I had a $3 catalina from Randalls expiring today so I had to go shopping. The Juicy Juice is on sale for $2.50 right now and Randalls has a promo going on too. If you purchase 5 juices in one transaction, the register will take off $5 instantly. Pair this with the $1 coupons that came out this past Sunday and that would make the Juicy Juice $0.50 a piece. The Yakisoba are on sale for $1 and we got $0.35 coupons this past weekend that tripled making it free. I threw in the can of kidney beans so I could use my $3 catalina and I paid an out of pocket of only $0.10! AND all 5 of the Juicy Juice have box tops for education on them, so I just earned my kiddos school another $0.50. If you want to take advantage of this juice promo, hurry because it ends on Jan. 13th. Also included in the promo is Tree Top, Ocean Spray, Capri Sun and Motts. Each has a different price so you may need to check your local ad paper for prices.

I had to make another trek out to Walgreens because I read about a really great money maker deal on the South Beach Living bars.(Thanks goes to
nessy at HCW) Walgreens has these on sale right now for $2.50 and there was a link for a $2 printable coupon(sorry link is dead now) that was allowing you to print unlimited. In the easysaver catalog, Walgreens has a rebate for Kraft food products. Purchase $15 worth and get $5 rebate back. That breaks down as follows
6 boxes @ $2.50 = $15
6 coupons @$2 = -$12
Cost: $3 but earns $5(actually $5.50 if you get it added to Walgreens gift card).
I had to go to 2 Walgreens to get this deal as the first store I went to only had 2 South Beach bars left. The first store I flubbed up and forgot to give the cashier my $1/2 coupons for my Reeses so I spent $4.53 from my gift card.(should have only been $1.53) I found a couple more Garnier on clearance for $2.19 so I grabbed those and some more $2.99 ones. I happened upon a tearpad for the Garnier right on the cardboard display. At the second store I was lucky enough to find more of the L'oreal makeup on clearance for $3.59 but remember it is buy one get one free this week. So that broke down as follows
4 Loreal @ 3.59 = 14.36
2 bogo sale =-7.18
4 coupons @3 = -12
Overage of $4.82
Also at the second Walgreens I found Glade candles (Dewberry scent) on clearance for $3.19. I had $2.50 coupons and there is an easysaver rebate for $1 back!(limit 4) I threw in some Cheetos for my dh(he begs me for these) and some chicken broth that I can always use. My total for all this was $0.48 paid with gift card.
So in summary for Walgreens tonight:
Spent $4.53 + .48 = $5.01 and will get back $5.50 from the Kraft rebate and $2.20 for the Glade candles
$5.01 - $5.50 - $2.20
PROFIT of $2.69 even with my mistake on the candy bars.
I hope I can find some of those Glade candle holders!! I have several more $2.50 qs I have to use also. Thanks for the tip!
glad to see you found the SBD with the bonus drink mix in them...yummy
I'm kicking myself over the juicy juice I had 8Qs and blew them all at Krogers .... :( So, were $1.53 each.
Oh well that'll teach me to wait!
if you got those ziploc vacs from right@home, they came with $3 Qs for the scented oil candles :)
thanks for the heads up on the yakisoba.. i saw the Qs for it and was like wtf is this! lol. but for free i'll try it! :P
Thanks for the juicy juice tip. Got DH to take me and he was very impressed. Said I had neat friends who had great ideas.
I went to Randall's yesterday knowing there was a sale on the juicy juice but had no idea what the price was going to be after Q's. I was in desperate need of juice around here anyway and was SO Happy for that and the $1 soft soap there this week.
This yakisoba stuff...that should be interesting. I agree with SI, I'll try it for FREE, lol.
SI: I did get the Ziploc and forgot that coupon book at home. That should teach all the readers NEVER leave your coupons at home, you never know what deal you will stumble upon!
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