Sorry for the limited posts. I went on vacation (an amazing cruise) and just got back yesterday. I am exhausted and happy to be home. I will start back up to shopping tommorrow and hopefully regular posting to the blog again. I am also, trying to get to all the comments that you guys left during my absence.

Save $3 instantly at checkout*when you buy $15 worth of HUGGIES Products at participating Kroger stores, 5/17/09 through 5/30/09!
Mix and match from the entire HUGGIES Brand.
*with your Shopper's Card. All items must be purchased in the same transaction. Limit two per transaction.
Cellfire just added new coupons and there is a loadable for $1 off any package of Huggies Diapers which will be GREAT with this promo. Don't forget to add these to your card before you go to the store, or from your cellphone in the store!
I'm going to do the Pull-Up deal like this:
$8.99 x 2 =$17.98
- $3 promo
- 2 x $5.00 manufacturer q's (got as a homemailer last week)
- 2 x $2.00 Shortcuts q's (two different q's, one for May, one for June)
= .98 for two packs of Pull-Ups
Then I will send off for the Caregivers Rebate for .75 cents each pack.
So over all it will be a .52 cent MM
Thank you for the excellent scenario Courtney. I have not even thought about it, just saw the promo while checking my email. I will have to see if I have those home mailers!
I just bought $15 of Huggies at Kroger in NW Houston today and the $3 did not come off. How do you check to see which ones are participating?
Anonymous, what items did you buy? The email that we got says 'all huggies products'.
Can you buy a pack of wipes or something to get the total up?
Courtney, the travel size wipes are on closeout for $1.09
Chau, I have not been to Krogers this week yet (gasp)! Yes I was going to buy a pack of wipes.
ZM, thank you for the tip on the closeout wipes, I'll have to check them out. Do you know if they count twords the $15?
I just look at the ad today and it said $7.49 after the $3 instant off wyb 2. The regular price is $8.99 so your initial scenario should work.
Thank you :) I saw that too and deleted my post, LOL!
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