Cottonelle Team Over
Which way do you do your toilet paper?
by leaving a comment on my post you will be entered to win 1 of 10 Cottonelle gift baskets randomly chosen on January 29, 2010 from all entries.
I am entering a contest for a month's worth of Cottonelle toilet paper as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club
For sure Over. I even find myself getting agravated when I see it rolled under :O)
I dont pay attention to that, i guess if i had to pick i would say over.
lol. I'll be the weird one and say under
Under .. over never seems right to me.
I prefer it to go over.
over it is!
Over!! The only way to go!!
Its got to be OVER!
For sure over! Thanks! :)
Why are we even having this discussion. Over. That's the only choice.
OVer for sure!
Over :-)
under. if we roll over, the kitties tend to UNroll it! naughty kitties!
UNDER! that's easier.
I have found that with little people around (2yr old) under works better, it takes him longer to get it going and he usually gives up before long. I really prefer over though.
It has to be over!
I am on roll over and it is always that way because no one in my house seems to know how to put the roll on the holder! They would rather just leave it on the counter!
Always over, have to change it when someone at home puts in on to go under. Thank you for the chance to enter.
under and over, however it ends up!
Over, over, over...if I find it under I switch it.
under for sure!
It's over of course.
Funny thing - we had this discussion while visiting family over the holiday - before this started.
Gotta be over! It is a pet peeve of mine if its not over, not only does everyone in the house know about it but I have to change it to be right! Trust me everyone now knows you must "Do the Right Thing" with the TP
Silly question...over, of course!
Team over!
OVER and if it's under at your house I will change it w/out asking b/c it's just NOT right!!
I think I am doing well if I remember to put it in the roll...
Def over!! Thanks for the chance.
I knew my husband and I were meant to be when we both agreed on OVER!!!
Over is the only option in our hosue.
My kids and I are over the top. My DH is an under. We have been known to change it around when my DH is the one to replace the roll!
Over! Drives me crazy when someone refills the paper under!
It's usually under, but I don't mind either way.
Over !!!
When my hubby changes the roll, which is hardly ever.. he never puts it on right, so then I have to flip it over to over.
It didn't matter to me at all before I married. As long as it's on the roll, does it matter? My husband was aghast when he found out that I sometimes put it on with the paper coming from the back instead of the top. I still don't get it. Oh well. :)
Over is the only way!! :)
leahrockwell (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm an over so of course I would merry an under!
Under is the way to go.....
usually over (force of habit) but every once in a while "under" just for a change!
Under in my opinion ...
Definitely it has to roll over!
Over, for sure!
Definitely over the top - cannot convince my family of this though!!
I used to not pay attention until a friend told me I put the roll on wrong. Now I an deffinately Team Over!!! I think about it everytime I see one rolled under!
over and it looks like Texas is over for majority rule.
member (dot) thao (at)
Over, definitely! And I'll change it if BF does it any other way :)
I roll over :)
Ok so I must be one of the odd balls and say "under".
Over, Red Rover!
I am happy if it is put on the roll but I prefer over.
definitely over...
Definitely over.
What a fun way to start the day. Reading the comment has definitly put a smile on my face. It is so fun how such a small detail can truly affect our household.
In our family, it is Over all the time. I never grab a roll without looking at the seam, to make sure I put it on right.
Thanks for the Great Giveaway. Free toilet paper is always welcome in my house.
Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.
Definately over, who likes to search for the fisrt sheet?
Over! Over! Over! But to be hones, I am just happy when the kids put it on the roll!!
Over. I hate when it gets put on the wrong way!
Over. But, actually most of the time it sits on top of the empty roll until I DO IT.
I don't care, as long as someone puts a roll on there.
Over 100%!
I always go with "over" because when they had the cute colorful flowers on tp in the US--if you put the roll on under the flowers ended up being upside down. Thanks for a chance at winning.
Definitely on the over team
Over in our house...
I roll "over".. but am now second guessing that because of the video. the guy was talking about kids playing with the TP, and when its "over" they pull and spin and alot is wasted.. if you try tthe "under" aproach then the spinning just rolls it up.. unless they spin it up then it would defeat that purpose.. but it sounds better to roll under now, if you have small kids
OVER, because less is wasted.
OVER! There's no other way!
I choose over - easier to find the end in the dark :)
Over. Under just doesn't look right!
For sure over!
I prefer over, and of course DH disobeys me and goes under! My OCD comes out at times :)
definitely over!
no specific way, just however it gets put in, is fine with me.
Definitely OVER!
I voted Team Under :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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