18 Suave bodywash $2 each* = $38
1 Suave bodywash free wyb 2(this is a one time per transaction promotion, I didn't know this was gonna come off)
1 Halls naturals $1.25
1 Fuze $1.25
8 Snapple $1.25 each
1 Bertolli pasta sauce $3.29(this one rang up wrong and I didn't notice until I got home)
4 Digiorno pizzas @ 5.49 each
2 Red Baron singles @ 3 each
1 Nutripals bar @ $2(not part of either promo, but I have $2 coupons so free)
Total $81.75
- 8.18 (10% discount) - 12(6 $2/3 Suave coupons) - 1 (.50/1 Suave coupon) - 1 (.50 Halls coupon) - .75 (.25 Fuze q) - 6.76(4 bogo snapple tearpad-they took 1.69 off each) - $1 (Bertolli blinkie) - 4 (2 $2/2 Digiorno tearpad) - $1.50 (1.50/2 Red Baron home mailer) - $2 Nutripals - $15 (3 $5 promo for 30 items) = 28.56
I used $26 in catalinas I had from the Ozarka and paid $2.61 in cash
I earned the $10 catalina for the frozen food promo
*The Suave was marked $1.50 on the shelf and $1 after promo but rang up $2 each so I had to go to the service desk and get my money back on those. So 17 x .50(difference in price) + $2(scan right guarantee) + tax back = $11.21 returned to me in cash
If I have calculated right then
I spent $2.61 (cash) + $26 (cats) = 28.61 and got back
$11.21 (cash) + 10(cats) = 21.21 so total cost today was $7.40
Since I love Digiorno pizza, I can live with that!
I can vouch for the 'confusing' part of the sale. I attempted to do this deal this evening (before I saw this post). I made it more complicated than it needed to be and left frustrated, knowing that there is a lot more for me to learn before I deem myself a 'coupon expert' like you!!
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