My blog has earned the following award. Thanks Shbrighteyes!
Here are the rules: List 7 things that you love(in no particular order) and then pass the award on to 7 people...tagging them and letting them know they won! You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole wide world web know you are Kreativ!
1. I love Chick-fil-A
2. I love coupons and rebates
3. I love all movies with Johnny Depp
4. I love 80's music and covers of 80's songs
5. I love the sound of my children's laughter
6. I love my husband's sense of humor
7. I love that I have local coupon friends to share my finds with
I will pass this awesome award onto:
1. jane4girls (Thanks for all your blogging help)
2. retailanarchy (Thanks for the humor you bring to my inbox)
3. commonsensewithmoney (For having a great one stop shopping list blog)
4. couponingaddict (For being one crazy couponer!)
5. justfrugalicious (For showing I can teach :))
Thanks so much, I am in the same boat....I hardly have time to post what I post! :) But, it feels good to get the award! I need to get better at a lot of things -- this is one of them! Thanks for sharing, ZM!
woohoo ZM thanks for the award... too bad i dont have anyone to send it to other than u and erin, lol. thats all i ever look at.
Hi Zoeys_mom,
Thank you so much for the award. I really appreciate it.
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