Here is the breakdown of what I got this round:
2 Pulls Ups clearanced for $3.19 - $2 printable(no longer avail.) - $1.50 homemailer
1 Vitamin conditioner $3.99 (earns $4 RR)
4 Kelloggs pop tarts $ 2 each - 2 $1/2 insert 8-2 (these are going to a friend)
8 Skippy peanut butter $2 each - 4 $1/2 insert 8-2 RP
1 Cheez Its $2 - .75 printable
4 Kelloggs rice krispie treats $2 each - 2 $1/2 insert 8-2
1 Corn Pops and 1 Raisin Bran $2.50 each - 2 $1 peelies
$35.12 (I messed up with my math BIG time on this one and didn't need to get so much, lol)
-$5/25 = 30.12
Tax $.15
Total oop $30.27 but got back
$4 RR for Vitamin conditioner, $5 for Kelloggs items, $2 for Kelloggs cereal, $10 for Skippy peanut butter and will get another $10 check for the Kelloggs rebate so
$30.27 - $4 RR - $5 RR - $2 RR - $10 RR - $10 = -.73
So after my stamp, pretty much got everything free.
There are certainly better ways to do this promo, but I really wanted peanut butter and Raisin Bran. The rest of the items are for friends and family.
The good news is Walgreens extended the $5/25 coupon through Saturday, so you still have time to go out and get some good deals!
*Make sure if you purchase the Kelloggs items for the rebate, that you keep the UPCS. Don't donate or giveaway, until you have those UPCs for your rebate.
Where are all these clearanced Pullups? I'm in the Clear Lake area and couldn't even find any when they first went on clearance. I'm in desperate need of cheap ones right now - I only have about $5 to get me through next Friday and I'm almost out!
Lil, I am finding these at several Walgreens around me but they are on the regular shelf unmarked. I have noticed the count for 4t-5t needs to be 19 and the 3t-4t needs to be 23. I just have the cashier scan to check the price.
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