Here is my breakdown:
12 Ziploc containers $1.99 each - $1.50/2 insert 5-16SS = $14.88
20 Chew Eez sticks .80 each - 5 $4/4 insert 5-16SS = -$4
1 Organic milk $4.99 - $1 tearpad = $3.99
2 Cover girl with 50% tag $3.64- 1.82 50% tag - bogo coupon insert 4-11 RP(3.64) = FREE
-$10 in oynso catalinas
Tax: -0.01
Cost out of pocket: $4.86
Earned back $12 in oynso. Makes my total cost $2.86 overall!
were the dog treats normally .80 cents? or are they on special?
Anon, that is a sale price, and I apologize but I forgot to check the end date.
Do you know the end date on the ziploc sale? Hopefully it will go into next week since I won't be back in town until Wednesday.
Couldn't find the chew-eze Q in the 05/16 SS. Looked in HCW database to see if the date was incorrect, but HCW doesn't list it at all. This was definitely 05/16SS?
Yes, 5-16SS. Coupon does not list or picture Chew Eez but says Save $4 on ANY 4 Purina dog treats.
Hi Stephanie
Thank you for this awesome post! Your hard work and willingness to help us save money is so great.
I need some adivice,
I went to Randells to do this deal along with getting cheap healthy choice meals with a $5 off 5 coupon (found at Krogers freezer section).
The cashier became worried because my total was getting so low and called over the manager. The manager told me that I can not use 2 of the same coupons in the same transaction and told me to put back some meals. I did not care because I knew I could just buy them at my regular store that I ussaly shop at. So I said okay to aviod a fight.
He told me that I had to buy the more expensive meals and I became to get angry because he obviously did not know his coupon policy. I told him no and that I was allowed to choose which meals I wanted. He whispered in the cashiers ear and allowed me to choose.
I also got the dog treats and got $2.60 in overage. I paid for my transaction and he quickly re-read my receipt after I paid and told me that I owed him $2.60 because the cashier took off to much with coupon.
I told him that his cashier did not triple my Muskteers .25 coupon and he became furious and told me that I should just return the items and he would give me the coupons back.
I became furious for him making a scene of my situation and I left the store with the items that I paid for without fixing the overage.
Was I right? Should I go back to this jerk manager? He made me feel like I was doing something wrong. is so interesting that you too recently had a bad experience like this. Today at the Randalls in Katy on Mason Road, I was told that I could not use my $1 coupons on the Nivea chapstick that I had a 10 for $10 raincheck on and that I could not use coupons on discounted items because I am already getting a good deal. Stephanie is a coupon policy printed somewhere or is it your experience that Randalls is like Walgreens that each manager can "make up their rules".
Qrazy, I believe the ziploc deal goes until mid June.
Anon#1: The manager sounds very unprofessional, unfortunately overage is not a right, it is a bonus we sometimes get. The overage he was right about, but he shouldn't have done it the way you explain. The Healthy Choice, he was wrong about. I would just try another store, or just attempt to avoid that manager in the future.
Anon #2: There is not a coupon policy posted except for IP's. I shop A Mason store in Katy and have not had a problem using coupons as long as it is the 50% tags and not the reduced meat tags. As long as they ring the actual barcode, you should be able to use coupons.
Does the Purina cpn beep? Thanks ZM.
Jenn, the coupon beeps and asks for cashier to enter price? Weird I know, but both stores had no problem entering $4 for each coupon.
the chew eez are on sale 8/$10 until june 18
Anon: You should post what happen at Randalls on Randalls Facebook fan page if they have one. I have did this twice with others stores and the store sent a message back to me both times within two days.
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