Today I ventured into Walgreens and I am really glad I did! In the Walgreens ad they have it advertised that if you buy $20 worth of Dimetapp and/or Robitussin, you get $10 in Register Rewards, however, right now for every $20 you purchase, they are giving $20 in RR, so FREE(even before coupons). There are $2 printables for Robitussin as well as Dimetapp right now and they are both on sale for $4, so buy 5, and it breaks down like this
5 * $4 = $20
- 4 * $2 - $1 = $11 and earns $20! (most people with one computer will only be able to print 2 each of the $2 printables, thus my equation uses one $1 insert coupon)
If you think the Robitussin/Dimetapp is a GREAT deal, wait until I tell you about the Garnier! Certain Garnier conditioner/stylers are being clearanced out at $1.79 and $2.19 at Walgreens. There is an EasySaver Coupon for $2 off Garnier (the monthly rebate book found with the weekly ad at the front of the store). We also have multiple weeks we received $1 manufacturer coupons. If you give them the manufacturer coupon first, it will take off the $1, then the ESC will adjust to the price of the product if less than $2 or right at $2 if price is over! This gives the potential for $0.81-$1 OVERAGE per Garnier purchased!
AND Walgreens is clearancing out the holiday candy at 75% off. The Hershey kisses and Reeses bells are ringing up at .62 a bag! We got $1.50/3 coupons in the 11-16 SS so that makes them just .12 a bag after coupon. Use the Garnier overage to eat that cost! (To find the participating Holiday kisses, just look for the 3 dangling ornaments in the top left corner of the package) I was able to get Candy Cane, Special Dark, Caramel, Mint Truffle, regular and Hot Cocoa Hershey kisses and 3 bags of Reese's bells.
My total haul today was 5 Dimetapp, 5 Robitussin, 11 Garnier conditioners, 3 Reese's bells and 21 packages of Hershey Kissses. I spent $26.32 from my gift cards and got back $ 40 in Register Rewards! Also, one of the Robitussin I picked actually rang up $6.49 and I didn't notice, so I will exchange that tommorrow for one of the $4 ones for a refund of $2.49. So in tally I spent $ 24.32 and got back $40 in RR so an overall gain of $15.68 to take these items from Walgreens. Some of you probably are wondering what I am going to do with $40 in RR as they expire in two weeks! I will use at least $16 worth to buy regular groceries I would need anyway. I will use most the rest to purchase the free after rebate items to roll the money back onto my gift cards for the next great deal!
wow that was great. I love reading your blog. I got to head out to walgreens and see how I do.
Where can I get the $2.00 printables for the Robitussin?
The robitussin:
The dimetapp:
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