save changed the name of her blog. i am confused. please help.
Lisa, I also answered this in the Target cocoa comments.
I do not know that blogger personally, but did find this information. It seems blogger has flagged her as spam and she is working to resolve the issue. Go here for more details: http://hip2save.com/
Also, the above url I posted will direct you to her temporary blog home here: http://hip2saveisstillhere.blogspot.com/
Thanks for posting this photo ZM, it really helps to have a visual. ow I will know what to look for when I stop at Randall's.
I am thrilled to have just found your blog. Where did you get this booklet? At the pharmacy? Thanks.
Yes, I found this booklet on the counter at the pharmacy. Glad you found my blog. :)
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