If you live in Ky, Mo, Tx or Va and you have time and patience to bother with it, AND if you are legal drinking age and IF your Walgreens will adjust coupons down. I noticed yesterday that the Popcorn, Indiana 3.5 and 4 oz bags is on sale this week for .99 at Walgreens(regular 1.99). I found $1 off tearpad coupons at CVS so I thought I would grab 7, check out and be on my way. Well, after the first coupon, they beeped and we assumed(cashier and I) it is because they say one per purchase and have apparantly been programmed to only allow one per transaction .So anyway, after two managers confirmed my fav cashier could override, I got 7 bags in 7 transactions So, if you have a nice Walgreens, have a CVS to get the coupons from, and live in one of the listed states and are of legal drinking age(they are from a beer company) then go get yourself some yummy FREE popcorn!
sweet! i LOVE this stuff. guess i'll be stopping at cvs on the way home.
could you please tell me where in the store you found the tearpad? i searched all over my nearest cvs last night looking for these, and my husband thought i was hilarious!going to try another cvs later.
My store had a beer display with the popcorn on display with it. That is where the tearpad was found. I found it at two cvs stores near me and I left some at both stores.
Jealous... this popcorn sells for no less than $5.49 per bag in Canada and I have yet to find a retailer that sells the Smoked Cheddar flavour either in Canada or that will ship to Canada. The States have all the best snacks!!
I LOVE THIS POPCORN!!! especially the kettle corn! I am eating it right now! looking for more coupons! Walmart has them on sale for .50 and I had a $1.00 coupon so I got paid .50 on each bag, but I only had 9 coupons! I want more!!!!!
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