CVS has updated their coupon policy to the couponers benefit I think.
Their prior policy did not really go into much detail on the usage of Buy One Get One coupons on a Buy one get one sale, nor did it discuss using 2 coupons on a bogo sale. Since it was not in the policy before, it was left to the managers discretion to determine how to handle these conditions.
Well, the good news for us is they now expressly say what is and is not allowed in these situations and I think you are gonna like the results.
Check it out here and be sure to print the policy to carry with you as some stores managers might not be up to date on the current changes. I have been fortunate to not run into these issues in my stores, but I know several readers who have not been so lucky.
I also really love that they are now stating you can use more than 1 $/$$ coupon in a single transaction rather than having to break them up. Ex: if you have 2 $3 off $15, you can have a single $30 purchase and use both!
I just wish their wording was a bit more clear on the usage of coupons on clearance items. They don't expressly state that and I still have one store that refuses said usage, hopefully that will change in the near future. Enjoy.
Thanks Betty for sending me the update in PM :D
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ahhhh the madness will start again! I remeber when they let you use more than one $/$$....ohhh the good old days!
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