It has been confirmed!
Kroger Southwest region(Texas and Louisiana) will be doubling coupons up to and including $1. There is a limit of 1 like coupon per transaction, but this has the potential to be a GREAT chance to get some FREEBIES! I will be maintaining a list of items that should be free after coupons. This list will be posted on HCW
here. It will be a work in progress but might not have much posted until after Tuesday when the new ad breaks and we know what prices will be for the new week. Stay tuned for updates!
I am completely jealous of your Kroger. Mine hasn't even tripled
.35 in years and years and only doubles up to .50
What about those coupons that specifically state " Not subject to Doubling"?
This will be a great promotion.
Alex, if the coupons start with a 5, the computer will double them automatically. It is up to your cashier to catch these and override the system.
I was looking at the form, I know blue is free, but what is the yellow coding ZM?
I know, I need to add a key to my list, lol.
Yellow is for "Caution"- DO NOT go to the store without adding your loadables, lol
The loadable coupons will also double?
Ruthie, no the loadables will not double or triple, but you can use paper coupons with them for added savings. Remember also, loadables are one time use only!
LOL Caution :-) that made may day! Couponing sure can be like that at times!!
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