Please recall my Kroger store doubles 3 like coupons up to .50 and triples 3 like coupons up to .39.
Here is my breakdown:
3 Healthy Choice entrees(one not pictured because it was lunch) @ $1.85
2 Healthy Choice Entrees @ $1.93
-$5/5 loadable - $5/5 IP (beeps)= -$.59
3 Smuckers grape squeezable $2.09 each - $2.50/3 loadable - .35 tearpad = $0.62
3 Oikos yogurt $1 each - $1 insert 1-3 SS = FREE
1 Celery $1.49 (not pictured,dropped off at the school)
Tax: -.41
Cost oop: $1.11
I don't see the $2.50/3 for Smuckers anywhere on Kroger's site? Also thanks for letting us know about those loadables, didn't know they were there!
one more ? - when does the Healthy choice and yogurt sales end?
where do you find the tearpads
Ashley, I loaded the Smuckers coupon a while back so maybe it is no longer available for load?(doesn't expire until Jan 31)
Healthy Choice was shelf price, not sale and yogurt sale ends 27th I believe
Anon, my mom found the tearpads(I believe at HEB, but am not certain)
Looks like i am going to have some coupons i don't need is there an exchange/give away anybody knowsabout
i live in 529 barker area
blehhh on the yogurt! do not get the honey!!
I did the Healthy Choice deal yesterday and my $5 Kroger loadable did NOT come off at the register. I called customer service but they said I had to submit a complaint online through Kroger's website. I am currently waiting to hear back from them. They did take my $5 off printed coupon that I had - after taking it over to customer service & making sure it was legit I guess. Such a pain!
Did you scan your card before or after your coupons?
In what section did you find the yogurt?
Anon, this yogurt is with the organic milk at my store.
Chris - the card was scanned before the coupons. Still haven't heard anything back by the way...
I didn't have my cards but had the cashier type in my phone number before each transaction. Both times the $5 healthy choice didn't come off, argh!! I came home and checked again and it's verified that allegedly they on my card. Now to go email kroger for $10 back! I never ever have luck w/any e qs at kroger.
Yay! I was able to get the yogurt and healthy choice free. Thanks for the tip!
Healthy Choice deal worked!!! Loved it, made my day. I love FREE stuff.
I did mine at U-scan and didn't have my card with me, so I typed in my number and it worked. Sorry to everyone this is not working on. :(
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