1 Nivea Sun Kissed Beautiful Legs lotion $9.99
1 Nivea body wash $5.99 - free coupon
1 Bayer Contour monitor $14.99 - free coupon
Used $8 in ECBs and $2.13 on my gift card(earned from kiddos scripts)
Got back $5 for Nivea, spend $15, get $5
and $5 for Bayer Contour
So total cost was $0.13 for something I was getting anyway, and got free bodywash as a bonus!
new to katy. where should i start? randall's, target or kroger? where are the best deals? and what sunday paper should i subscribe to? THANKS!
Jenna, welcome!
There is only one local newspaper these days and it is the Houston Chronicle.
Email me about the stores because it is far too much to write on the comments:
catladyfour4 @ yahoo . com
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