3 Sobe Life Water $1 - .50 hangtags doubled
2 Tropicana Orange juice $2.69 each - $1/2 insert 1-4 RP
3 French's mustard $1.49 - .50 doubled 1-18 SS
3 Green Giant Veggie Steamers $1.49 - .50 doubled 1-4 GM
6 Glade aerosol $.96 each - $1/2 insert 1-11 SS
3 Franks hot sauce $1.49 - .35 tripled 1-18 SS and earlier insert?
-10 for mega deal= $1.22
3 Franks hot sauce $1.49 - .35 tripled 1-18 SS and earlier insert?
3 French's worchestershire closeout priced .79 - .50 doubled 1-18SS(adjusted to price)
1 Sobe Life Water $1 - .50 hangtags doubled
3 French's mustard $1.49 - .50 doubled 1-18 SS
1 Green Giant Veggie Steamers $1.49 - .50 doubled 1-4 GM
1 Philly Cream cheese $1.49 - $1 home mailer
1 Kraft cheese $1.99 - .75 blinkie
1 Quaker Quakes $1 - $1 insert 1-18 RP
- $5 mega saver = $0.01 OOP
That is correct, I paid 1 penny for THIS transaction. This one was made up on the spot at the store because they were out of Glade when I got there so I had to improvise.
I am showing these transactions to show how many ways there are to do these. Sure I don't need the mustard, Frank's or Glade, but if it will get me cheese for .01 and Tropicana Orange juice for .61 each then I will find homes for the condiments later.
I also found some Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo on clearance for $1.50. There was $1 coupons in the 12-7 RP but I didn't have it with me so I went ahead and got it without a coupon GASP!
Also, the Mauna Loa Milk Chocolate Macademia Nuts were on sale for $2 and in the easy saver, there was a coupon for $3 off when you buy 2. With that coupon, they are only .50 a bag (thanks goes to happysoul at HCW for this find) so I threw in 3 to get my total above $10. Total paid on gift card: $.58.
Are YOU using EXPIRED coupons?
That is NOT the correct WAY!!!
The Philly Cream CHeese expired on 12-31-08!!!!
Wow Anon, it must feel good to try to put a couponer down while staying anonymous. Well before you go trying to call someone out perhaps you should check the coupon database to confirm what coupons are currently out.
I received these coupons for doing the Philadelphia cream cheese houseparty. I gave several out to my party and kept a few for myself and they do not expire until 12-31-2009. BUT I know since you are too cowardly to post your name, you will probably not take my word for it. Good thing I have one coupon left and a digital camara:
I'm still laughing at your GASP Zm! :)
anon, before you jump to assumptions, you might want to check before you post something. The coupons zm is using are from the Philly House Party. I have some of the EXACT coupons and they expire 12-31...that part you are correct...but in 2009!!!
so double check your information before you make comments insinuating something.
I think they have philly envy ... its amazing the reaction some get to cream cheese. :P
What a dumb@$$!! LOL.
Wow anonymous!!! By-the-way, even if they were expired, there are some stores that will take them anyway. (They are few [the stores that do] but they ARE some that do take expireds)
So the "correct way" for some stores is not the same as for others!
WOW! What an idiot. I guess some people are just jealous of all the money we are saving with our coupons. How sad! Anonymous you should be ashamed of yourself!!
There are homemailer cpns for $1.25 off the tropicana juice. I got my book about 3 wks ago.
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