6 bottles of wine reduced to $5 each - $3 10% off for purchasing 6 bottles = $27
Tide Stain release $6.99 - $3 loadable - $3 insert 5-2 P&G - $1 in ad Randalls coupon = -.01
1 Delimex taquitos $10.99 - 2 $3 shortcuts - $2 insert 4-11 SS = $2.99 (my dh got hooked!)
1 Minute Maid OJ $3.99 - $1.50 IP = $2.49 (I had a $1.50 loadable too, but it didn't come off)
1 Yoplait Fiber One yogurt $2 - $1 shortcuts- $1 homemailer = FREE
2 Precious Mozzarella cheese $3.99 each - $2 50% sticker - $1 booklet coupon = $1.98
1 Huggies Diapers $9.99 - 2 $3 loadable - $3 IP = .99!!!!!!!!! (I was not expecting 2 loadables to come off)
-$4 oynso and -$2 oynso (she wouldn't let me use more than one like)
Tax: $1.94
Cost oop: $31. 38 (seemed high to me but then I remembered $27 of it was wine!)
where are the Huggies and Minutemaid loadables from?
what Randalls do you usually find your deals?
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