Anyway, I was reading a little ahead(something I don't do too often this time of year because I am so busy with other things) and I saw that Kellogg's Corn Flakes will be on sale next week for $.99 a box when you buy 4 at Randalls. Well, lucky for us, there are really good printables for these right now. You might want to go here and here and print in case they reach their limit, or they take them down. Right now both sites have a printable for $1.50/2 boxes. They also both have a printable for $1.50 off your favorite store brand coffee wyb 3 boxes.
According to the ad, the limit on the Corn Flakes is 20. Depending on how many computers you have, this could turn into a very VERY good deal. (If you don't have but one computer, there are also $1.50/3 boxes of cereal coupons on both sites)
I plan on doing the following(ad says you must buy 4, not increments of 4):
10 boxes Kelloggs Corn Flakes .99 each = $9.90
- 5 coupons $1.50/2 boxes = - $7.50
Total cost $2.40
I am then eligible to send in for the $10 Kellogg's Calendar of savings rebate(limit 8 per household-if you can't find these forms, I know there are still traders on HCW that have these)
Profit of $7.60! I might use the 3 $1.50 off store brand coffee wyb 3 cereals if I can find a cheap enough bag of Safeway coffee(not sure if they sell 1 lb bags?)
Also, before I go, I will be sure to check out Cellfire as they will reset on Tuesday and I might be able to score more freebies with loadables and printables combined.
Thanks SlickCate for the heads up.
both sites said limit reached after just printing once..grrrrr!!
My 11/08 RP had $1 off any ONE Kellogg's (Crispix, all bran, rice krispies, and corn flakes). I had 6 coupon inserts- 6 FREE boxes.
Oh...forgot to mention that I am in DFW area.
The store brand coffee coupon code appears as $1.50 off wyb 3 Kellogg's product.
So if you purchase 4 Kellogg's use 2 $1.50/2, you will not be able to use $1.50 off coffee, coz you will need 3 more Kellogg's items? I am just guessing by the code that it will beep.
anonymous- I used the 2 of the $1.50/3 coupons and the $1.50 off store-brand coffee coupon during the Kroger 50% Kellogg's sale and it didn't beep. May be the store- or maybe she pushed it through but I had no problems using it.
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